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Learning management systems Web based LMS WebCT Syllabase Others? What do they offer?

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Presentation on theme: "Learning management systems Web based LMS WebCT Syllabase Others? What do they offer?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning management systems Web based LMS WebCT Syllabase Others? What do they offer?

2 Views of LMS Access to online catalog, schedule and registration ( -- management l In-depth course websites that augment learning and course management -- teaching l Integrated LMS (content, registration, grades, program of study, catalog …) -- online learning

3 Issues Evaluation of LMS? Does LMS help students, faculty, staff? Content, interaction, assessment.. Integrate with existing systems? Registration, course catalog, grade databases, content servers Integrate with e-commerce? Textbook publishers, digital libraries … Standards compatibility? E.g., plug-n-play course credits, internet resources …

4 Issues (2) Management/technical issues Who manages LMS? Platform, cost, technical competency required... Faculty and student development Training, curriculum development support, Security issues Implications for access, testing... Policy issues Policies for grades, credits, class lists, privacy

5 Inside Big Brother A guided tour of: WebCT

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