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First Day – 9/3/14 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler & Science Notebook Independent: In your student planner find the date and record the topic (Notebook.

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Presentation on theme: "First Day – 9/3/14 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler & Science Notebook Independent: In your student planner find the date and record the topic (Notebook."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Day – 9/3/14 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler & Science Notebook Independent: In your student planner find the date and record the topic (Notebook Setup) for the subject of science. Independent: Pick up a 3” by 5” index card at the front of the room, number the card 1-6 and write five things about you that most people don’t know. Lastly, explain how you would spend $10 million. Your responses are secret! Don’t tell anyone! These will be shared later so don’t share something that is too personal. On the back, write your first and last name, class period, parents name and a contact phone number and/or Independent: Pick up a piece of white paper to make a name tag. Fold it hotdog style and write your first name on both sides in BLOCK or BUBBLE LETTERS. Independent: Follow and listen to instructions on how to set up a science notebook. Table of Contents (Date /Topic / Page) Daily Entries with underlined topic and pages numbered (Cornell Note Taking) Glossary/Formulas Independent: Record in your notebook - Science Summary (In 4-5 sentences explain what you learned or have questions about in science today.) Be sure to provide examples and details as you explain your reflection. This is also a great place to write down a question you might have about the science topic. Group: Share examples of science summaries.

2 Notebook Setup – 9/4/14 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: In your KMS student planner find the date and record the topic (Organization) for science. Open up your Science (Composition) Notebook and turn to the 3rd page. Record the following learning target: Independent: Learning Target I can organize my science notebook by always including dates of entries, topic of study, science starter (bell work), data table & graphs, glossary & formulas and reflection responses to lesson questions. Independent: Science Starter Make a list of five naturally occurring catastrophic events and a list of five human caused/made catastrophic events. Group: Collect, correct (science starter) & pass back notebooks. Independent: Record in your notebook - Science Summary (In 4-5 sentences explain what you learned or have questions about in science today.) Be sure to provide examples and details as you explain your reflection. This is also a great place to write down a question you might have about the science topic. Group: Share examples of science summaries.

3 CE 1.1-1.2 Catastrophic Events -9/5/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, Independent: student planner CE Catastrophic Events (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I can provide examples of different catastrophic events and the relationship these events have with other catastrophic events. (4 min.) Independent: Record in your notebook - Science Starter Make a list of five naturally occurring catastrophic events. (3 min.) Independent: In your notebook create a catastrophic concept map. See example. Independent: On the map of Earth in your notebook use a pencil to mark locations of catastrophic events. Use an “H” for hurricanes, “T” for tornadoes, “V” for volcanoes and “E” for earthquakes. Group: Share your ideas from your own concept map and world map. Independent: Update your own concept map and world map in your notebook. Group: glossary. Catastrophic event, Hurricane, Tornado, Earthquake & Volcano Independent: Science Summary Group: Share examples of science summaries.

4 CE 1.1-1.2 Catastrophic Events 9/8/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, Globe & Map Independent: student planner CE Catastrophic Events (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I can provide examples of different scientists and the tools that they use to study catastrophic events. (4 min.) Independent: Record in your notebook - Science Starter Make a list of three catastrophic events that may cause other catastrophic events. (3 min.) Independent: Cornell style notes on the topic of C.E. subtopics. Where are they located? Why do they occur there? Independent: On the map of Earth in your notebook use a pencil to mark locations of catastrophic events. Use an “H” for hurricanes, “T” for tornadoes, “V” for volcanoes and “E” for earthquakes Group: Share world maps and update your world map in your notebook. Group: Read - How Scientists Study the Earth pg. 6 Group: Read – Views from Space pg. 8 Independent: Take Cornell notes on the above two reading articles in your notebook. Group: glossary. Catastrophic event, Hurricane, Tornado, Earthquake & Volcano Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries.

5 Catastrophic Events 1.1-1.2 9/9/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I can provide a list of examples of different tools that scientists use while studying catastrophic events. (4 min.) Independent: Record in your notebook - Science Starter Why do you think that it is important to study different catastrophic events? Explain. (3 min.) Group: Read - How Scientists Study the Earth pg. 6 Group: Read – Views from Space pg. 8 Independent: Take Cornell notes on the above two reading articles in your notebook. Independent: Take Cornell notes on the video: Understanding Weather Group: glossary. Catastrophic event, Hurricane, Tornado, Earthquake & Volcano Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries.

6 CE 2.1 Storms 9/10/14 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook & Vortex Model Independent: student planner CE 2.1 Storms (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand and can provide examples of storms and how they change Earth’s surface and atmosphere. (3 min.) Independent: Science Starter What is density? Order the following liquids based upon density: water, air, oil & helium. Least to greatest. (3 min.) Independent: Read – Introduction & Getting Started pgs Group: Follow Procedures as a class pgs Independent: Answer Reflection Questions 1-2 pg. 15 Independent: Take Cornell notes on the video: Understanding Weather Independent: Read – Views from Space pg. 8 Group: glossary. Hurricane, Hydrosphere, Thunderstorm, Tornado, Vortex Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries.

7 CE 2.1 Storms 9/11/14 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 2.1 Storms (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand and can provide examples of storms and how they change Earth’s surface and atmosphere. (3 min.) Independent: Science Starter Draw a small picture of a hurricane vortex. Label your drawing with warm air & cold air. Show direction with arrows and explain your model with the word “dense” or “density”. (3 min.) Independent: Read – Introduction & Getting Started pgs Group: Follow Procedures as a class pgs Independent: Answer Reflection Questions 1-2 pg. 15 (10 min.) Independent: Take Cornell notes on the video: Understanding Weather Group: glossary. Hurricane, Hydrosphere, Thunderstorm, Tornado, Vortex Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries.

8 CE 2.1 Storms 9/15/14 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 2.1 Storms (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain the differences between tornadoes and hurricanes. (3 min.) Independent: Science Starter CE Target Practice 1 Independent: Answer Reflection Questions 1-2 pg. 15 (10 min.) Finish Discussion Independent: Take Cornell notes on the video: Understanding Weather Independent: Read – What is a Vortex? Pg. 18 Group: Read & Take Notes “That’s a Fact” pg. 20 Group: glossary. Hurricane, Hydrosphere, Thunderstorm, Tornado, Vortex Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries.

