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Using Documents and Local History Starter pictures, maps, what we might see our on our Winchester walk.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Documents and Local History Starter pictures, maps, what we might see our on our Winchester walk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Documents and Local History Starter pictures, maps, what we might see our on our Winchester walk

2 The story so far, key ideas from last time…. History is about story and methodology People in time –Identities, culture, bias Change and continuity, same and different Cause and consequence, why what next Chronology- what was it like, when Empathy- problems faced, beliefs Evidence, authenticity Enquiry, creative outcomes

3 An approach to History Enquiry 1 Significant area locate learning intentions- content/process ( implies subject knowledge and pedagogic) 2 motivation- hook, challenge, problem, possible outcome, product 3Information collecting (A4L) and research, documents, pictures, artefacts, internet, story authenticity is important 4 Making sense of the evidence, classify, sequence, key points ( Thinking skills Bloom, Fisher) 5 children give reasons for ideas, demonstrate understanding e.g. through role play 6 teacher checks understanding, tests ideas, add new ideas, points of view, questions 7 Pupils create imaginative product- which shows achievement of success criteria


5 Aims for Today Why use documents ? What is a document ? Where to find Documentary resources Documents in NC context, Rose Review Ideas for working with documents to support learning- content and methodology Local Study starting points and ideas History in the Environment, cross curricular links

6 Rationale eg What was Winchester like in Victorian times Content information about Eg local Study Theme Period Person ( Significance, representitiveness, values, beliefs, issues) Methodology Historical Enquiry- the Enquiry context 4a-find out from a range of sources 5a select organise

7 Skills that using documents can foster Awareness of context Observation Skimming and scanning Comprehension Rank in order of importance Enquire Compare Check Interpret analyse Reason from evidence Hypothesise Evaluate Frame questions Communicate Discuss Period characteristics Empathy Bias, point of view, stereotypes All these are NC Skills too ! These are thinking skills too! Enquiry ( set up well ) lets children take charge of learning

8 Kinds of Document Bills, advertisements, tickets, ephemera war memorials plaques, brasses, graves, street names Wills, inventories Diaries, letters Maps and plans Census Trade directory, Phone book Newspapers magazines Parish registers School Records

9 Advertisements- Britain Since 30s

10 NC ( and beyond) periods and themes Local History- people places events Local famous people Effect of national events Prehistoric settlers Civil war Work Play Health Crime Norman conquest Buildings Cathedrals Castles Settlement, population Special events

11 KS 1 My life Grandparents Buildings schools Toys and games Holidays Famous People Gunpowder plot Past events Fire of London

12 KS 2 other themes- some sources for documentary evidence Romans (recipes, accounts poems letters Historians eg Tacitus) Saxons (Anglo Saxon Chronicle, Bede, Lindisfarne Gospels) Vikings (runes) Orkneyinga Saga, Egils Sage Nuffield Haramal sayings of the Vikings Tudors – parish records, inscriptions accounts legal records Significant individuals Armada, Exploration Shakespeare, Guy Fawkes Rich and Poor

13 Victorians Links to Famous people Poor Work Health Children Transport Education Buildings Women- eg Mary Kingsley Explorers Art and Literature ( a wealth of official records etc)

14 Evidence from map activity Look at Maps and picture in your pack Sort maps in chronological order Look at the picture.. What do you infer from the evidence? Change and continuity? What is significant What doesn’t it tell you ? What questions are prompted? How could this fit in with a local or thematic enquiry Audio Visual Documents Eg. Women in the Twentieth Century – a Hampshire perspective- HRO HRO Schools in Film and Photos BFI ( 2003) Film as Evidence Britain in 1900

15 Investigate Egmont - Bloom’s construct Interpret Egmont or Medecroft evidence- see how the processes you go through move from lower to higher order thinking ( compare with your crib sheet. What does this tell us about Victorian Winchester – what can we infer?

16 Activity A Stockbridge Road used to be really posh! True or False? Compare Stockbridge Road census data for 1881 and 1891- What kind of jobs were being done? What work was being done by women? Can you find any of the same people? What do you infer from this? What questions arise about the people? Do you think people had bigger families in 1881 and 1891? Did much change in that decade? Use your other documents to build information about the area, change, continuity social character. What further questions might you ask, what further research might you undertake?

17 Activity B Using St Swithun’s street data census, directory etc St Swithun’s street used to be much busier than now. True or false? Find out who lived there in 1881, what jobs people did. Do you think people moved a lot / What jobs were done by women –any differences between married and unmarried women. Were there any businesses? Were any children at work? Did children go to school? How many people were born in Winchester, Hampshire and else where? Can you decide on some changes in the buildings from looking at your maps? What do you infer from this?

18 Activity C Discussion Which was the nicer place to live in 1881 Stockbridge Road, St Swithun’s Street of Egmont Support your claims with evidence. What have we learned about Winchester in Victorian times… what else could we research How could we show our knowledge? Reflect on rationales/ contexts/ strategies for using documents

19 Where to get resources Libraries local studies sections – in old photos books Southampton City Archives Service 02380 832251 Hampshire Record Office 01962 878681 Nb audio visual materials including oral history Specific and general AESOP packs * NB Whiz kid – !CT initiative Portsmouth Museums and Record service Dorset, Wiltshire Artefacts and Hants packs Hampshire History centre 02392377546

20 Notes re Types of Record Census every 10 yrs since 1801 except1941 NB www.learningcurve - working with the census www.learningcurve Pre 1841 limited data on micro fiche- access issues Handwriting, spelling Trade directories Maps OS from 1795 1840 most of England scales inch to mile 6,25 inches to a mile Printed maps from Tudor period Tithe maps mid C19 Enclosure maps, estate maps, defence building plans

21 Trade directories From 1780s up to 1960s Like phone book/ yellow pages Pay for your entry Printed, similar format Parish Registers from1538 Births marriages deaths Variable School Log books From 1862 Other school records (film)

22 History in the Environment School building and others Church Churchyard- war memorials Street signs, house nos. Statues Plaques- Jubilee cottages etc Windows, doors etc Bricks Lamp posts Drains, post boxes, materials Photo trail –how to look-I spy* Rubbings, drawing notes Cross curricular links eg Geography-why here? Art, IT drama … etc…etc

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