1984 Bryce Stevenson, Jared Kirk, Kylie McIntyre, Fariha Ghazi, Katrina Tran Period 2.

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1 1984 Bryce Stevenson, Jared Kirk, Kylie McIntyre, Fariha Ghazi, Katrina Tran Period 2

2 Characters  Winston- The 39 year old protagonist that works in the Ministry of Truth correcting "errors" in past publications. He has rebellious thoughts and also partakes in small crimes/rebellions. In the end, he ends being tortured and succumbs to brainwashing of his society and becomes a loyal subject to Big Brother.  Julia- She is Winston’s lover, a beautiful and dark-haired woman that works at the Fiction Department in the Ministry of Truth. She claims to have many affairs with Party members and her rebellions are small and personal.  Emmanuel Goldstein- The legendary leader of the Brotherhood, the force opposing the Party and Big Brother. He is described as the most dangerous man in Oceania and the usually the subject of hate during two minutes hate.  Katherine- Winston’s former wife who disliked anything sexual and separated with Winston when they both realized that they would never have children.  Charrington- A middle-aged, undercover member of the Thought Police who in the beginning of the book was disguised as an old widower that owns a secondhand shop in the Prole district. He helps Winston by renting out a room to him but also arrests him in the end.

3  O’Brien- He is a 40 year old and a prominent Inner party member though his job is not entirely clear. He is a mystery and based on Winston’s thoughts believed to be part of the Brotherhood, but he ends up being a loyal member of the Party. He even acts out as the main tormenter for Winston when he is prison.  Big Brother- The conceptual ruler of Oceania that only appears in Party propaganda. The Party presents him as a real person and the founder of Oceania.  Syme- An intelligent, outgoing man that works alongside Winston at the Ministry of Truth. He is working on the new edition of the Newspeak dictionary, when one day he disappears because the Party thought he was too intelligent.  Tom Parsons- A fat, obnoxious, and dull Party member who lives near Winston and works at the Ministry of Truth. He has a dull wife and a group of suspicious, ill- mannered children who are members of the Junior Spies.  Ampleforth- An acquaintance of Winston who worked at the Ministry of Truth. Also a poet who works in the Records Department rewriting politically or ideologically objectionable Oldspeak poems. At the end of the book, he is in prison along with Winston for having left the word "God" in one of his poems based on Winston’s assumptions.  Rutherford- One of the three Inner Party members wrongly arrested in 1965 and forced to incriminate themselves of various crimes, including treason and murder. They are eventually killed. Winston finds a clipping proving their innocence and destroys the document.

4 Setting  Oceania- Fictional country set in 1984 London.  London- Where the story takes place in.  Ministries- Four ironic branches that each represent something opposite of what its name entitles. Ministry of Truth (minitrue)- lies and propaganda Ministry of Love (miniluv)- torture, law and order Ministry of Plenty (miniplenty)- starvation and rationing Ministry of Peace (minipax)- war  Prole district- Area where the proles, the working class or lower class, lived.  Room 101- It is a torture chamber in the Ministry of Love in which the Party attempts to subject a prisoner to his or her own worst nightmare, fear or phobia.  Winston’s apt.- His apartment building is named the Victory Mansions, where he has trouble climbing the stairs because of an ulcer in his leg.  Secret room- Room above Mr. Charrington’s shop that Winston rents for his affair with Julia.

5 Important Plot Events  Winston’s begins to feel frustrated living in the oppression and rigid control of the Party and illegally buys a diary to write down his thoughts.  He sees a beautiful girl at work that he suspects will turn him in and he avoids constant Party monitoring by wandering the streets of the Prole district.  Julia (the beautiful girl) gives him a note saying I love you and they start their secret affair. Their affair progresses and they rent a room above Mr.Charrington’s shop, while Winston’s hatred for the Party grows. Winston then finally receives a letter from O’Brien saying that he wants to see him.  Winston and Julia go to O’Brien’s apartment where they confirmation that he is part of the Brotherhood and receive Goldstein’s book. Then as they read the book in the room they rented, soldiers barge in and arrest them. Also Mr.Charrington is revealed as an undercover Thought Police.  Then at the Ministry of Love, Winston is tortured and brainwashed by O’Brien for months. He also discovers that O’Brien was a Party spy tricking him all along. At the end, O’Brien takes Winston to Room 101 to face his worst fear (rats) and there Winston gives up Julia.  With his spirit broken, Winston is returned to the outside world where he meets Julia but no longer has any feelings for her. He is now completely brainwashed and learned to love and accept the Party and Big Brother.

6 Miscellaneous  Newspeak- The official language of Oceania that is used by the totalitarian government to restrict any freedom of thought, speech, and concepts that pose a threat to the Party.  Winston’s diary- Winston’s way of recalling and remembering the past and rebelling against Big Brother by writing in the diary, which is thought crime.  Paperweight- To Winston, this piece of coral from another time, is a metaphor for his own cherished memories, protected within his mind, as the coral is shielded by the heavy glass, from the intrusions of the Thought Police.  Telescreen- Television and security camera-like devices used by the dictator of Oceania and the Party to prevent anyone from forming conspiracies with others against the government.  The Brotherhood- A mysterious organization created by Emmanual Goldstein to oppose Big Brother and the Party.  The Book- The book written by Goldstein describing the Party and other things involving Oceania.  2 Minutes Hate- A daily period in which Party members of the society of Oceania must watch a film depicting the Party's enemies (notably Emmanuel Goldstein and his followers) and express their hatred for them.

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