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Suffolk LGBT Survey 2009 18 th January 2010 - Clare Hammerton.

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Presentation on theme: "Suffolk LGBT Survey 2009 18 th January 2010 - Clare Hammerton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Suffolk LGBT Survey 2009 18 th January 2010 - Clare Hammerton

2 268 Respondents Lesbian 35.8%115 Gay 38.9%125 Bisexual (Male) 10.3%33 Bisexual (Female) 2.8%9 Bisexual (undisclosed Gender) 2.2%7 Experience same sex relationships (male) 0.9%3 Experience same sex relationships (female) 2.5%8 Transsexual (male to female) 2.5%8 Transsexual (female to male) 0.9%3 Other Transgender - please describe below 1.6%5 Other - please describe below 1.6%5

3 Age Under 151.5%5 16 to 1911.6%38 20 to 2916.2%53 30 to 3929.6%97 40 to 4922.0%72 50 to 5913.7%45 60 to 694.3%14 70 to 790.3%1 Over 800.0%0 Do not wish to say0.9%3

4 Ethnicity Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi 0.0%0 Asian or Asian British - Indian 0.3%1 Asian or Asian British - Pakistani 0.0%0 Another Asian background - please describe 0.0%0 Asian or Asian British 0.6%2 Black or Black British - African 0.0%0 Black or Black British - Caribbean 0.0%0 Another Black background - please describe 0.0%0 Chinese 0.0%0 Mixed - White & Asian 0.6%2 Mixed - White & Black African 0.6%2 Mixed - White & Black Caribbean 0.9%3 Another Mixed background - please describe 0.3%1 White British86.9%285 White Irish 1.5%5 Another White background - please describe 4.6%15 Another Ethnic group - please describe 0.9%3 Do not wish to say 2.7%9 Other Background - please describe 17

5 Yes 15.2% 50 No 84.8% 278

6 Relationship Status Single 32.6%107 Same sex partner - not living together 13.7%45 Same sex partner - living together 23.5%77 Opposite sex partner - living together 3.0%10 Opposite sex partner - not living together 1.5%5 Married 6.7%22 Civil Partnered 11.6%38 Separated - from Civil Partner 0.9%3 Separated - from Husband / Wife 0.3%1 Divorced - from Civil Partner 0.0%0 Divorced - from Husband / Wife 1.5%5 Do not wish to say 2.1%7 Other - please describe 2.4%8

7 District and Boroughs Babergh22 Forest Heath4 Ipswich176 Mid Suffolk23 St Edmundsbury28 Suffolk Coastal27 Waveney20 Total300 Ipswich Overlap Babergh0 Forest Heath0 Mid Suffolk17 St Edmundsbury9 Suffolk Coastal27 Waveney4 Total57 Total Reponses268 Total responses of people not living in Suffolk 25

8 Employed Public Authority56.7%132 Private Business21.0%49 Self employed5.6%13 Voluntary / Community Organisation13.3%31 Other - please describe3.4%8

9 LGBT Staff Networks Does the organisation that you work (or volunteer) for or have a LGBT Staff Network or Group? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes 41.0%100 No 45.5%111 I don't know 13.5%33 Are you a member? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes 57.3%55 No 42.7%41 Would you join a Staff LGBT Network or Group if available? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes - please give reasons 47.5%67 No - please give reasons 24.1%34 I don't know 28.4%40

10 LGBT Student Networks Does your place of education have a LGBT student Network or Group? Answer OptionsResponse PercentResponse Count Yes20.0%20 No34.0%34 Are you a member? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes26.3%5 No73.7%14 Would you join a Student LGBT Network or Group if available? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes 41.7%30 No 27.8%20 I don't know 30.6%22

11 Disclosing at Work Have you told people at work that you or a family member is LGBT? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes78.8%189 No - please give reasons below21.3%51 Who have you told? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Human Resources33.5%62 All Colleagues47.6%88 Some Colleagues48.6%90 Equality / Diversity Officer16.8%31 Line Manager44.3%82 Union11.9%22 Other - please describe15.1%28

12 Disclosing in Education Have you told people at your place of education that you or a family member is LGBT? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes54.3%50 No - please give reasons45.7%42 Who have you told? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Human Resources 12.5%6 All Students 35.4%17 Some Students 43.8%21 Equality / Diversity Officer 4.2%2 Tutor(s) 35.4%17 Student Union 8.3%4 Other - please describe below 12.5%6 Other 8

13 Bullying and Harassment at Work Have you observed or experienced bullying, harassment, or discrimination at the place that you work (or volunteer) because of your or your family's LGBT status? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes25.8%61 No74.2%175

14 Who by Did you take action or seek advice? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes41.1%23 No58.9%33 Who you have experienced bullying, harassment, or discrimination by Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Human Resources3.5%2 All Colleagues1.8%1 Some Colleagues70.2%40 Line Manager21.1%12 Union1.8%1 Other - Please describe31.6%18

15 Bullying and Harassment in Education Have you observed or experienced bullying, harassment, or discrimination at your place of education because of your or your family's LGBT status? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes 29.1%25 No70.9%61

