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 Objectives: Each student will be able to… Describe the different sources of energy available to generate electricity. Explain in general, how an electrical.

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Presentation on theme: " Objectives: Each student will be able to… Describe the different sources of energy available to generate electricity. Explain in general, how an electrical."— Presentation transcript:

1  Objectives: Each student will be able to… Describe the different sources of energy available to generate electricity. Explain in general, how an electrical generating plant works. Explain the pros and cons of each source of energy. Effective use proper research skills.

2  Instructions: Get assigned an energy source in class. Research that energy source using your books, periodicals, and the Internet. Take notes in your lab journal. Make a PowerPoint presentation that explains your energy source. Present your info to the class. Take notes in class on the Energy Sources Matrix.

3  Natural Gas  Petroleum  Coal  Nuclear (fission & fusion)  Hydroelectric  Geothermal  Wind  Solar Thermal  Photovoltaic  Biomass  Tidal  Fuel Cell  Wave Energy

4  Requirements: Explains how the source of energy is used to generate electricity. Include diagrams. Explains why the source of energy is a good source of energy for society. Pros! Explains why the source of energy is a poor source of energy for society. Cons! Shows pictures that illustrate the points above. PowerPoint is well organized including a title slide with your name. Demonstrates proper research skills including use of multiple sources and reliable web sites. Sources are cited. PowerPoint is presented clearly.

5  Other info: You will get three days in the library for research and to start your PowerPoint. After that you must arrange time on your own. Make sure you have a way to save your work so you can work in another location. Project is DUE THURSDAY

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