9 CE 2.1 Storms 9/16/14 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 2.1 Storms (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain the differences between tornadoes and hurricanes. (3 min.) Independent: Science Starter Provide two examples besides tornadoes and hurricanes where something spins in a spiral formation. Independent: Answer Reflection Questions 1-2 pg. 15 (10 min.) Finish Discussion Independent: Read – What is a Vortex? Pg. 18 Group: Read & Take Notes “That’s a Fact” pg. 20 Group: glossary. Hurricane, Hydrosphere, Thunderstorm, Tornado, Vortex Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries.

10 CE 2.1 Storms 9/17/14 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 2.1 Storms (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain the differences between tornadoes and hurricanes. (3 min.) Independent: Science Starter What is the scientific process? Make a list of the parts that make up the scientific process. (3 min.) Independent: Make sure you have a picture of the Vortex model. Label the direction of the water and air. Group: Read & Take Notes “That’s a Fact” pg. 20 Independent: glossary. Hurricane, Hydrosphere, Thunderstorm, Tornado, Vortex Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries.

11 CE 2.1 Storms 9/18/14 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 2.1 Storms (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain the similarities between tornadoes and hurricanes. (3 min.) Independent: Science Starter What usually occurs before a tornado or a hurricane? A. Seismic event B. Solar Radiation C. Thunder Storm D. Tsunami (3 min.) Group: Read & Take Notes “That’s a Fact” pg. 20 Independent: Make sure you glue or tape the template handouts in your notebook. Independent: glossary. Hurricane, Hydrosphere, Thunderstorm, Tornado, Vortex Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries.

12 Garage Band- 9/19/14 Supplies: Planner, Pencil Independent: student planner Garage Band (1 min.) Independent: After teacher instruction, work on the pre-assessment “Garage Band” Independent: You have the entire class period. Independent: If you finish you may update your science notebook quietly. No Talking! Group: Collect “Garage Band” end of period. Independent: Update Table of Contents with “Reference” and place the blue Daily Science Template on a page. Independent: Place the green Science Grade Tracker in the back of your Science Notebook. Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries.

13 Garage Band- 9/23/14 Supplies: Planner, Science Notebook, Glue Stick, Pencil Independent: Student planner Garage Band (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand the parts that make up the scientific process. (3 min.) Independent: Science Starter Without looking, make a list of the parts that make up the scientific process. (3 min.) Independent: Using a grading rubric & teacher instruction , score “Garage Band” with a red pen. Independent: Place Scientific Process Reference green Sheet and Scientific Process pink Template inside your notebook in the locations the teacher demonstrated. Independent: Update Table of Contents with “Reference” and place the blue Daily Science Template on a page. Independent: Place the green Science Grade Tracker in the back of your Science Notebook. Independent: Begin CE 3.1 Heating Earth’s Surfaces pg. 26 Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries.

14 CE 3.1 Heating Earth’s Surfaces - 9/24/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook & Lab Equipment Independent: student planner CE 3.1 Heating Earth’s Surfaces (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand that different surfaces on Earth absorb and retain heat differently. (3 min.) Independent: Science Starter Write down two things that you learned from correcting “Garage Band” yesterday. Group: Read – Introduction, Getting Started & Procedures pgs Independent: Use the scientific method as you conduct this experiment. Group: glossary. Atmosphere, radiation, climate, conduction, convection, gas, ocean, weather, thermal energy Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries.

15 CE 3.1 Heating Earth’s Surfaces - 9/25/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook & Lab Equipment Independent: student planner CE 3.1 Heating Earth’s Surfaces (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand that different surfaces on Earth absorb and retain heat differently. (2 min.) Independent: Science Starter Why does Earth have seasons? Use pictures and words to describe this phenomenon. Independent: Review any unfinished reading in the book. Independent: Make a graph showing the data from your lab Heating & Cooling Earth’s surfaces. Group: glossary. Atmosphere, radiation, climate, conduction, convection, gas, ocean, weather, thermal energy Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries.

16 CE 3.1 Heating Earth’s Surfaces - 9/26/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook & Lab Equipment Independent: student planner CE 3.1 Heating Earth’s Surfaces (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand that different surfaces on Earth absorb and retain heat differently. (2 min.) Independent: Science Starter CE Target Practice 2 Independent: Share data between group members. Group: Write procedures for this lab. Use the procedures in the book to help you. Pgs Independent: Make a graph showing the data from your lab Heating & Cooling Earth’s surfaces. Group: glossary. Atmosphere, radiation, climate, conduction, convection, gas, ocean, weather, thermal energy Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries.

17 CE 3.1 Heating Earth’s Surfaces - 9/29/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook & Lab Equipment Independent: student planner CE 3.1 Heating Earth’s Surfaces (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand that different surfaces on Earth absorb and retain heat differently. (2 min.) Independent: Science Starter Make a list of tools or instruments that scientists use to measure the conditions of the atmosphere. Independent: Share data between group members. Independent: Make a graph showing the data from your lab Heating & Cooling Earth’s surfaces. Independent: Write a conclusion for this lab and its results. Group: Reading – Weather versus Climate pg. 30, The Source of Earth’s Heat pg. 31, The Atmosphere: A Blanket of Air pg. 34 & Joseph Henry: The Father of Weather Forecasting pg. 37 Group: glossary. Atmosphere, radiation, climate, conduction, convection, gas, ocean, weather, thermal energy Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries.

18 CE 3.1 Heating Earth’s Surfaces - 9/30/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook & Lab Equipment Independent: student planner CE 3.1 Heating Earth’s Surfaces (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand that different surfaces on Earth absorb and retain heat differently. (2 min.) Independent: Science Starter How do you think the peanut butter jar with a balloon top and a stick pointer works to measure air pressure? Draw Mr. J’s homemade barometer in your notebook. If you make your own, he’ll make it worth your while. Group: Share line graphs and discuss findings. Independent: Write a conclusion for this lab and its results. Group: Reading – Weather versus Climate pg. 30, The Source of Earth’s Heat pg. 31, The Atmosphere: A Blanket of Air pg. 34 & Joseph Henry: The Father of Weather Forecasting pg. 37 Group: glossary. Atmosphere, radiation, climate, conduction, convection, gas, ocean, weather, thermal energy, barometer Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries.