16 Who by Who you have experienced bullying, harassment, or discrimination by? Answer OptionsResponse PercentResponse Count Human Resources4.0%1 All Students8.0%2 Some Students84.0%21 Tutor(s)12.0%3 Student Union0.0%0 Other - Please describe16.0%4 Did you take action or seek advice? Answer OptionsResponse PercentResponse Count Yes - please describe44.0%11 No - please give reasons56.0%14

17 Physical and Mental Health

18 Healthcare - Deterred Have you ever been deterred from using these healthcare services because you or a family member is LGBT? (Physical Health, Mental Health, Social Care or Drug and Alcohol services) Answer Options Response Percent Response Count N/A - I have never used these services 29.1%82 Yes - please describe your experience (s) in the box below 2.1%6 No 68.8%194

19 Alcohol Do you drink alcohol? approximately how much? Answer OptionsResponse PercentResponse Count over 30 units a week 6.6%15 20 to 30 units a week 7.5%17 10 to 20 units a week 27.9%63 under 10 units a week 58.0%131

20 Smoking Do you smoke? - Approximately how many? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count over 20 a day7.0%5 10 to 20 a day53.5%38 under 10 a day15.5%11 social smoker21.1%15 Other - please indicate2.8%2

21 Drugs Have you ever used illegal drugs? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes 31.7%92 No 62.4%181 I prefer not to say 5.9%17

22 Finding Health Information 233 respondents ASKED SOMEONE – Who? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Doctor (GP)82.0%191 Nurse Practitioner23.2%54 NHS Direct30.9%72 Tutors / Teachers5.6%13 Friends / Family39.5%92 Work Colleagues27.9%65 Community members2.6%6 Support worker / Social Worker6.4%15 Specialists9.9%23 Other - please describe13.3%31 205 respondents LOOKED AT POSTERS / LEAFLETS – Where? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count GP waiting room83.3%170 Hospital44.6%91 LGBT venues17.2%35 Community Group4.9%10 Work34.3%70 School / College / University14.2%29 Sports centre / Leisure club3.9%8 Other - please describe3.9%8 181 respondents LOOKED AT WEBSITES – Which ones? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count NHS Direct85.6%154 Other - please describe20.6%37

23 Healthcare Information Do you think that information about healthcare services is both LGBT inclusive and also targets specific needs? (Physical Health, Mental Health, Social Care and Drug and Alcohol services) Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes - How? 14.3%39 No - please give examples 17.3%47 I don't know 68.4%186

24 Goods and Services Have you ever observed or experienced prejudice or discrimination because of your LGBT status when purchasing or being provided with any type of goods or services? Answer OptionsResponse PercentResponse Count Yes25.0%69 No75.0%207 Which type of organisation did you experienced this from? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Local business51.6%33 Corporate business28.1%18 Local council9.4%6 County Council0.0%0 Voluntary organisation (charity)4.7%3 Other - please specify34.4%22

25 Place Survey

26 Safety

27 Hate Incidents / Crimes Have you ever been called names, laughed at, bullied, harassed, assaulted or had your property stolen or damaged (etc) because you or a family member are LGBT? Answer OptionsResponse PercentResponse Count Yes50.9%138 No49.1%133 What type of Hate Incident / Hate Crime have you experienced. Answer Options Response Percent Response Count I was called names 89.8%123 I was laughed at 59.1%81 I was verbally threatened 45.3%62 I received abusive text(s), email(s), letter(s) 13.9%19 I was assaulted 18.2%25 I was a victim of theft 4.4%6 My property was damaged 17.5%24 My property was grafittied 7.3%10 Other - please describe 10.2%14

28 Hate Incidents / Crimes What relationship are they to you? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Partner 3.7%5 Neighbour 14.1%19 Friends 6.7%9 Colleague (s) /Fellow Student (s) 27.4%37 Unknown strangers 59.3%80 Relative - please name their relationship to you 4.4%6 Other - please describe 12.6%17 How often do you experience Hate Incidents or Hate Crimes? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Every day2.3%3 Every week5.3%7 Every month10.6%14 Every 6 months9.1%12 Every year4.5%6 Rarely68.2%90 Did you tell anybody? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes48.1%65 No51.9%70

29 Hate Incidents / Crimes In the future, would you tell someone if you or an LGBT family member experienced a Hate Incident or Hate Crime? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes - who would you tell? 68.2%180 No - why would not tell anyone? 8.7%23 Sometimes - why you would tell sometimes and not others? 23.1%61

30 Behaviour Change – in Public Do you change your behaviour when in public to keep yourself safe? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes - please describe48.3%129 No 51.7%138

31 Future Views Would you like to be asked about your views and experiences in the future? Answer OptionsResponse PercentResponse Count Yes39.9%105 No60.1%158

32 Future LGBT Events Would you like to receive information about future LGBT events in Suffolk Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes86.9%93 No13.1%14 Would you like to receive information about future LGBT events in Suffolk? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes10.1%16 No89.9%142

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