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저는 … 권효중 Microsoft ASP.NET MVP GE Healthcare Korea

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2 저는 … 권효중 Microsoft ASP.NET MVP GE Healthcare Korea

3 손 !!

4 순서 웹개발의 분업화와 전문화 (20 분 ) 백엔드, 프론트엔드 협업 Single Page Application 데모 (35 분 ) Q & A, 수다 (10 분 )

5 설문조사 구분마이크로소프트 Preference OS IDE VCS Language Web Framework Browser Database 대상 : 웹 개발자 Windows Mac OSX Visual Studio SublimeText TFS Git C#, ASP.NETJavaScript, Python, Ruby ASP.NET WebForm/MVCExpress.js, Rails, Django IEChrome SQL Server PostgreSQL, MongoDB 질문 : 선호하는 개발 환경은 ? 응답인원 : 3 명

6 웹개발에 있어서 협업 Backend Frontend


8 프론트엔드와 백엔드의 분리는 단순히 다른 OS, Tool 을 쓸수 있느냐의 문제가 아님 본질은 코드간의 의존성을 줄여주며 양 질의 코드를 생산하게 해주는 것 더불어 개발자의 전문성을 살릴 수 있 게 해줌.

9 어떻게 분업 / 협업 할것인가 ? Single Page Application The answer is

10 SPA ? Communication  JSON, AJAX Backend  RESTful Service Frontend  UI, JavaScript URL  Hash or PushState

11 How ? Define JSON Integratio n RESTful UI

12 Benefits of SPA Easy to keep UI state Better UX Faster than server rendering ( 최초 로딩은 예외 ) Separation of Developers

13 Tool Sets for the Demo Visual Studio NancyFX Nuget Ember.js Bower Grunt Git (GitHub)

14 Nuget NuGet is the package manager for the Microsoft development platform including.NET. The NuGet Gallery is the central package repository used by all package authors and consumers. VS  Tools  Extensions  Search Nuget

15 NancyFX Nancy is a lightweight, low-ceremony, framework for building HTTP based services on.Net and Mono Run anywhere. Nancy is not built on any specific hosting technology can be run anywhere. Out of the box, Nancy supports running on ASP.NET/IIS, WCF, Self-hosting and any OWIN Install-Package nancy

16 NancyFX - Inspired by Sinatra, ruby framework Frank Sinatra (1915-1998) Nancy Sinatra (1940-)

17 Bower A package management for the web Invented by Twitter inc. npm install bower -g

18 Ember.js JavaScript Framework URL is core of Ember.js Convention over Configuration bower install ember

19 Grunt Task runner for the JavaScript Minifying resources, Concatenation, Compile CoffeeScript, etc… npm install grunt-cli -g


21 Competitors NancyFX ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET WebAPI, FubuMVC BowerJamJS, Component, NPM with Browserify Ember Angular, Backbone, Knockout, React, SpacePen 등등등 GruntGulp

22 감사합니다 Blog : Email : Twitter : @nicekhj 데모 소스는 아래에서 emo_live emo

23 Talk Talk Talk ASP.NET OWIN Katana Helios NancyFX Cloud Azure Nodejitsu Node.js MongoDB Microsoft MVP JOB NAVER D2FEST Developer’s Life GistCamp Open Source HTML5 LESS Grunt Single Page Application Backbone.js Ember.js Angular.js Knockout.js

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