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Native and Non-native Wetland Plants Found in Utah.

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Presentation on theme: "Native and Non-native Wetland Plants Found in Utah."— Presentation transcript:

1 Native and Non-native Wetland Plants Found in Utah

2 Alnus incana gray alder Betula occidentalis water birch Salix willow Elaeagnus angustifolia Russian olive Cornus sericea redosier dogwood Populus fremontii Fremont cottonwood Acer negundo boxelder Populus tremuloides quaking aspen Woody plants

3 Spartina gracilis Trin. alkali cordgrass Verbena vervain Triglochin arrowgrass Polygonum bistortoides American bistort Campanula rotundifolia L. bluebell bellflower Ranunculus buttercup Schoenoplectus bulrush Non-woody plants

4 Typha latifolia broadleaf cattail Glyceria mannagrass Ceratophyllum hornwort Pedicularis groenlandica elephanthead lousewort Lemna minor common duckweed Phragmites australis common reed Asclepias milkweed Caltha leptosepala white marsh marigold Non-woody plants

5 Lysichiton americanus American skunkcabbage Carex sedge Juncus rush Calamagrostis reedgrass Potamogeton pondweed Salicornia pickleweed Aconitum monkshood Mentha arvensis wild mint Non-woody plants

6 Distichlis spicata saltgrass Lonicera involucrata. twinberry honeysuckle Deschampsia caespitosa tufted hairgrass Sparganium natans L. small bur-reed Nasturtium watercress Vicia americana American vetch Non-woody plants

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