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Business Functions and Organisation

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Presentation on theme: "Business Functions and Organisation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Functions and Organisation

2 Business Functions Human Resources Sales and Marketing
Research and Development Production/Operations Customer Service Finance and Accounts Administration and IT

3 Human Resources Recruitment and Retention Dismissal Redundancy
Job descriptions Person Specifications Dismissal Redundancy Motivation Professional Development and Training Health and safety and conditions at work Liaison with Trade Unions

4 Sales and Marketing Market research Promotion strategies
Pricing strategies Sales strategies The sales team Product – advice on new product development, product improvement, extension strategies, target markets

5 Research and Development
New product development Product improvements Competitive advantage Value added Product testing Efficiency gains Cost savings

6 Finance and Accounts Cash Flow Preparing accounts Raising finance
Monitoring income/revenue Monitoring expenditure Preparing accounts Raising finance Shares Loans Links with all other functional areas

7 Production/Operations
Acquiring resources Planning output – labour, capital, land Monitoring costs Projections on future output Production methods Batch Flow Job Cell Efficiency

8 Customer Service Monitoring distribution After-sales service
Handling consumer enquiries Offering advice to consumers Dealing with customer complaints Publicity and public relations

9 Business Organisation
Organisation by type Global businesses – complex organisation structures National – organisation possibly stretches throughout the country Regional – could be through a county or wider area (North West, South East etc) Local – small organisations serving local area or community

10 Business Organisation
Authority – the right to make decisions and carry out tasks Span of control – the number of people a superior is responsible for Chain of Command – the relationship between different levels of authority in the business Hierarchy – shows the line management in the business and who has specific responsibilities Delegation – authority to carry out actions passed from superior to subordinate Empowerment – giving responsibilities to people at all levels of the business to make decisions

11 Administration and IT Managing estates – cleaning, health and safety, maintenance, security Reception Clerical work – reporting, recording, record keeping, communication Overview of quality control Use of IT systems

12 Organisation Charts Hierarchical Structure Managing Director Marketing
Finance Director Sales Director A B C D Market Research Strategy Purchasing Manager Sales Manager Accounts Manager

13 Organisation Charts Pyramidal Structure MD Senior Management
Middle Management Pyramidal Structure Workers

14 Organisation Charts Centralised/Entrepreneurial

15 Organisation Charts Collaborative

16 Organisation Charts Circular/Flat

17 Organisation Charts Matrix Structure Marketing Sales R&D Project HR
Production Finance

18 Organisation Charts Changes to business structures
Linked to new thinking on leadership and management Less hierarchical Emphasis on communication and collaboration between sections Global businesses – more complex structures

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