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Process Selection and Capacity Planning

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1 Process Selection and Capacity Planning
Chapter 5 Process Selection and Capacity Planning

2 Process Selection How an organization chooses to produce its goods or provide its services Key aspects make or buy decisions capital intensity process flexibility MTSU Management 362

3 Process Selection and System Design
Figure 5-1 Capacity planning Forecasting Facilities and Equipment Product and service design Process selection Layout Technological change Work design MTSU Management 362

4 Process Selection and Capacity Planning
Make or Buy? Available capacity Expertise Quality considerations The nature of demand Cost MTSU Management 362

5 Continuous Processing Repetitive/Assembly
Type of Operation Continuous Processing Repetitive/Assembly Semicontinuous Intermittent/Batch Processing Job Shops Small runs Projects Nonroutine jobs MTSU Management 362

6 Variety, Flexibility, & Volume
Table 5-16 Variety, Flexibility, & Volume Job Shop Batch Repetitive assembly Continuous Flow MTSU Management 362

7 Product-Process Life Cycle Matrix
Few Major Products, Higher Volume High Volume, Standard- ization Low Volume One of a Kind Multiple Products, Low Volume Flexibility- Quality Job Shop Commercial Printer Batch Heavy Equipment Assembly Line Automobile Assembly Continuous Flow Sugar Refinery Dependability Cost Flexibility-Quality Dependability-Cost MTSU Management 362

8 Automation (1 of 2) Processes that have sensing and control devices that enable it to operate automatically Three kinds fixed programmable computer-aided design and manufacturing systems (CAD/CAM) numerically controlled (NC) machines robot MTSU Management 362

9 Automation (2 of 2) flexible manufacturing cells
flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) MTSU Management 362

10 The basic questions in capacity handling are
Capacity Planning Capacity is the upper limit or ceiling on the load that an operating unit can handle The basic questions in capacity handling are What kind of capacity is needed? How much is needed? When is it needed? MTSU Management 362

11 Importance of Capacity Decisions
Impact the ability of the firm to meet future demands for products and services Affect operating costs Usually a major determinant of initial cost Involves long-term commitment of resources and difficult to modify Affect competitiveness MTSU Management 362

12 Types of Capacity Design capacity Effective capacity Actual output
maximum obtainable output Effective capacity Maximum capacity given product mix, scheduling difficulties, and other doses of reality. Actual output rate of output actually achieved--cannot exceed effective capacity. MTSU Management 362

13 Efficiency and Utilization
Actual output Efficiency = Effective capacity Utilization = Design capacity MTSU Management 362

14 Efficiency/Utilization Example
Design capacity = 50 trucks/day Effective capacity = 40 trucks/day Actual output = 36 units/day Actual output = units/day Efficiency = = 90% Effective capacity units/ day Utilization = Actual output = units/day = 72% Design capacity units/day MTSU Management 362

15 Determinants of Effective Capacity
Facilities Products or services Processes Human considerations Operations External forces MTSU Management 362

16 Some Possible Growth Patterns
Figure 5-4 Volume Volume Growth Decline Time Time Cyclical Stable Volume Volume Time Time MTSU Management 362

17 Developing Capacity Alternatives
Design flexibility into systems Take a “big picture” approach to capacity changes Prepare to deal with capacity “chunks” Attempt to smooth out capacity requirements Identify the optimal operating level MTSU Management 362

18 Production units have an optimal rate of output for minimal cost.
Figure 5-6 Optimal Output Rate Production units have an optimal rate of output for minimal cost. Average cost per unit Minimum cost Rate of output MTSU Management 362

19 Figure 5-7 Minimum cost & optimal operating rate are functions of size of production unit. Small plant Average cost per unit Medium plant Large plant Output rate MTSU Management 362

20 Evaluating Alternatives
Calculating processing requirements Cost-Volume analysis Financial analysis Decision theory Waiting line analysis MTSU Management 362

