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Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles

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1 Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles

2 Chordates Four characteristics present at some stages of their development Notochord- extends along upper part of body for support Postnatal tail- muscular structure at end of developing chordates Nerve cord- develops into the brain and spinal cord Pharyngeal pouches- found in region between mouth and digestive tube

3 Vertebrates Have all chordate characteristics but additionally
Have endoskeleton, and part of it is stack of vertebrae and cartilage Either cold blooded ectotherms or warm-blooded endotherms

4 Fish Ectotherms with streamline shape, muscular tail, fins, and scales
Exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen through gills Reproduce sexually, either external or internal fertilization

5 Types of Fish cartilaginous Bony fish
Skeletons made of cartilage, movable jaws with well developed teeth, and tiny scales that make their skin feel like fine sandpaper Skeletons of bone Swim bladder that inflates or deflates About 95% of all fish

6 Amphibians Ectotherms that engage in hibernation in cold weather and estivation in hot weather Some breathe through skin, others have small lungs Need water for reproduction because eggs fertilized externally Most go through metamorphosis Frogs, toads, newts, salamanders

7 Reptiles Ectotherms with thick, dry, waterproof skin covered with scales. Breathe with lungs Internal fertilization and lay eggs with shells. Amniotic egg provides a complete environment for embryo’s development

8 Three Reptile Groups Lizards and snakes have jaws that unhinge so they can swallow their prey whole Turtles have two part shell made of hard, bony plates that protects against predators Crocodilians are lizard shaped with large, deep scales on their backs Crocodiles have narrow head with triangular shaped snout while alligators have broad head with rounded snout. Gavials have slender snout with large bump on the end Among few reptiles that care for young


10 Birds All have feathers and scales and lay eggs Bird eggs
Shell made of calcium carbonate Clutch- group of eggs laid by female bird Parent incubates egg to keep warm until it hatches

11 Flight Adaptations Lightweight, strong skeleton Wings Feathers
Strong flight muscles Efficient respiratory system Well-developed senses

12 Bird Features Bones are hollow to be lighter Feathers
Contour feathers give birds their coloring and smooth shape. Used for flight Down feathers provide birds with an insulating layer to keep them warm Preening is a process where birds rub oil on its feathers to condition them

13 Wings Move up down, back forth
Shape provides upward push called lift for flight Also can be used for swimming and balance

14 Importance Food source, pets, pest control, flower pollinators, seed dispersers Evolved from reptiles Archaeopteryx oldest bird fossil found

15 Mammals Have hair and produce milk for young Skin and glands Hair
Skin produces fur or hair, horns, claws, nails, or hooves Mammary glands make milk for feeding young Oil, sweat, scent glands, too Hair Keeps mammals warm Whiskers help animals sense their environment Blubber- how animals with no hair keep warm Quills and spines are modified hairs that protect animals from predators

16 Teeth Incisors, premolars, canines, and molars
Omnivores have all types of teeth Carnivores have large canine teeth for eating meat Herbivores have premolar and molar teeth to eat plants

17 Reproduction All mammals produce sexually
Most mammals give birth to live young Young feed on milk while learning survival skills

18 Types of Mammals Monotremes- lay eggs and have no nipples on mammary glands Marsupials- give birth to immature young that usually feed and develop in mother’s pouch Placentals- develop embryos inside mother’s uterus Gestation period- amount of time embryo develops in the uterus Placenta- organ inside uterus, absorbs oxygen and food from mother’s blood Umbilical cord- how embryos connect to placenta

19 Monotremes

20 Marsupials

21 Placental

22 Mammal Importance Carnivores control populations of grazing animals
Mammals pollinate flowers and distribute seeds First developed around 65 million years ago when dinosaurs become extinct

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