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Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 NNDC Data Services Jagdish K. Tuli National Nuclear Data Center Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, NY 11973.

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Presentation on theme: "Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 NNDC Data Services Jagdish K. Tuli National Nuclear Data Center Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, NY 11973."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 NNDC Data Services Jagdish K. Tuli National Nuclear Data Center Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, NY 11973 NNDC Data Services

2 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 Content: How do our evaluation and dissemination activities fit into the global picture? Who is involved? What are the major products? How can our products be accessed? Other activities Overview of US Nuclear Data Program’s nuclear structure and decay data activities

3 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 The US structure and decay data evaluation effort is part of an international effort coordinated by the IAEA via two-yearly Advisory Group meetings Long-Term Non-USEmerging Non-USContributors: BELGIUM ARGENTINA CANADA AUSTRALIA CHINA BRAZIL FRANCE BULGARIA JAPAN INDIA KUWAIT RUSSIA The International Connection

4 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 Structure Evaluation Responsibilities The US contribution is a very significant one Responsible for two thirds of the known ~2900 nuclides. However, there is an extremely important international component to the overall structure evaluation effort!

5 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 US Network (~6 FTE) (US-DOE Office of Science funded) USNDP Evaluators – Who Are We? ANL LBNL McMASTER BNL INEEL ORNL TUNL

6 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 NNDC Web Portal

7 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 Geographical Distribution of NNDC Users in 2004 USA - 41.87% EU - 25.72% Japan - 6.06% China - 3.75% Former USSR - 3.28% India - 3.13% Canada - 2.47% Korea - 1.09% Australia - 0.78% Brazil - 0.77% The rest- 4.14% Unresolved - 6.94%

8 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 Evaluated (or compiled) structure & decay data, A=1-294, and the means to access them PRINCIPAL DATABASES …. Web accessible from NNDC or mirror sites; NSR - Nuclear Science References (bibliographic). ENSDF - Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File; comprehensive, peer reviewed, publicly available; the primary data source for other special purpose databases and the starting point for several major publications. XUNDL – Experimental Unevaluated Data List compiled from recently published literature; primarily high-J papers. Our Major Products

9 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 ENSDF Atomic Masses (Audi, Wapstra) Nuclear Science References (NSR) ENSDF Database: Major Contributors and Derivatives MIRD Nuclear Wallet Cards Table of Isotopes (1996-9) Table of Radioactive Isotopes (1986) Nuclear Data Sheets (Elsevier) XUNDL Compilation NuDat Contributing Databases: Derivative Databases: Derivative Publications: (value added) Table of Super - deformed Bands RADWARE Hi-J

10 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 Decays  -  +  +   - n etc. ENSDF Database Structure ENSDF A=1A=294 A AbsRefZ min Z max Adopted (best values) Q values Levels: (E, J , T1/2, , Q, config, excitn.) Gammas: (E, Br, Mult,  ) Reactions (HI,xn  ) (p,p’  ) (n,  ) Coul. Exc. ( ,  ’) (d,p) etc. Z....….....…. 0 to ~6 datasets 0 to ~40 datasets1 dataset

11 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 Segment of Index to ENSDF; choose A or nuclide of interest Access to ENSDF data

12 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 Choose Dataset(s), Output option

13 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 HTML output for 184Bi “Adopted”

14 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 XUNDL Database Purpose: To provide rapid access to formatted (manipulable) data from the latest papers - in response to request from high-spin physics researchers. Contents: Compiled (unevaluated) data from recent publications, primarily in high-spin physics. Currently contains material for: 916 nuclides (A=13-288; N - element 115) 1326 papers Coordination: B. Singh (McMaster). Updates: as datasets arrive at NNDC (D. Winchell - BNL) Manpower: primarily, carefully trained and closely supervised undergraduate students. Data Input: often, data input can be done directly from publication using FINEREADER commercial software.

15 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 Major products for which ENSDF is primary source NuDat: recommended level and gamma properties (ENSDF Adopted Levels, Gammas) WWW Table of Nuclear Structure: website providing alternative interface to ENSDF Adopted Levels, Gammas MIRD: Medical internal radiation dose from radionuclides Wallet Cards: ground and isomeric state properties RADWARE Hi-Spin Database: database providing ENSDF and XUNDL datasets for in-beam gamma-ray studies in RADWARE file format

16 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 NuDat Database

17 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08

18 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 Choose: Hg

19 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08

20 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 Nuclear Structure Data Bibliographic data Evaluated data Journal preparation

21 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 Electronic Access to Nuclear Data Electronic access to nuclear physics data bases, computer codes and documents available since 1986.

22 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 2004 Web Statistics Portal was launched on April 19, 2004 Number of retrievals went from 338K in 2003 to 560K in 2004, 66% calendar year increase Number of database retrievals increased two- folds with a new portal Migration + User Interface improvements produce results

23 Jag Tuli DDP08 Bucharest, Romania, May 08 Summary: How do our evaluation and dissemination activities fit into the global picture? Who is involved? What are the major products? How can our products be accessed? Other activities Overview of US Nuclear Data Program’s nuclear structure and decay data activities

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