Comenius Assistantship action Žana Orlova Induction meeting for Incoming Comenius and Grundtvig assistants Vilnius 11-12 November, 2011.

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1 Comenius Assistantship action Žana Orlova Induction meeting for Incoming Comenius and Grundtvig assistants Vilnius 11-12 November, 2011

2 Statistical data

3 Comenius Assistantship To give future teachers the opportunity to:  gain a better understanding of the European dimension to teaching and learning;  enhance their knowledge of foreign languages, other European countries and their education systems;  improve their teaching skills.

4 Key aspects - 1 Maintain cultural and linguistic diversity and practice the right to live and work anywhere in Europe PRIORITY less widely used and less taught languages

5 Key aspects - 2 To introduce or reinforce a European dimension in the host school and community BY Raising learners’ awareness of another European culture and helping break down prejudice

6 Key aspects - 3 Assistants concentrate mainly on work in the classroom BUT There are opportunities to develop more unusual or innovative activities while: teaching own language and culture (language and non- language lessons) extra-curricular activities activities in the local community

7 Good practice guide 4.1 Before leaving for the assistantship 4.2 Integration into the school 4.3 Integration into the local community 4.4 In and beyond the classroom

8 Preparing the assistantship  Agree an outline timetable  Make sure the timetable is for 12–16 hours per week  Use the chance to teach your mother tongue  Understand the host education system  Learn the language  Investigate the possibility of obtaining student status  Get insurance Key aspect: invest time and thought

9 Integration into the school  Respect cultural and educational differences  Introduce yourself to all staff  Understand teachers are sometimes very busy  Use the induction period to think carefully about the assistantship  Offer to help teachers during the induction period  Offer to help with extra-curricular activities — sport, clubs, etc.  Meeting with your supervisor at the end of the induction period  If you have problems, speak to your supervisor first Key aspect: observe and be sensitive

10 Integration in the local community  Be aware of cultural and religious differences  Try to use the local language wherever possible  Find out about language classes or exchanges  Consider joining a local club or evening class  Do not miss the induction meeting  Ask the host national agency for a list of other Comenius assistants  Complete all necessary formalities (health, etc.) Key aspect: be active

11 In and beyond the classroom  Aim for informality but ensure respect  Plan all lessons thoroughly, with the teacher if possible  Speak mainly the language (in which) you are teaching  Speak clearly but usually at normal speed  Discuss with teachers how you should correct learners’ mistakes  Gain as much experience as possible with different types of class  Suggest activities and materials

12 In and beyond the classroom  Try not to be limited to the traditional classroom  If you have discipline problems, speak to your supervisor  Every week evaluate with the supervisor what you have achieved  Keep a file on your assistantship Key aspects:  consider cultural and educational differences and do not enter in conflict with the policy of the school

13 Anexes I and II Annex I — Accommodation  Tips: living with a family, student residences, sharing flats or houses Annex II — Resources assistants can bring  Are you going home for Christmas?  Take a look at this annex

14 Some ideas for activities Part I: In the language classroom  all ages  primary school  secondary school Part II: Beyond the language classroom  Subjects other than languages,  extra-curricular activities  Clubs  Projects  special weeks

15 Responsibilities Assistants’ responsibilities:  do his/her best to fulfill his/her tasks in a committed way;  carefully prepare for his/her assistantship;  support the school to establish contacts to his/her home country;  accept all school rules and regulations relevant for employees;  inform the school in cases of illness or unforeseen absence;  inform the school as early as possible if due to unforeseen circumstances the assistantship can not be completed as agreed upon.

16 Responsibilities Host schools’ responsibilities:  regular weekly meetings with the supervisor;  introduce the assistant to all staff;  allow observation for an induction period;  draw a timetable which takes into account the professional interests of the assistant;  allow for teaching his/her mother tongue;  integrate the CA in the school life;  inform him/her about all rules and regulations;  support the assistant to their best;  facilitate contacts;  help the CA to take part in the induction meeting.

17 When you go back... 1  Ensure a certificate signed by the head of the Host School, stating full name, dates and place of the assistantship  Keep in touch with the LT contacts (& other CAs) for future partnerships or projects

18 When you go back... 2  fill-in the final report and: - send a copy to your and LT NA’s within 30 days, together with a copy of the signed agreement; - leave a copy with your host school.  promote and disseminate the experience:  be aware of Europass CV, Language Passport and Europass Mobility as European mobility tools:

19 Your questions are welcome

20 References  Education Exchanges Support Foundation  Good practice guide for host schools and assistants (first document) eikejams/comenius_asistentams_ir_priimancioms_m okykloms_skirtas_gerosios_praktikos_vadovas_en  Erasmus intensive language courses in Lithuania rasmus_intensive_language_courses_eilc_in_lithua nia rasmus_intensive_language_courses_eilc_in_lithua nia  Europass documents

21 Education Exhanges Support Foundation Gelezinio Vilko str. 12, 01112 Vilnius Tel. (8~5) 261 0592 Fax. (8~5) 249 7137 E-mail:

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