19 CE 3.1 Heating Earth’s Surfaces – 10/01/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook & Lab Equipment Independent: student planner CE 3.1 Heating Earth’s Surfaces (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand that different surfaces on Earth absorb and retain heat differently. (2 min.) Independent: Science Starter Is it true that different color clothing absorb or reflect the sun’s heat? Provide an example of your experience. Group: Reading – Weather versus Climate pg. 30, The Source of Earth’s Heat pg. 31, The Atmosphere: A Blanket of Air pg. 34 & Joseph Henry: The Father of Weather Forecasting pg. 37 Group: glossary. Atmosphere, radiation, climate, conduction, convection, gas, ocean, weather, thermal energy, barometer Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries.

20 CE 4.1 Investigating the Temperature of Air 10/02/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook & Lab Equipment Independent: student planner CE 4.1 Investigating the Temperature of Air (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate how changing the surface temperature changes the air above it. (3 min.) Independent: Science Starter What is Earth’s atmosphere? What are the components that make up Earth’s atmosphere? Look on CE pg. 36 for a reference. Group: Reading – Weather versus Climate pg. 30, The Source of Earth’s Heat pg. 31, The Atmosphere: A Blanket of Air pg. 34 & Joseph Henry: The Father of Weather Forecasting pg. 37 Group: glossary. Atmosphere, radiation, climate, conduction, convection, gas, ocean, weather, thermal energy, barometer Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries.

21 CE 4.1 Investigating the Temperature of Air 10/03/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook & Lab Equipment Independent: student planner CE 4.1 Investigating the Temperature of Air (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate how changing the surface temperature changes the air above it. (2 min.) Independent: Science Starter CE Target Practice 3 Group: Finish the materials list, procedure variables and create a data table Group: Follow teacher and book procedures (pg ) to complete CE 4.1 Independent: Answer Reflection Questions 1 A-D pg. 45 Group: Finish completing the parts of the scientific process for CE 4.1 Independent: Reading –Joseph Henry: The Father of Weather Forecasting pg. 37 Independent: glossary. Atmosphere, radiation, climate, conduction, convection, gas, ocean, weather, thermal energy, barometer Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries.

22 CE 4.1 Investigating the Temperature of Air 10/06/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook & Lab Equipment Independent: student planner CE 4.1 Investigating the Temperature of Air (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate how changing the surface temperature changes the air above it. (2 min.) Independent: Science Starter What are the three variables in an experiment? Explain each type of variable and what it does in the experiment. Group: Finish the materials list, procedure variables and create a data table Group: Follow teacher and book procedures (pg ) to complete CE 4.1 Independent: Answer Reflection Questions 1 A-D pg. 45 Group: Finish completing the parts of the scientific process for CE 4.1 Independent: Reading –Joseph Henry: The Father of Weather Forecasting pg. 37 Independent: glossary. Atmosphere, radiation, climate, conduction, convection, gas, ocean, weather, thermal energy, barometer Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries.

23 CE 4.1 Investigating the Temperature of Air 10/07/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook & Lab Equipment Independent: student planner CE 4.1 Investigating the Temperature of Air (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate how changing the surface temperature changes the air above it. (2 min.) Independent: Science Starter Where is the weather in Earth’s atmosphere? What is significant about the thermosphere? What layer contains the ozone? What atmospheric layer is the coldest? Independent: Finish writing a conclusion for CE 4.1 Group: Answer Reflection Questions 1 A-D pg. 45 Independent: Reading –Joseph Henry: The Father of Weather Forecasting pg. 37 Independent: glossary. Atmosphere, radiation, climate, conduction, convection, gas, ocean, weather, thermal energy, barometer Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries.

24 CE 4.2 Investigating How Warm Air and Cool Air Move 10/08/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook & Lab Equipment Independent: student planner CE 4.2 Investigating How Warm Air and Cool Air Move (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate how warm air and cool air move. (2 min.) Independent: Science Starter Who is Joseph Henry and what is he known for? Why are weather predictions important? How does weather move across the U.S.? Independent: Follow teachers directions and book procedures (pgs ) during experiment. Independent: Make sure that you have written a question, hypothesis & procedure safety and variables identified before beginning. Group: Answer Reflection Questions 1. A-E, 2, 3 & 4 pg.48 Independent: Reading – What’s The Forecast? Pgs Independent: glossary. Atmosphere, radiation, climate, conduction, convection, gas, ocean, weather, thermal energy, barometer, heat, temperature, stable air mass, unstable air mass, gas, atmosphere, sun Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries.

25 CE 4.2 Investigating How Warm Air and Cool Air Move 10/09/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook & Lab Equipment Independent: student planner CE 4.2 Investigating How Warm Air and Cool Air Move (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate how warm air and cool air move. (2 min.) Independent: Science Starter Why does some air sink and some air rise? Use pictures and/or words to describe your answer. Independent: Follow teachers directions and book procedures (pgs ) during experiment. Independent: Finish the rest of the Scientific Process for CE 4.2 – Materials, Procedures & Conclusion Group: Answer Reflection Questions 1. A-E, 2, 3 & 4 pg.48 Independent: Reading – What’s The Forecast? Pgs Independent: glossary. Atmosphere, radiation, climate, conduction, convection, gas, ocean, weather, thermal energy, barometer, heat, temperature, stable air mass, unstable air mass, gas, atmosphere, sun Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries.