21 Calculating Processing Requirement (Example 2, page 218)
MTSU Management 362

22 Calculating Processing Requirements - Example 2
One eight shift/day 250 days a year = 8 hr/day x 250 days/yr = 2000 hr/machine/yr MTSU Management 362

23 Break-Even Analysis (1 of 2)
Objective is to find the point, in dollars and units, at which costs equal revenues Costs Fixed - continue even if no units are produced Variable - vary with the volume of units produced labor material MTSU Management 362 14 14 14 14 14

24 Crossover charts (see page 224)
Break-Even (2 of 2) Revenue function - begins at the origin and increases by the selling price of each unit Crossover charts (see page 224) uses cost-volume relationships to identify which alternative has the lowest total cost for a particular volume range MTSU Management 362 15 15 15 15 15

25 Cost-Volume Relationships
Figure 5-8a Amount ($) Q (volume in units) Total cost = VC + FC Total variable cost (VC) Fixed cost (FC) MTSU Management 362

26 Cost-Volume Relationships
Figure 5-8b Amount ($) Q (volume in units) Total revenue MTSU Management 362

27 Breakeven Chart Volume (units/period) Total revenue line
Breakeven point Total cost = Total revenue Profit corridor Total cost line Cost in Dollars (Thousands) Variable cost Loss corridor Fixed cost Volume (units/period) MTSU Management 362 16 16 16 16 16 16

28 Example - 3 Equipment lease = FC = $6,000.00 Cost per pie = VC = $2.00
Revenue per pie = Rev = $7.00 How many pies must be sold in order to break even? MTSU Management 362

29 Example - 3 Equipment lease = FC = $6,000.00 Cost per pie = VC = $2.00
Revenue per pie = Rev = $7.00 What would be the profit (loss) be if 1,000 pies are made and sold in a month? MTSU Management 362

30 Example - 3 Equipment lease = FC = $6,000.00 Cost per pie = VC = $2.00
Revenue per pie = Rev = $7.00 How many pies must be sold to realize a profit of $4,000? MTSU Management 362

31 Total cost for Alternative 1 Total cost for Alternative 3
Crossover Chart Variable cost $ $ $ Variable cost Variable cost Fixed cost Fixed cost Alternative 1 Purchase Alternative 2 Process A Alternative 3 Process B Total cost for Alternative 1 Total cost for Alternative 2 Total cost for Alternative 3 X Volume MTSU Management 362 18 18 18 18 18 18

32 Total cost for Alternative 1 Total cost for Alternative 3
Crossover Chart Variable cost $ $ $ Variable cost Variable cost Fixed cost Fixed cost Alternative 1 Purchase Alternative 2 Process A Alternative 3 Process B Total cost for Alternative 1 Total cost for Alternative 2 Total cost for Alternative 3 Total Cost Line X Volume MTSU Management 362 18 18 18 18 18 18

33 Finding Crossover Volumes
At a crossover volume, X, the total cost of one alternative equals the total cost of another alternative. Thus TC1 = TC2 FC1+VC1(X) = FC2+VC2(X) VC1(X) = FC2+VC2(X)-FC1 VC1(X)-VC2(X) = FC2-FC1 (VC1-VC2)(X) = FC2-FC1 X = (FC2-FC1)/(VC1-VC2) MTSU Management 362

34 Finding Crossover Volume
A company must choose between two processes. The fixed and variable costs for each alternative are FC1 = $170,000 FC2 = $190,000 VC1 =$9 VC2 =$4 Over what volume ranges would you prefer each alternative? MTSU Management 362

35 Total cost for Alternative 2
Crossover Chart Variable cost $ $ Variable cost Fixed cost Fixed cost Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Total cost for Alternative 1 Total cost for Alternative 2 $ Total Cost Line prefer alt.1 prefer alternative 2 Volume X MTSU Management 362 18 18 18 18 18 18

36 Other Evaluation Approaches
Financial analysis Cash Flow - the difference between cash received from sales and other sources, and cash outflow for labor, material, overhead, and taxes Present Value - the sum, in current value, of all future cash flows of an investment proposal Decision theory Waiting line analysis MTSU Management 362

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