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National park Snæfellsjökull

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1 National park Snæfellsjökull

2 FLORA The ground of Snæfellsnes Peninsula is mostly porous, not retaining water. Nevertheless, there is a broad variety of plant habitats within the National Park – from its coast to its mountain peaks.

3 Flora Thick moss covers the lava
Flowers in sheltered nooks and crannies. Small birch and rowan grow in lava hollows. Among the rare plant species found in the area are wood millet and herb paris, which is protected. Ling is widespread and plenty of wild berries to be found 130 species of plants, out of the 16 species of fern found in Iceland, 11 grow here. Meadowsweets, geraniums and buttercups thrive well in the lava, Other types of wild flowers, ling, moss and rock growth Among the species found on the sands are red fescue, lyme grass, silverweed, meadow buttercup, bladder campion, wild thyme, moss campion and dandelion

4 FAUNA As may be expected, the Park’s birdlife is dominated by seabirds. Foxes, minks and field mice live in the area as well. During a walk along the coast you can expect to see seals – both the common seal and the grey seal – although not in large numbers. 

5 FAUNA Sea birds nest along the entire coast line
Guillemot, Brunnich’s guillemot, razorbill, fulmar, kittiwake, shag, black-backed gull, herring gull, seagull and lesser black-backed gull. Various small birds, including golden plover, whimbrel, meadow pipit, snow bunting and wheatear. Other common birds are white wagtail, oystercatcher, ringed plover, sandpiper, raven and ptarmigan Falcon and merlin are rare Various migrant birds that lay eggs further North, f.eks. turnstone, brent goose and robin. The arctic tern is the symbol of Snæfellsbær municipality Grey seals and harbour seals can be seen Small creatures in the pools on the beach, such as cochlea, amphipods and crabs. Foxes, minks and field mice live in the area as well. 

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