26 CE 4.2 Investigating How Warm Air and Cool Air Move 10/10/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 4.2 Investigating How Warm Air and Cool Air Move (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate how warm air and cool air move. (2 min.) Independent: Science Starter CE Target Practice 4 Independent: CE Notebook Check 9/11-10/09 Independent: Answer Reflection Questions 1. A-E, 2, 3 & 4 pg.48 Independent: Reading – What’s The Forecast? Pgs Independent: Update your Glossary. Atmosphere, radiation, climate, conduction, convection, gas, ocean, weather, thermal energy, barometer, heat, temperature, stable air mass, unstable air mass, atmosphere, sun Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Group: Share examples of science summaries. Science Starters Learning Targets Science Summary 15 5

27 CE 5.1 Colliding Air Masses 10/13/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 5.1 Colliding Air Masses (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand what an air mass is and what happens when different air masses collide. 1min.) Independent: Science Starter Read Air Masses again pg. 49. Where do you think air masses with different temperature and humidity conditions are most likely to meet in the United States? Group: Set up Lesson 5 Convection Currents in the Air pg. 54 Independent: Draw convection tubes of observations of each experiment. Independent: Finish scientific process for lesson CE 5.1 Independent: Update glossary…Update glossary… Update glossary heat, temperature, stable air mass, unstable air mass, gas, atmosphere, sun, ocean Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

28 CE 5.1 Colliding Air Masses 10/14/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 5.1 Colliding Air Masses (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand what an air mass is and what happens when different air masses collide. (1min.) Independent: Science Starter What’s an air mass? Provide an example of a type of air mass and where it would originate. Independent: Finish scientific process for lesson CE 5.1 Group: Read - Why Does the Wind Blow? Weather Fronts & Trouble in Tornado Alley Pgs Independent: Update glossary…Update glossary… Update glossary heat, temperature, stable air mass, unstable air mass, gas, atmosphere, sun, ocean Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

29 CE 5.1 Colliding Air Masses 10/15/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 5.1 Colliding Air Masses (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand what an air mass is and what happens when different air masses collide. (1min.) Independent: Science Starter Finish these sentences to make them accurate and complete. Cold air __________ because it is more __________. Warm air __________ because it is less __________. When warmer air rises and cooler air sinks causing thermal energy to be transferred this is known as a __________ current. Independent: Finish scientific process for lesson CE 5.1 Group: Read & Cornell Notes - Why Does the Wind Blow? Weather Fronts & Trouble in Tornado Alley Pgs Independent: Update glossary…Update glossary… Update glossary heat, temperature, stable air mass, unstable air mass, gas, atmosphere, sun, ocean Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

30 CE 5.1 Colliding Air Masses 10/16/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 5.1 Colliding Air Masses (1 min.) HAS MR. JOHNSON SEEN YOUR NOTEBBOOK & SCORE? ABSENT AND MISSED A TARGET PRACTICE? Independent: Learning Target I understand convection and when different air masses collide it creates wind and spiraling storms. (3 min.) Independent: Science Starter Finish these sentences to make them accurate and complete. A. __________ breezes happen usually at night when the water is warmer than land. B. __________ breezes happen when the land warms faster than water usually during the day. C. __________ are convection currents between Earth’s equator and poles. D. __________ are narrow tubes of air in the upper troposphere. Group: Read & take Cornell notes - Weather Fronts pg. 63 & Trouble in Tornado Alley pg. 64 Group: Computer simulations demonstrations Group: Independent: Update glossary…Update glossary… Update glossary air mass, stable & unstable air mass, weather front & convection current Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

31 CE 6.1 Observing Evaporation & Condensation 10/17/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 6.1 Evaporation & Condensation (1 min.) HAS MR. JOHNSON SEEN YOUR NOTEBBOOK & SCORE? ABSENT AND MISSED A TARGET PRACTICE? Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate why water condenses and evaporates. Independent: Science Starter CE Target Practice 5 Group: Read introduction & getting started pg. 68 Group: Answer & follow teacher and book procedures for lessons CE 6.1 for lab Group: Independent: Update glossary…Update glossary… Update glossary air pressure, cloud, evaporation, condensation, vapor, precipitation, melting, freezing, sublimation, transpiration, ground water, water table & water cycle Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

32 CE 6.1 Observing Evaporation & Condensation 10/20/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 6.1 Evaporation & Condensation (1 min.) Student Led Conferences – Science Notebook & Samples from the File Cabinet Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate why water condenses and evaporates. Independent: Science Starter Fill in the blank to make them accurate and complete. __________ Cool air pushes into a warm air. __________ Warm air pushes into cold air. __________ Both air masses move toward each other. __________ Cool & cold air masses meet and warm air is trapped between. Independent: Follow book and teacher procedures for CE 6.1 pg. 71 Independent: Use the scientific process to complete CE 6.1 Group: Answer reflection questions 1.A-C, 2 & 3 A-B pg. 71 Group: Independent: Update glossary…Update glossary… Update glossary air pressure, cloud, evaporation, condensation, vapor, precipitation, melting, freezing, sublimation, transpiration, ground water, water table & water cycle Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

33 CE 6.2 Air Pressure on Cloud Formation 10/21/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 6.2 Air Pressure on Cloud Formation(1 min.) HAS MR. JOHNSON SEEN YOUR NOTEBBOOK & SCORE? ABSENT AND MISSED A TARGET PRACTICE? Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate how air pressure influences weather & cloud formation. Independent: Science Starter Make a list without looking in the book on page 68 of the ingredients that are needed to make a cloud. Group: Finish scientific process for 6.1 & discuss answer reflection questions 1,2 &3 on pg. 71 Independent: Draw the Water Cycle and States of Matter diagram. Pg. 72 Group: Follow & answer teacher and book procedures for CE 6.2 Cloud Formation pg. 73 Group: Independent: Update glossary…Update glossary… Update glossary air pressure, cloud, evaporation, condensation, vapor, precipitation, melting, freezing, sublimation, transpiration, ground water, water table & water cycle Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

34 CE 6.3 Weather Maps 10/22/14 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 6.3 Weather Maps (1 min.) HAS MR. JOHNSON SEEN YOUR NOTEBBOOK & SCORE? ABSENT AND MISSED A TARGET PRACTICE? Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain the symbols & components that make up a weather map. Independent: Science Starter Fill in the blanks to make the following true. Use pg. 70 to help __________ is associated with cloud formation on a weather map. __________ is associated with clear skies on a weather map. Black lines with half circles or triangles on a weather map indicate __________. Why are the triangles and semicircles facing different directions? __________ The weather moves __________ as it moves across the United States. Independent: Finish scientific process for CE 6.2 Conclusion Independent: Draw the Water Cycle and States of Matter diagram. Pg. 72 Group: Read & take Cornell Notes – The Truth About Air pg. 76 Group: Independent: Update glossary…Update glossary… Update glossary air pressure, cloud, evaporation, condensation, vapor, precipitation, melting, freezing, sublimation, transpiration, ground water, water table & water cycle Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

