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1 PowerPoint Presentation
The Roaring Twenties PowerPoint Presentation

2 Table of Contents Introduction to the 1920s
Reasons for Growth of Businesses Technological Advances of the 1920s

3 Introduction to the 1920s Click HERE to return to Table of Contents

4 Introduction to the 1920s Following World War I, most European countries went into a depression This meant that countries were struggling financially and economically Countries struggled because they had spent almost all of their money on the war U.S.A. became the most powerful nation in the world by the end of the war (1918) Americans celebrated the ending of the war and enjoyed the 1920s! Click HERE to return to Table of Contents

5 Introduction to the 1920s, cont.
The 1920s became known as the “Roaring Twenties” More people had jobs than ever before New inventions were created to make life easier! In the decade after World War I, the nation was experiencing greater PROSPERITY than ever before! Prosperity: refers to the success and the good fortune of the country Click HERE to return to Table of Contents

6 Reasons for the Growth of Business
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7 Reasons for the Growth of Big Business: High Tariffs
A ‘tariff’ is a tax An ‘imported good’ is a product that comes from another country Taxes placed on imported goods made American products more affordable Click HERE to return to Table of Contents

8 Reasons for the Growth of Big Business: High Tariffs
Confused? Try this example: Example: A car made in Japan may cost $1,000. You must also pay a tax of $300 to import it. That brings the total cost up to $1, A car made in the U.S.A. costs $1,050. However, you do not have to pay the import tax because it is already here! This makes it the cheaper car Click HERE to return to Table of Contents

9 Reasons for the Growth of Big Business: Installment Buying
Installment Buying is when you purchase a product and pay for it each month, rather than all at once This allowed customers to take the product home and make monthly payments Click HERE to return to Table of Contents

10 Reasons for the Growth of Big Business: Installment Buying
Question: What are some products that people may have used installment buying for? Think about back then, and now. Click HERE to return to Table of Contents

11 Reasons for the Growth of Big Business: Stock Market
The Stock Market is where people can invest in companies At this point in history, companies were doing very well and many people wanted to invest Click HERE to return to Table of Contents

12 Reasons for the Growth of Big Business: Stock Market
People began to borrow money to buy shares of stock. Stocks were sold and profits were made. Click HERE to return to Table of Contents

13 Reasons for the Growth of Big Business: Stock Market
How does this work? You may invest $10 in a ‘share’ of stock from Panera Bread. Two weeks later, Panera Bread has been very successful and the value of the stock has gone up. It is now worth $15 per share. Since the value of the stock is now higher than what you paid, you may choose to hold onto it or sell it. If you sell it, you make a profit. If you keep it, the value may go up or down in the future. Click HERE to return to Table of Contents

14 Reasons for the Growth of Big Business: Stock Market
How does this work? People never know what is going to happen with their stocks—the values could go up or down, meaning they could make money or lose everything In the 1920s, stocks were at an all time high. People who did not have enough money to purchase stock would borrow money from the bank in order to purchase stock. Click HERE to return to Table of Contents

15 Reasons for the Growth of Big Business: Stock Market
Picture of people buying and selling stock in New York City Click HERE to return to Table of Contents

16 Reasons for the Growth of Big Business: Stock Market
Stock Market Graph, 1920s…the average share of stock in 1921 was $65. In September, 1929, it was worth $380. Click HERE to return to Table of Contents

17 Technological Advances of the 1920s
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18 Technological Advances of the 1920s: Electricity
In what ways did the business of producing electricity grow during the 1920s? By 1920: USA used 10 times more electricity than they did in 1910 By 1929: 2 out of every 3 houses were wired for electricity Thank you, Mr. Edison! Click HERE to return to Table of Contents

19 Technological Advances of the 1920s: Electricity
What changes were brought about by advancements in electrification? Labor saving products: washing machines, stoves, water pumps Entertainment: Radio, movies Increased Communication Electric light in homes and businesses Click HERE to return to Table of Contents

20 Technological Advances of the 1920s: Electricity
Labor Saving Products: stove and washing machine Click HERE to return to Table of Contents

21 Technological Advances of the 1920s: Electricity
Entertainment: Radio and Movies Click HERE to return to Table of Contents

22 Technological Advances of the 1920s: Electricity
Increased Communication: Phones 1920s version of the ‘i-phone’. This is actually called the ‘candlestick phone.’ It can hold mp3s and has eight different ring tones. Just kidding. Click HERE to return to Table of Contents

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