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On your own paper…. Think about good and evil and the grey areas  A common theme topic in literature is Good vs. Evil. Write a paragraph about your opinion.

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Presentation on theme: "On your own paper…. Think about good and evil and the grey areas  A common theme topic in literature is Good vs. Evil. Write a paragraph about your opinion."— Presentation transcript:

1 On your own paper…. Think about good and evil and the grey areas  A common theme topic in literature is Good vs. Evil. Write a paragraph about your opinion on good and evil. Consider what makes something good or evil, how do they change with circumstance, what motivates someone to do one or the other.

2 Beowulf-Book of the City of Ladies 32-620

3  We will be starting circa 800: Old English Period  400 years after Roman occupation  About the same time the Bible is being translated and becoming somewhat more accessible: remember, although Christians were trying to convert the people of Briton, the Bible could only be read in Latin and was, therefore, foreign to the average Brit.

4  Celtic Britons- Name given to the earliest known people to migrate to England  Picts- Segment of Celts that were leaving in Scotland for the most part  Anglo-Saxons- Germanic inhabitants of Briton  Differences in cultures and languages very often make translations and meaning questionable: in other words, what the Celts thought the Anglo- Saxons meant, might have been very different than what the Anglo-Saxons intended.

5  Pagan Germanic tribes, considered by most later “historians” as barbarians.  Geats- ancient Germanic people of Southern Sweden  Swedes- People of northern Sweden who eventually defeat the Geats  Danes- loosely applied to term to many of the Germanic and Viking peoples  Keep a tab on page 35, the family tree

6  Religious- All of the peoples of the time had their own mythologies, religions, and ways of worship. But tensions were not just between differing religions, but how to practice a religion, and to whom went the authority.  Territorial- Boundaries of where one group began and another ended were often fought over and decided in blod  Linguistic- At times, two languages became one, assimilating some from both, but at other times it was a battle to force the ones not in power to speak the language of those in power.

7  Warrior’s Code vs. Morality- unending violence in revenge or forgiveness  Loss of values and way of life- With incoming different cultures, although some things assimilate, there are many things that are lost, leaving people longing for “the good old days”  Finding Balance- Heroes should be proud but can fall to pride, King’s should be lavish but not fall to gluttony, etc.

8  Epic- Long narrative poem about the adventures and misadventures of a flawed hero.  Beowulf is a primary or oral epic- meaning it was passed down orally for hundreds of years before ever being written  Theme- A statement of what the story is trying to say about a subject. Theme topic: good vs. evil, theme: In attempting good, sometimes one must do evil.

9  Motifs- repeated images or ideas, very often leading you to find a theme (hint, hint)  Symbolism- an object or idea that is really meant to represent something else  Allegory- When everything in a story can be argued to represent some other story: historical, cultural, mythological, Biblical, etc.  Imagery- closely linked to symbolism, detailed imagery can mean there is more meaning

10  Kenning- Using much more complicated language than is necessary for someone or something. Showing off.  Alliteration- Very common and heavily used device for Anglo-Saxons. Repetition of beginning sounds  Allusion- indirect reference to something historical, mythological, Biblical, etc  Foil- Character whose opposite nature shows the true nature of another character.

11  We will read the first 50 lines together  Once we are done reading, annotate what you can looking for terms, tensions, and understanding.  Your homework will be to read and annotate through line 1440.

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