35 CE 7.1 Effect of Temperature on Ocean Currents 10/27/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 7.1 Effect of Temperature on Ocean Currents (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand, can draw and explain why temperature effects the currents in oceans. Independent: Science Starter Fill in the blanks to make the following true. __________creates more condensation & evaporation. __________ particles are needed so that water can __________. __________ pressure is usually associated with __________. Group: Set up scientific investigation for Ocean Currents and Heating of Earth pg. 80 Group: Read & take Cornell Notes – The Truth About Air pg. 76 Group: Independent: Update glossary…Update glossary… Update glossary convection, current, upwelling, potassium permanganate, surface currents, El Nino, La Nina Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

36 CE 7.1 Effect of Temperature on Ocean Currents 10/28/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 7.1 Effect of Temperature on Ocean Currents (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand, can draw and explain why temperature effects the currents in oceans. Independent: Science Starter CE Target Practice 6 Independent: Finish scientific investigation for Ocean Currents and Heating of Earth pg. 80 Group: Notes & Discussion Reflection Questions 1A-C & 2 pg. 87 Group: All class demonstration – Effects of Temperature on Ocean Currents pg. 83 Group: Read & take Cornell Notes – The Truth About Air pg. 76 Group: Independent: Update glossary…Update glossary… Update glossary convection, current, upwelling, potassium permanganate, surface currents, El Nino, La Nina Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

37 CE 7.2 Investigating Surface Currents 10/29/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 7.2 Investigating Surface Currents (1 min.) HAS MR. JOHNSON SEEN YOUR NOTEBBOOK & SCORE? ABSENT AND MISSED A TARGET PRACTICE? QUARTER GRADES WILL BE WRAPPING UP SOON. SEE ME Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain how the ocean and surface currents influence weather. Independent: Science Starter Read – “How Trade Winds Cause Upwelling” pg. 87 Group: Set up scientific investigation for the Investigating Surface Currents pg. 88 Independent: Answer Reflection Questions 1. A-C & 2. A-C pg. 91 Group: Read & take Cornell Notes – The Truth About Air pg. 76 Independent: Read & Cornell Notes – El Nino Stirs up the World’s Weather pg. 92 Independent: Update glossary…Update glossary… Update glossary convection, current, upwelling, potassium permanganate, surface currents, El Nino, La Nina Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

38 CE 7.2 Investigating Surface Currents 10/30/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 7.2 Investigating Surface Currents (1 min.) HAS MR. JOHNSON SEEN YOUR NOTEBBOOK & SCORE? ABSENT AND MISSED A TARGET PRACTICE? QUARTER GRADES WILL BE WRAPPING UP SOON. SEE ME Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain how the ocean and surface currents influence weather. Independent: Science Starter Make the following sentences true. Use pgs __________ are caused by trade winds pushing warm surface water to the west across the Pacific Ocean. __________ is an unusually warm flow of surface water. __________ is an unusually cold flow of surface water. Group: Set up scientific investigation for the Investigating Surface Currents pg. 88 Independent: Answer Reflection Questions 1. A-C & 2. A-C pg. 91 Group: Read & take Cornell Notes – The Truth About Air pg. 76 Independent: Read & Cornell Notes – El Nino Stirs up the World’s Weather pg. 92 Independent: Update glossary…Update glossary… Update glossary convection, current, upwelling, potassium permanganate, surface currents, El Nino, La Nina Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

39 CE 7.2 Investigating Surface Currents 10/31/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 7.2 Investigating Surface Currents (1 min.) HAS MR. JOHNSON SEEN YOUR NOTEBBOOK & SCORE? ABSENT AND MISSED A TARGET PRACTICE? QUARTER GRADES WILL BE WRAPPING UP SOON. SEE ME Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain how the ocean and surface currents influence weather. Independent: Science Starter CE Target Practice 7 Independent: Answer Reflection Questions 1. A-C & 2. A-C pg. 91 Independent: Fact or Fiction Halloween Independent: Read & Cornell Notes – El Nino Stirs up the World’s Weather pg. 92 Independent: Update glossary…Update glossary… Update glossary convection, current, upwelling, potassium permanganate, surface currents, El Nino, La Nina Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

40 CE 8 Storms Review - 11/3/14 Catastrophic Storms Unit Test Tuesday,
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Science Matter Catastrophic event Weight Weather Volume Independent: student planner CE 8 Storms Review (1 min.) Climate Air masses Thunderstorm Stable air mass Hurricane Unstable air mass Tornado Convection current Catastrophic Storms Unit Test Tuesday, Volcano Weather front Earthquake Temperature Vortex Heat November 4th Meteorologist Sun Atmosphere Ocean Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain what causes weather and storms. Air Land Air pressure Current Cloud Upwelling Vapor Group: Weather Jeopardy Precipitation Independent: Science Starter Update glossary & read El Nino Stirs Up the World’s Weather pg.92 Evaporation Condensation Transpiration Independent: Science Summary Hydrosphere Radiation (4-5 Sentences) Conduction Convection States of matter (gas, liquid, solid) Mass

41 CE 1.1 – CE 8 Unit Test - 11/4/14 Need additional paper for the short answer questions? Have some available and staple to your test. If you finish the test early please have something else to work on like a book to read. Have you looked over your responses? Don’t you have to be here anyway? Why not double check your answers. Where else do you have to be? Do well! What grade will you earn? If you’ve read all of this and want to use your notebook as a reference then feel free. I would!

