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Job Study guide By Ellie Martinovich. Characters profiles  1. List of the characters –  Job  He is 11 years old  Had a bad upbringing involving drugs.

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Presentation on theme: "Job Study guide By Ellie Martinovich. Characters profiles  1. List of the characters –  Job  He is 11 years old  Had a bad upbringing involving drugs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Job Study guide By Ellie Martinovich

2 Characters profiles  1. List of the characters –  Job  He is 11 years old  Had a bad upbringing involving drugs and abuse.  He is brave and strong from his past  Luke  11 years old.  Religious  A very loyal friend who is very trusting  A true friend who fights for himself  Jobs mum  Not caring, abusive, “white trash”, `  Luke’s Dad  Christian  Over protective

3 Jobs was born with stunted growth due to his mother consuming drugs whilst he was born. He lived his life with many difficulties, these involving gangs, drugs ( selling and consuming), alcohol, cigarettes. Often he would come home seeing different people hand money to his parents in exchange for a small little bag. He was treated very poorly by his careless mum and step dad by being mentally abused.

4 Job was a naughty kid, with his mum and step father being an influence, even tough he did get involved with cigarettes, he always knew how to stay on the right path evidence from the text “Sure, he stole cigarettes from his mum, and cursed like a trooper, but in his own peculiar way he stayed true to his course.”. Job knew luke was very trust worth and was a from a stable household. He would talk to Luke about what went on at home and thy would hang out which would help get jobs mind off his unstable household. Job also knew where a large stash of money was, the writer makes the reader believe it was from the drugs his family sold. He stole the money and moved to the gold cost to get away from the bad things he was surrounded by.

5 Job is very strong and independent. We learn this because he has no love and support from his family. Also when he leaves to the gold coast at only age 11. He is brave because he doesn't’t fall into the bad habits that his mother and step father are in.

6 Protagonist Antagonist  Protagonist – Job: Brave, Independent, Positive, Loyal, Strong  Antagonist – Jobs Mum: Unstable, abusive, over weight, uncaring, selfish

7  Quotes – Job – Brave “He had his shirt pulled up and was inspecting his skinny belly. It was a mass of bruises, interspersed with red craters the diameter of burning cigarettes. “  Independent – “Aside from my name and address, there were only two words, written in a tidy script. The words said: Job Done.”  Strong – “But it seemed to me that Dad was wrong. Like his biblical namesake, Job remained forthright in the face of his suffering. Sure, he stole cigarettes from his mum, and cursed like a trooper, but in his own peculiar way he stayed true to his course.”

8  Quotes - Jobs Mother – Uncaring “His mother, heavily pregnant with him, opened the Good Book for the only time in her life, ripped out a random page and saw the name of his biblical counterpart on it.”  Unstable “‘Go on,’ she said to the two of us. ‘Piss off, you faggots, go play on the road.’ Her eyes were glazed and her breath smelt of smoke and beer.”  Selfish “He was born small, stunted by his mother’s cigarettes and hits from the P pipe, and was still undersized when he started school.”

9 Compare and contrast Worlds collide Teenagers Adversity Come from a stable background Fight in a war Lots of friendships Unstable household Friend backgrounds colliding Only one friendship TWTWBSimilaritiesJob

10 Setting description – Group task with Hollie  Jobs house – Untidy  Old  Smelly  Dangerous  Toxic

11  Quotes – Old: “Our walk took us to his house. Its coast of paint was moulting and its windows were cracked and happy  Toxic: “It stunk of an evil combination of putrid chemicals and cat piss”  Untidy: “We could sift through the pornos that were strewn under the double bed or scrounge half smoked butts from the ashtrays”

12  The setting in the story Job, sets the scene in a rural Area. Since Jobs mother is into drugs it shows the reader that it is a low income area because the author shows that the family doesn't’t have a large source of income.  The setting in stories shows where the characters come from and their background which helps let the reader know where the character comes from and their background.

13 Narrative viewpoint – Group task, Violet, Monique, Zoe, Hollie  The story “Job” is written in the 1 st person.  The perspective comes from Luke and the voice is told most in the story is by Luke. He is the commentator of the story.  Example from the story “‘Have you been down at the Jeffries again?’ ‘No,’ I lied.”

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