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Lesson Objectives By the end of the session you should be able to: o List the signs and symptoms of a sprain o Describe the types of sprain that can occur.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Objectives By the end of the session you should be able to: o List the signs and symptoms of a sprain o Describe the types of sprain that can occur."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Objectives By the end of the session you should be able to: o List the signs and symptoms of a sprain o Describe the types of sprain that can occur in sports performance

2 WHAT IS A SPRAIN? A sprain is a joint injury that stretches or tears a ligament Ligament: the fibrous connective tissue that joins the end of one bone with another. Ligaments stabilise and support the body’s joints.

3 WHAT CAUSES A SPRAIN? A sprain is caused by direct or indirect trauma ( blow, fall etc) that knocks a joint out of position. It occurs when the ligaments, usually in the ankle or knee, are stretched beyond their normal range of movement.

4 WHAT CAUSES A SPRAIN? Think of 3 sporting examples? Landing on an outstretched arm e.g. cheerleading A footballer sliding into a tackle A player jumps up and lands on the side of their foot Turning on uneven surfaces e.g. cross country running The most common sprain injury is that of the ankle

5 Ankle Sprain - The most common acute sport injuries, 25% in every running or jumping sport - Mechanism of injury: inversion and plantar flexion of the foot when landing off balance or clipping another player’s foot




9 Sprained Ankle Sprained Ankle - "Common Sports Injuries" Sprained Ankle - "Common Sports Injuries"

10 inversion. oThe most common way people sprain their ankle is by turning the ankle inward, which is called inversion. oWhen your ankle turns in, you put strain on the outside (lateral) aspect of your ankle which most commonly sprains the ligaments holding your outside bone to your ankle bone or to your heel bone ATFL oThe ligament most commonly torn by an ankle sprain is called the anterior talo-fibular ligament, or ATFL for short WHAT CAUSES A SPRAIN?

11 o deltoid syndesmosis oSometimes, with severe sprains, the ligament on the inside of your ankle, called the deltoid ligament can be torn. "High ankle sprains" are the most severe types of sprains involving the ligament that connects the tibia and fibula together - the syndesmosis.




15 Sprains video link Sprains video link Novotna spraining ankle at the French Open 1999 Novotna spraining ankle at the French Open 1999

16 3 grades of severity Sprains like strains are also graded by their severity Grade 1 or first degree Grade 2 or second degree Grade 3 or third degree Write down what you think the signs and symptoms are at each stage?

17 First degree First degree: Some stretching or perhaps tearing of the ligament. Little or no joint instability. Mild pain Little swelling Some joint stiffness. Grade 1: What does it feel like?

18 SECOND DEGREE Some tearing of the ligament fibres Moderate instability of the joint The joint appears loose Moderate to severe pain Swelling and stiffness Grade 2: What does it feel like?

19 THIRD DEGREE Total rupture of a ligament Gross instability of the joint Severe pain initially Severe swelling Grade 3: What does it feel like?

20 Stretch before and after you exercise Do special exercises that strengthen the muscles around your ankle Do special exercises to improve your balance If you have had ankle problems before, ask your doctor about taping your ankle wear an ankle brace. What can I do to prevent ankle sprains?

21 Task In pairs identify ways in which a sports performer from a sport of your choice may injure themselves according to each of the sprain grading’s Suggest ways in which this may be prevented Think of how the athlete would feel at each stage of the named injury

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