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1 MHS 5340 Foundations of Career Development James P. Sampson, Jr. Florida State University Settings for Delivering Career Resources and Services.

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Presentation on theme: "1 MHS 5340 Foundations of Career Development James P. Sampson, Jr. Florida State University Settings for Delivering Career Resources and Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 MHS 5340 Foundations of Career Development James P. Sampson, Jr. Florida State University Settings for Delivering Career Resources and Services

2 2 Settings for Career Services School-to-Work –Tabloids –Career academies –Job shadowing –Technical training –Internships

3 3 Settings for Career Services School-to-Work –Vocational student organizations –School-based enterprises –Cooperative education –Career portfolios –Job fairs

4 4 Settings for Career Services School-to-Work –College preparation –Career Information Delivery Systems (CIDS) –Technical preparation –Youth apprenticeship

5 5 Settings for Career Services Elementary school –Awareness / work salience –Gender roles are major influence at this age –Parents remain the primary influence for children

6 6 Settings for Career Services Middle school –Emphasize interests/values, not skills –Exploration (Holland’s Career Explorer) –Possible problems: guidance counselors ask children about values channeling students into certain careers

7 7 Settings for Career Services High school –Preparing for more education or for work –Emphasize planning & selecting training programs (tech or college) –Goals: devise a plan for the future develop a portfolio of skills & experiences

8 8 Settings for Career Services Higher education: –Career Center (placement office) individual counseling group counseling curricular interventions career courses workshops

9 9 Settings for Career Services –Career center (placement office) self-help materials resume critiques career days (Seminole Futures) cooperative education internships

10 10 Settings for Career Services Higher education: –Academic advising –College counseling center

11 11 Settings for Career Services Community –Career development in organizations –Human Resource Development

12 12 Settings for Career Services HRD components: –Training for specific skills –Education (broad based) –Appraisal –Recruitment –Selection

13 13 Settings for Career Services HRD components: –Career management –Succession planning –Workforce planning –Employee Assistance Programs

14 14 Settings for Career Services HRD components: –Mentoring programs –Lateral moves –Outplacement –Retirement planning

15 15 Settings for Career Services Libraries –Self-directed searches –Workshops Private practice –Adults in career transition –Work adjustment –School-to-work

16 16 Settings for Career Services One-Stop Centers –Increasing emphasis on self-service (1999 Workforce Investment Act) –Integration of employment service, job training (JTPA), welfare-to-work, social services, vocational rehabilitation, and veterans services. –Integration vs. co-location

17 For Additional Information Thank You

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