42 CE 10.1 Thinking About Earthquakes - 11/5/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 10.1 Thinking About Earthquakes (1 min.) Did you miss the Catastrophic Storms Unit Test Tuesday, November 4th? See me! Independent: Learning Target I understand what an earthquake is and where some occur. Independent: Science Starter Where are earthquakes likely to occur? Provide an example of an earthquake location. Group: Introduction & Getting Started (CE Concept Map) pgs Group: Answer Procedure questions 1.A-E, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Group: Video on earthquakes. Independent: CE 10.1 Reflection Questions 1, 2. A-D, 3 & 4 pg. 117 Independent: Read – Myths About Earthquakes pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary constructive, destructive, fault, lithosphere, core, crust, mantle, earthquake, seismologist, geologist, geology Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

43 CE 10.1 Thinking About Earthquakes - 11/6/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 10.1 Thinking About Earthquakes (1 min.) Did you miss the Catastrophic Storms Unit Test Tuesday, November 4th? See me! Independent: Learning Target I understand what an earthquake is and where some occur. Independent: Science Starter Why should scientist study earthquakes? Provide several reasons why you think it is important to study these earthly events. Independent: Complete Earthquake Information Organizer Group: Video on earthquakes. Independent: Read – Myths About Earthquakes pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary constructive, destructive, fault, lithosphere, core, crust, mantle, earthquake, seismologist, geologist, geology Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

44 CE 11.1 Testing the Motion of Waves - 11/7/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 11.1 Testing the Motion of Waves (1 min.) Yes! The end of 1st quarter! The beginning of 2nd quarter! Fresh start for all! Independent: Learning Target I know that there are different types of earthquake waves and I know the characteristics of each type of wave. Independent: Science Starter What is an earthquake? What causes an earthquake? What are the destructive affects of an earthquake? What are the positive affects of an earthquake? Group: Introduction & Getting Started pgs Group: Answer & Follow Procedures 1-22 pgs Independent: Use scientific process for this lab Independent: Answer reflection questions 1.A-C & 2.A&B pg.127 Independent: Read – Myths About Earthquakes pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary constructive, destructive, fault, lithosphere, core, crust, mantle, earthquake, seismologist, geologist, geology, p-wave, s-wave, compression wave, transverse wave, rarefaction Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

45 CE 11.1 Testing the Motion of Waves - 11/10/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 11.1 Testing the Motion of Waves (1 min.) Welcome to your second quarter of your sixth grade year! Independent: Learning Target I know that there are different types of earthquake waves and I know the characteristics of each type of wave. Independent: Science Starter What is the difference between a P-wave and an S-wave? List two characteristics. Independent: Finish scientific process for this lab Independent: Answer reflection questions 1.A-C & 2.A&B pg.127 Independent: Transverse Waves – Identifying wave features Independent: Read – Myths About Earthquakes pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary constructive, destructive, fault, lithosphere, core, crust, mantle, earthquake, seismologist, geologist, geology, p-wave, s-wave, compression wave, transverse wave, rarefaction Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Be sure to thank a Veteran!

46 CE 11.2 Designing & Building an Earthquake Resistant House - 11/12/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 11.2 Designing & Building an Earthquake Resistant House (1 min.) Yes! The end of 1st quarter! The beginning of 2nd quarter! Fresh start for all! Independent: Learning Target I know that there are different types of material that make up Earth’s crust and offer better resistance to earthquakes. Independent: Science Starter 11.1 Reflection Questions 1.A-C & 2.A&B pg.127 Group: Read Designing Earthquake Resistant Buildings pgs Group: In your group share each of your plans to create one group plan/structure. Group: Answer Procedure 7 Questions before you build A-D pg.129 Independent: Answer Procedure 8 Questions & Evaluate your design A-E pg.129 Independent: Read – Myths About Earthquakes pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary constructive, destructive, fault, lithosphere, core, crust, mantle, earthquake, seismologist, geologist, geology, p-wave, s-wave, compression wave, transverse wave, rarefaction Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

47 CE 11.2 Designing & Building an Earthquake Resistant House - 11/13/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 11.2 Designing & Building an Earthquake Resistant House (1 min.) It’s a new quarter! Did you know that you have an A in class? What will you do to maintain that A? Independent: Learning Target I know that there are different types of material that make up Earth’s crust and offer better resistance to earthquakes. Group: Science Starter Share your building plan & get ready to build! Group: Answer Procedure 7 Questions before you build A-D pg.129 Independent: Answer Procedure 8 Questions & Evaluate your design A-E pg.129 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary constructive, destructive, fault, lithosphere, core, crust, mantle, earthquake, seismologist, geologist, geology, p-wave, s-wave, compression wave, transverse wave, rarefaction Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

48 CE 11.2 Designing & Building an Earthquake Resistant House - 11/14/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 11.2 Designing & Building an Earthquake Resistant House (1 min.) It’s a new quarter! Did you know that you have an A in class? What will you do to maintain that A? Independent: Learning Target I know that there are different types of material that make up Earth’s crust and offer better resistance to earthquakes. Group: Science Starter Target Practice 11 & Notebook Check 11/5 – 11/13 Group: Answer Procedure 7 Questions before you build A-D pg.129 Independent: Answer Procedure 8 Questions & Evaluate your design A-E pg.129 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary constructive, destructive, fault, lithosphere, core, crust, mantle, earthquake, seismologist, geologist, geology, p-wave, s-wave, compression wave, transverse wave, rarefaction Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

49 CE 12.1 Recording Vibrations - 11/17/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 12.1 Recording Vibrations (1 min.) Did you know that you have an A in class? What will you do to maintain that A? Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate how seismographs are used to record Earth’s vibrations. Group: Science Starter What Earth material is the best to build on to resist damage to surface structures? Where would be the safest location on land in the event of an earthquake? Group: Read Introduction & Getting Started pgs Group: Answer and follow all procedures from teacher and book. (Remember: Direction, Distance & Force) Independent: Answer Reflection Questions 1.A-C & 2.A-D pg. 141 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary lithosphere, aftershock, epicenter, focus, seismoscope, seismometer, seismograph, seismogram Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

50 CE 12.2 Reading a Seismogram - 11/18/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 12.2 Reading a Seismogram (1 min.) Did you know that you have an A in class? What will you do to maintain that A? Independent: Learning Target I understand and can identify different marks and parts that make up a seismogram. Group: Science Starter Why is it important for scientist to record earthquake vibrations? If you were to see p-waves on a seismogram how might they be different than s-waves? Group: Alaska video segment Group: Answer and follow all procedures from teacher and book. Pgs Your group will be starting at procedure 4 Independent: Answer Reflection Questions 1.A-C & 2.A&B pg. 145 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary lithosphere, aftershock, epicenter, focus, seismoscope, seismometer, seismograph, seismogram Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

51 CE 12.3 Locating Epicenters - 11/19/14`
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 12.3 Locating Epicenters (1 min.) Did you know that you have an A in class? What will you do to maintain that A? Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate how to locate an earthquake epicenter. Group: Science Starter CE Target Practice 12.2 Group: Answer and follow all procedures from teacher and book. Pgs Independent: Answer Reflection Questions 2. A-C pg.151 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary lithosphere, aftershock, epicenter, focus, seismoscope, seismometer, seismograph, seismogram, amplitude, trough, crest, compression wave, rarefaction wave, frequency, hertz Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

