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HMIS User Group Agenda Welcome and Introductions (Lawrence) Offered/Available Trainings (Heather) Known Issues (Lawrence) Leveraging Central Intake/Client.

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Presentation on theme: "HMIS User Group Agenda Welcome and Introductions (Lawrence) Offered/Available Trainings (Heather) Known Issues (Lawrence) Leveraging Central Intake/Client."— Presentation transcript:

1 HMIS User Group Agenda Welcome and Introductions (Lawrence) Offered/Available Trainings (Heather) Known Issues (Lawrence) Leveraging Central Intake/Client Merge (Beverly & Tong)

2 Limited Training  Training schedule scaled down until new Technical Trainer is hired and trained  New calendar  Will return to old calendar Modified Training

3 Limited Training  CM refresher extended for next 4 months  Now 1 class a month:  Thursday, September 3 1-3:30  Thursday, October 8 9-11:30  Tuesday, November 3 1-3:30 CM Refresher

4 Limited Training  On hold until we can hire & train a new Technical Trainer  Will resume ASAP!  Anticipate resuming in November Report training & Open Lab

5 Offered Training  CM refresher:  Tuesday, August 11 th, 9-11:30 (WEBINAR)  HMIS 101 Basic User:  Thursday, August 13 th, 10-3:00 (WEBINAR)  HMIS 201 Case Manager:  Wednesday, August 26 th, 9-5:00 (SSHC) AUGUST modified training dates:

6 Offered Trainings  HMIS 101 Basic User  Monday, July 20 th 9-1 (SSHC)  HMIS 201 Case Manager  Wednesday, July 22 nd 9-5 (SSHC) July training dates remain the same

7 Offered Trainings  Hands-on problem resolution!  July 23 rd, 1-4 PM (MHUW Computer Lab) HMIS Open Lab

8 Training Sign-up  E-mail the helpdesk  We will respond with a link to register  Print out hand-outs before class  e-mailed as a link in reminder e-mails: “materials to review” Signing up for webinars

9  Working with the vendor to build new data quality report  Will measure the new data standards  Until then, do not use old DQ report  no longer accurate  Will do reports training to answer any questions on this. Thanks for your patience!  WORKAROUND: Run ProgramSpecificDataElement_Entry_Results & Summary ProgramSpecificDataElement_Exit_Results & Summary or APR. Q. 7 is a good DQ check. If you do not have these reports please contact the help desk Known Issues: Data Quality Report

10 What occurred?  De-duplicated client records  Changed the consent in the Central Intake Library from organization to system Basic demographic information is now accessible to all agencies users.  Removed agency silos Leveraging Central Intake/Client Merge

11 Why was it necessary  Enhances our ability to generate unduplicated counts of the homeless and at risk population (i.e. dashboards).  Improves programmatic coordination & collaboration across the state (In compliance with the HEARTH ACT)  Helps improve data quality Leveraging Central Intake/Client Merge

12 Advantages  Decrease client duplication  Reduce data entry time  Prepare for programmatic reporting (i.e. Homeless System Performance Measures)  Identify trends in the homeless and at risk population  Accurately numerate the scale of homelessness  Inform system design and policy decisions Leveraging Central Intake/Client Merge

13 Advantages  Identify trends in the homeless and at risk population  Accurately numerate the scale of homelessness  Inform system design and policy decisions Leveraging Central Intake/Client Merge

14 Process Followed  The bulk of the records were de-duplicated with code  Was able to run script 24/7 with minimal impact to users  Client records w/o enough Personal Protected Information (PPI) were eliminated from the database  Duplicated clients were merged based on Soundex algorithm along with Full Social Security Numbers Leveraging Central Intake/Client Merge

15 Observations  Household changes in Central Intake were seen throughout the process  Different client identifiers began to be associated with the client records  Data quality deficiencies were exposed Different clients sharing PPI Clients entered anonymously and by name (i.e. legal name or shorten name) Leveraging Central Intake/Client Merge

16 Known issues users encountered:  Duplicate clients  Single clients are now members of households  Family structures and/or members duplicated within households (different family structures)  Unable to find program records (add to my organization)  Client’s Central Intake Library information grayed out Clients with expiration dates Client with consent refused box checked Leveraging Central Intake/Client Merge

17 Why are we seeing duplicates  Transposition errors & typos (misspellings)  Client using a different name at different agencies (i.e. nicknames, street names, shorten names, etc.)  Lack of full social security numbers  Clients presenting at different agencies with different family structures Leveraging Central Intake/Client Merge

18 Impact of the duplicates  Could cause inaccurate reporting  Longer intake processing  Additional verification efforts  Increased problem resolution time Leveraging Central Intake/Client Merge

19 Next Steps  Create a script to eliminate clients who were migrated and have never been touched  Work with agencies & vendor to manually merge remaining duplicates  Evaluate impact on reporting  Modify the training to incorporate workflow changes  Continue to reach out to the helpdesk  Work with CoC and its committees to develop policy (i.e. legal name policy, etc.) Leveraging Central Intake/Client Merge

20 Working with the database Scenario 1 –Current program participants with duplicate records or cannot be found in Program Client Search  Search for client  Add to my organization  Identify the one with your program enrollment  Work with the client’s program record Leveraging Central Intake/Client Merge

21 Working with the database Scenario 2 – Current program participants with duplicate records who required a new snapshot (i.e. annual assessment, income updates, tec.)  Search for client  Add to my organization – (may be required)  Identify the one with your program enrollment  Confirm household structure  If family structure is not correct call the helpdesk Leveraging Central Intake/Client Merge

22 Working with the database Scenario 3 –Client has never presented at the agency  Search for client  Find the client with the correct family structure  Add to my organization  Update all central intake information  Select the “ready for entry” button & work with the client  Contact the helpdesk to report duplicates Leveraging Central Intake/Client Merge

23 Working with the database Scenario 4 –Family structure needs to be modified  If clients do not have duplicate records, we can add/remove/modify household members  If there are any duplicates within the household or if any household members have duplicate records. We will need to:  Verify family structure  Merge the duplicates  Update the household members’ information Leveraging Central Intake/Client Merge

24 Working with the database Scenario 5 –Client has never presented at agency and the correct family structure cannot be found or there are duplicates within the family  Family composition has duplicate clients within the household or missing family members  Contact the helpdesk Leveraging Central Intake/Client Merge

25  Monday – Thursday (8 am to 4:30 pm)  Friday (8 am to 12 pm)  E-Mail =  Phone = 303-312-9666  Allow 48 hours for response to e-mail and 24 hours for response to voice mail Contact Help Desk

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