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Tony Charlton and Alan Jones The UCAS.

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Presentation on theme: "Tony Charlton and Alan Jones The UCAS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tony Charlton and Alan Jones The knowledge @ UCAS

2 Outline of morning  Warm up quiz  Understanding the application system  Pre-application research tools

3 University challenge First, a test of your geography…..








11 Oxford University

12 University of Exeter

13 The University of Manchester

14 Queen’s University Belfast

15 University of St Andrews

16 Aberystwyth University

17 Setting the scene – UK higher education  Largest sector in Europe  300 + universities & colleges  38,000+ courses

18 Understanding the application process

19 The applicant journey - summary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ▪Researches where to study ▪Registers online with UCAS Apply ▪Completes all sections of form ▪Reference added by centre ▪Centre sends form electronically to UCAS ▪UCAS processes form and forwards to chosen HEIs ▪HEIs submit decisions ▪Applicant views decisions on Track ▪Applicant replies to offers on Track (Firm / Insurance) ▪HEIs confirm places when results are released

20 Completing the form

21 Key facts  Number of choices (5 max.)  2012 applicant fee - £22.00 (£11.00 – single choice)  Simultaneous consideration  ‘Invisibility’  Conditional offers

22 Key dates 15 October 15 January 24 March 30 June Medicine, Veterinary and Dentistry Oxford or Cambridge ‘On time’ applications Various Art & Design Courses Applications after this date held for Clearing


24 Registration only takes 10 minutes Use the school ‘buzzword’ No need to pay at registration stage 2012 apply – went live on 8 June

25 What information will UCAS require? Your students are asked to complete the following sections: Personal Details Student Finance - new Additional Information Choices Education Employment Personal Statement Having checked the above, you will then add: A Reference

26 Personal (contact) details....

27 New section - student finance

28 Adding choices, one at a time...

29 Adding qualifications...

30 Common applicant errors  Failure to check entry requirements  Qualifications (eg. GCSEs) missing, or incorrectly named, on form  Wrong student support fee code  Email address not verified  Forgotten to register for admissions test

31  Work the UCAS reference into the existing school schedule. For example at the end of year 12  Students fill in activity / information sheets  Subject tutors complete subject reference on students the same time they complete end of year reports  Head of sixth (or assigned co-ordinator) gathers all information and edits reference  Keep files of previous students references Reference writing

32 Example format for a reference Information on school /college Suitability for chosen course Subject by subject report Personal qualities Endorsement



35 University and college decisions

36  Admissions tutors can make one of three decisions:  Conditional Offer  Unconditional Offer  Unsuccessful

37 Conditional offers Can be expressed in:  UCAS Tariff points  200 points  Grades  BCC in A levels, or MPP in BTEC ND  a combination of both  260 points, including a B in Maths

38 Tariff tables

39 29 July 2010

40 Results time

41 Confirmation  Exam results are issued (e.g. A levels on 16 August 2012, IB & BTEC in July 2012)  Admissions staff check if applicant has matched the conditions of the offer  If yes, the student will be sent an official confirmation of their place

42 Confirmation (2)  Adjustment period  What is it? Five day window of opportunity to seek place at another university or college  Eligibility Results must have exceeded CF offer and subsequently been made UF

43 Celebration time!!

44 If an applicant has no offers… Two further stages to gain a place:  UCAS Extra (24 February – 4 July 2012)  Clearing (16 August 2012 onwards)


46 Top Tips

47 Hints for managing A level results day  Definitely no benefit in staying up late the night before (Track is not unfrozen at midnight!)  Students need to bring their Track log in details into centre  Tell students that not all decisions from CF/CI institutions will be made by the end of the day – need for patience  Stress the importance of reading carefully all correspondence from UCAS  Clearing choices can be entered on Track from 18.00pm  Encourage students to have contingency plans (e.g. part-time or distance learning HE, Foundation Degree, Apprenticeship, re-apply in 2012 Scheme)

48 Questions Tony Charlton Professional Development Officer

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