52 CE 12.3 Locating Epicenters - 11/20/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 12.3 Locating Epicenters (1 min.) What are you doing right now to maintain your grade? Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate how to locate an earthquake epicenter. Group: Science Starter How many seismograph stations do you need to find an epicenter? Why is it helpful to know the time difference between the p-wave & s-wave on a seismogram? Group: Answer and follow all procedures from teacher and book. Pgs Independent: Answer Reflection Questions 2. A-C pg.151 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary lithosphere, aftershock, epicenter, focus, seismoscope, seismometer, seismograph, seismogram, amplitude, trough, crest, compression wave, rarefaction wave, frequency, hertz Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

53 CE 13.1 Plotting Earthquakes - 11/21/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 13.1 Plotting Earthquakes (1 min.) What are you doing right now to maintain your grade? Independent: Learning Target I understand the difference between latitude & longitude and can locate places on a map. Group: Science Starter Notebook Check – See handout for details Group: Read Introduction & Objectives For This Lesson pg. 154 Group: Answer and follow all procedures from teacher and book. Pgs. 156 Independent: Answer Reflection Questions 1. A&B pg. 158 Independent: Read Magnitude & Intensity pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary plate tectonic theory, magnitude, intensity, latitude, longitude, cardinal direction Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

54 CE 13.1 Plotting Earthquakes - 11/24/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 13.1 Plotting Earthquakes (1 min.) Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain the difference between magnitude and intensity. Independent: Science Starter How do scientists record earthquakes? What do scientists need to know on a seismogram in order to locate earthquake locations? What else is needed to find the epicenter? Why is it important to find earthquake epicenters? Independent: Finish plotting earthquakes on your world map Independent: Answer Reflection Questions 1. A&B pg. 158 Group: Read Magnitude & Intensity pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary plate tectonic theory, magnitude, intensity, latitude, longitude, cardinal direction Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

55 CE 14.1 Examining the Earth’s Interior - 11/25/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 14.1 Examining the Earth’s Interior Forget something? Make sure you turn in a notebook check sheet. Quiz? Independent: Learning Target I understand and can draw the different layers that make up the interior of Earth. Independent: Science Starter What’s the difference between Richter Scale and Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale? Group: Video – Inside the Ground: Earth’s Layers Group: Answer CE 14.1 Questions Group: Read – The Earth’s Interior pg.167 (draw & label) Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary plate tectonic theory, tectonic plate, magnitude, amplitude, intensity, divergent, convergent, subduction, transform, ridge, mountain, volcano, trench, fault Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

56 How Stuff Works: Turkey - 11/26/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner How Stuff Works: Turkey Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain how turkeys are raised and processed in the food industry. Independent: Science Starter Set up your notebook with Cornell Notes Subtopics: Turkey Business Breeding Turkeys Wild –vs- Domestic Hatchery Healthy Turkeys Growth & Development Ammonia Problems Organic, Free Range Turkey Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Recycling Turkey Feathers Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

57 CE 15.1 Simple Model of Plate Movement - 12/01/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 15.1 Simple Model of Plate Movement Forget something? Quiz? Notebook Score Sheet? Visit me at Core Extension Independent: Learning Target I can demonstrate my knowledge of the different types of plate boundaries through simple models and explanation. Independent: Science Starter Read – Using Waves to Explore the Earth’s Interior pgs Explain how scientists know what the bottom of the ocean looks like. Then, explain how scientists know that certain layers of Earth are liquid or solid. Group: Read introduction & procedures pgs Group: Answer CE 15.1 Reflection Questions 1.A-I & 2 (Draw top picture pg.175) Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary plate tectonic theory, tectonic plate, magnitude, amplitude, intensity, divergent, convergent, subduction, transform, ridge, mountain, volcano, trench, fault Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

58 CE 15.1 Simple Model of Plate Movement - 12/02/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 15.1 Simple Model of Plate Movement Forget something? Quiz? Notebook Score Sheet? Visit me at Core Extension Independent: Learning Target I can demonstrate my knowledge of the different types of plate boundaries through simple models and explanation. Independent: Science Starter What landform is created when similar tectonic plates meet? What landforms are created when different tectonic plates meet? What happens when similar tectonic plates slide against each other? What feature is created when a plate is stretched and pulled apart? DO YOU HAVE GRIT? DO YOU? WATCH THIS VIDEO & FIND OUT WHAT IT MEANS TO HAVE GRIT. PEOPLE THAT HAVE GRIT MAKE THINGS HAPPEN! Group: Read introduction & procedures pgs Group: Answer CE 15.1 Reflection Questions 1.A-I & 2 (Draw top picture pg.175) FINISH! Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary plate tectonic theory, tectonic plate, magnitude, amplitude, intensity, divergent, convergent, subduction, transform, ridge, mountain, volcano, trench, fault Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

59 CE 15.3 Investigating Faults With Models - 12/03/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 15.3 Investigating Faults With Models Independent: Learning Target I understand transform plate boundaries and I can demonstrate how they work using a model. Independent: Science Starter What type of plate boundary do we live near? What type of plate boundary exists in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean? What type of plate boundary do they have in California? Group: Follow teacher and procedures pgs Independent: Follow Scientific Process Group: Answer CE 15.3 Reflection Questions 1. A-D & 2 pg. 185 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary plate tectonic theory, tectonic plate, magnitude, amplitude, intensity, divergent, convergent, subduction, transform, ridge, rift, mountain, volcano, trench, fault Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) The number one indicator of success for any student is … Do you have what it takes?

60 CE 15.3 Investigating Faults With Models - 12/04/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 15.3 Investigating Faults With Models Independent: Learning Target I understand transform plate boundaries and I can demonstrate how they work using a model. Independent: Science Starter Notebook Check Group: Follow teacher and procedures pgs Independent: Follow Scientific Process Group: Answer CE 15.3 Reflection Questions 1. A-D & 2 pg. 185 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary plate tectonic theory, tectonic plate, magnitude, amplitude, intensity, divergent, convergent, subduction, transform, ridge, rift, mountain, volcano, trench, fault Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) The number one indicator of success for any student is … Do you have what it takes?

