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Joint Injuries. Common Sport Injury Terms Strains, Pulls & Tears Strains (associated with ligaments & tendon) Pulls & Tears (associated with muscle) Categorized.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint Injuries. Common Sport Injury Terms Strains, Pulls & Tears Strains (associated with ligaments & tendon) Pulls & Tears (associated with muscle) Categorized."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint Injuries

2 Common Sport Injury Terms Strains, Pulls & Tears Strains (associated with ligaments & tendon) Pulls & Tears (associated with muscle) Categorized based on severity – First, second & third degree – Mild (ice)  Moderate  Severe (surgery)


4 Tendonitis “itis” = inflammation Inflammation of tendon Cause: irritation due to prolonged use or abnormal use

5 Dislocations & Separations Dislocation – displaced from original location Separation – ligaments tear & separate (varies in severity)

6 Cartilage Damage Commonly known as “torn cartilage” Avascular (no blood supply)  injuries take time to heal Treatment: arthroscopy Hyaline cartilage – found in bones Fibro cartilage – found in vertebrae Elastic cartilage – found in ear


8 Arthroscopy

9 Q angle Quadriceps angle Formed in the frontal plane by a line drawn from the centre of the patella to the anterior superior iliac spine and another from the centre of the tibial tuberosity to the centre of the patella If angle is greater than 20 degrees; more chance for injury


11 Shin Splints Cause: Overuse, improper foot wear & not enough time for recovery Occurs on medial or lateral shaft of tibia

12 Osgood-Schlatter Syndrome Ossification centres in bones of children Affects epiphyseal plate of tibial tuberosity “growing pains” Patellofemoral Syndrome (PFS) Anterior knee pain or pain around patella Causes: sports like running, volleyball & basketball

13 Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

14 Inversion Sprains “twisted ankle” or “rolling your ankle” Ankle most unstable in plantar flexion

15 Eversion Sprains Rare – strength of deltoid ligament Severe causes – medial malleolus & fibula breaks

16 Treatment of Injuries Signs an injury has occurred: Swelling Heat (increase temperature) Altered (tissue not functioning properly) Red Painful (to touch or move)

17 P.I.E.R. Principle Treatment of injury when it happens: Pressure Ice Elevate Restriction

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