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ADULT BASIC EDUCATION Meeting the needs of our community.

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1 ADULT BASIC EDUCATION Meeting the needs of our community

2 ABE Mission  Adult Basic Education strengthens community by providing free instruction and support to adults and their families to obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for success in secondary and post- secondary education, employment, and self-sufficiency.

3 ABE Funding Sources  Federal block grant through HED (Workforce Investment Act of 1998)  Federal ESL-Civics Ed block grant through HED  State legislative funding – formula based on headcount and contact hours  State instructional materials through PED  Literacy Volunteers of Santa Fe (LVSF) – various grants, e.g., City of SF, SF Community Foundation, NM Coalition for Literacy, United Way, and others  College – In-kind and fiscal support

4 ADULT BASIC EDUCATION PROGRAM AVP for Educational Leadership – Dr. Meredith Machen Director of Adult Basic Education (ABE) – Barbara Arguedas GED Mary Wooten, Coordinator 2.5 FTE regular teachers; 3-4 P-T Group Instruction 5-7 sections at 3-4 sites Independent Study self-paced classes; 2-3 sections Support classes in Reading and Math (3 sections) GED en espanol classes 2-3 sections ABE Lab serves all ABE components Karen Lindquist, Susan Geary TANF students integrated into ABE Lab ESL Andrea Gaytan, Coordinator 20 P-T teachers 26 sections at 4-5 sites Integrated ESL Civics Ed Classes Roxie Daggett, Program Specialist ESL classes through paid partnerships (e.g., SFCC custodial staff, SFPS Wellness Program at Pinon School, Agua Fria Family Resource Center) Literacy Volunteers LVSF Letty Naranjo, Manager Workplace & Small Teams Up to 22 sites each year of each type Amanda Rivera, Workplace Spec. Volunteer Tutors Neighborhood & Community Groups 20-25 sites each year Cristina Rogel, Neighborhood Spec. Volunteer Tutors Family Literacy Adolfo Vazquez, F.L. Spec. 4-6 child caregiver/teachers Basic Literacy (for English speakers) Literacy Coordinator (vacant) Volunteer Tutors Sullivan Lab At Gallegos Lane Ctr. Dianna Luces, ABE Rep. Volunteer Tutors Dept. Secretary Chrys Chaparro Literacy Data Spec. Steve Byers Data Specialist Gayle Torrez Administrative Assistant Gloria Duran

5 ABE Program Components  GED and Basic Skills  English as a Second Language (ESL)  Literacy Program – Basic Reading & ESL  Workforce Development integrated in all programs (WorkKeys, KeyTrain, Career Readiness Credential)

6 GED and Basic Skills  GED preparation classes and individualized instruction  Prescriptive, skill-based program  GED en espa ñ ol  “Brush-up” - for students with high school diplomas but who need skill building  Computer-Assisted Instruction – Lab open 12 hours/day  Partner with Lifelink, YouthWorks, Drug Court, Probation, TANF, others  687 “fundable” students 2006-2007

7 English as a Second Language  7 levels of ESL classes  Computer-assisted instruction  Sites: SFCC, Agua Fria, Cesar Chavez, Turquoise Trail, Salazar  Civics Education integrated in ESL intermediate and above classes  913 “fundable” students 2006-2007

8 Literacy Program  Affiliation with Literacy Volunteers of Santa Fe provides seamless services  Accredited through ProLiteracy America  Basic literacy and ESL tutoring  One-to-one tutoring - 26 students  Workplace – 13 worksites, 84 students  Neighborhood and Community Groups – 30 groups, 198 students  Family Literacy - 137 children, 55 parents  Sullivan Computer Learning Lab – 93 students  232 “fundable” students

9 Student-centered Instruction  Individualized for all levels: basic literacy to 12 th grade level; no English to pre-college level English  Specialized screening for learning difficulties Use PowerPath screening instrument and philosophy Use PowerPath screening instrument and philosophy Screen for vision, hearing, visual stress syndrome, and ADD Screen for vision, hearing, visual stress syndrome, and ADD Intervention for learners who have “slipped through the cracks” Intervention for learners who have “slipped through the cracks” Engage students as partners in their learning Engage students as partners in their learning Screen English and Spanish speakers Screen English and Spanish speakers Improves persistence! Improves persistence!  Pre-test all students with standardized tests to determine skill level upon entry. Post-test at intervals to determine learning gain.

10 Accountability  New Mexico Higher Education Department Evaluation Evaluation Self-assessment Self-assessment Policies Policies  National Reporting System Pre- and post-testing Pre- and post-testing Level gain Level gain Core outcomes Core outcomes

11 Outcomes 2006-2007  Total enrollment: 2,445 students of whom 1832 were “fundable” (12 hours +)  Achieved goal of pre-testing 100% of students and post-testing 50% of all students (actual post-test rate is 51.78%)  Graduated 134 students through the GED 66 of 134 enrolled for credit at SFCC 66 of 134 enrolled for credit at SFCC

12 Program Highlights 2006-2007  ESL student, Margarita Lopez, was awarded the NM Adult Education Association ESL Student of the Year  Transition to College focus  LVSF Awards: Santa Fe Community Foundation’s Silver Anniversary Piñon Award; Santa Fe Future 2006 Award  Data-driven decisions

13 One Student’s Story - Patrick  Patrick has a high school diploma but could not pass the required test to become a city police officer. He enrolled in ABE, was screened for learning difficulties and placed on a reading improvement plan. After 10 months of study with a teacher, a Literacy Volunteer tutor, and a computer program, he was able to pass the test. He began work with the SF Police Dept. this month.

14 Maury (tutor) and Patrick (student)

15 Challenges  Retention (persistence) of students Students need more hours of attendance to make learning gains, to obtain the GED, and to continue on to college Students need more hours of attendance to make learning gains, to obtain the GED, and to continue on to college  Rising costs Cost per student is increasing Cost per student is increasing Cost of assessments is increasing Cost of assessments is increasing  Tracking outcomes  College advisement specific to ESL and GED population

16 Opportunities  Transition to college - Greater collaboration with college divisions E.g., Plan for B & T Division to extend dual enrollment in pre-engineering to ABE students E.g., Plan for B & T Division to extend dual enrollment in pre-engineering to ABE students  Increase GED graduation rate  Increase employment goals  Use Banner system to improve student tracking in post-secondary education at SFCC

17 ESL Classes Fall 2007

18 GED Graduation 2006

19 LVSF Tutoring Groups

20 ABE Computer Lab

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