61 CE 15.3 Investigating Faults With Models - 12/08/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 15.3 Investigating Faults With Models Independent: Learning Target I understand transform plate boundaries and I can demonstrate how they work using a model. Independent: Science Starter Make a T-chart to categorize objects that are brittle or ductile. (glass, pencil, basketball, rock, paperclip, rubber band, concrete) Group: Follow teacher and procedures pgs Independent: Follow Scientific Process FINISH Group: Answer CE 15.3 Reflection Questions 1. A-D & 2 pg. 185 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary plate tectonic theory, tectonic plate, magnitude, amplitude, intensity, divergent, convergent, subduction, transform, ridge, rift, mountain, volcano, trench, fault Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) The number one indicator of success for any student is … Do you have what it takes?

62 CE 15.3 Investigating Faults With Models - 12/09/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 15.3 Investigating Faults With Models Forget something? Quiz? Notebook Score Sheet? Visit me at Core Extension Independent: Learning Target I understand transform plate boundaries and I can demonstrate how they work using a model. Independent: Science Starter Without looking in your notebook, list the four types of plate boundaries and provide an example for each. Group: Read- Earth’s Moving Plates: A Look Back pg. 186 (Cornell Notes) Independent: Create 3-5 questions and answers for the Continents Adrift video. Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary plate tectonic theory, tectonic plate, magnitude, amplitude, intensity, divergent, convergent, subduction, transform, ridge, mountain, volcano, trench, fault Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

63 CE 15.3 Investigating Faults With Models - 12/10/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 15.3 Investigating Faults With Models Forget something? Quiz? Notebook Score Sheet? Visit me at Core Extension Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain the Theory of Continental Drift and the Theory of Plate Tectonics. Independent: Science Starter CE Target Practice 15 Group: Read- Earth’s Moving Plates: A Look Back pg. 186 (Cornell Notes) Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary plate tectonic theory, tectonic plate, magnitude, amplitude, intensity, divergent, convergent, subduction, transform, ridge, mountain, volcano, trench, fault Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

64 CE 16.1 Convection in the Mantle - 12/11/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 16.1 Convection in the Mantle Forget something? Quiz? Notebook Score Sheet? Visit me at Core Extension Independent: Learning Target I understand, can explain and demonstrate why tectonic plates move because of convection in the mantle. Independent: Science Starter Identify the manipulated (independent) and responding (dependent) variables in the following cases. Athletes who do not get enough sleep the night before will not run as fast the next day. The amount of rain fall in an area lowers the incidence of wildfires. Covering a scrape with a band-aid decreases healing time. ***Make one up yourself and identify the manipulated & responding variables.** Group: Follow scientific process for CE 16.1 Convection in the Mantle pg. 192 Independent: Reflection questions 1. A-C & 2. A & B pg. 193 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Convection current, crust, heat, mantle, lithosphere, Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

65 CE 16.1 Convection in the Mantle - 12/12/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 16.1 Convection in the Mantle Forget something? Quiz? Notebook Score Sheet? Visit me at Core Extension Independent: Learning Target I understand, can explain and demonstrate why tectonic plates move because of convection in the mantle. Independent: Science Starter The greater the frictional resistance in a transform plate boundary the greater the __________. Objects that flex and absorb more energy are considered __________. Objects that don’t absorb energy and don’t bend or stretch are considered __________. Group: Follow scientific process for CE 16.1 Convection in the Mantle pg. 192 Independent: Reflection questions 1. A-C & 2. A & B pg. 193 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Convection current, crust, heat, mantle, lithosphere, Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

66 CE 16.1 Part B Earthquake Review- 12/15/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 16.1 Part B Earthquake Review Forget something? Quiz? Notebook Score Sheet? Visit me at Core Extension Independent: Learning Target I understand, can explain and demonstrate why tectonic plates move because of convection in the mantle. Independent: Science Starter Identify the manipulated (independent) and responding (dependent) variables in the following cases. Taking notes in science class improves test scores. Washing hands after using the bathroom decreases the spread of germs that cause illness. Students that have more grit (perseverance) are more successful in life. Group: Use Student Sheet 16.1 Part B Earthquake Review 1-15 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Convection current, crust, heat, mantle, lithosphere, Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

67 CE 16.1 Part B Earthquake Review- 12/16/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 16.1 Part B Earthquake Review Forget something? Quiz? Notebook Score Sheet? Visit me at Core Extension Independent: Learning Target I understand, can explain and demonstrate why tectonic plates move because of convection in the mantle. Independent: Science Starter Create 3 examples cases Identifying the manipulated (independent) and responding (dependent) variables. I.e. Students that have more grit (perseverance) are more successful in life. manipulated responding Group: Use Student Sheet 16.1 Part B Earthquake Review 1-15 Group: Catastrophic Events Board Game Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Convection current, crust, heat, mantle, lithosphere, Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

68 CE Earthquake Test 12/17/14 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE Earthquake Test Please do not write on the test bookelet. Independent: Learning Target I can explain and demonstrate my knowledge of things related to the causes and affects of earthquakes. Independent: Science Starter Put a heading on the half piece of paper and number your paper from 1-25 on each of the line. Do not skip space. Write your test booklet number on the top left of your paper. Independent: Please keep your test when you finish. I’ll collect later. Flip it over. Thank you. Independent: Have something to work on if you finish early. Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

69 Streaming Data - 12/18/14 Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, Extra 3-hole Line Paper Independent: student planner Streaming Data Independent: Learning Target I can explain and demonstrate my knowledge of the scientific process Independent: Science Starter Please have a piece of 3-hole line paper to access if you need additional space to write your responses. Independent: If you finish early you may work on something quietly. Do you include the following attributes in your scientific process: Hypothesis: State what you think will happen and why using If… then… because… Procedures: Did you identify each variable (manipulated, responding & controls), Include measurements/observations and use logical steps that are numbered? Conclusion: Did you make a connection to the hypothesis and provide data to support your hypothesis? Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

70 CE 18.1 Thinking About Volcanoes 01/06/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 18.1 Thinking About Volcanoes Forget something? Test? Did you take the Earthquake Test?. See me. Independent: Learning Target I can provide examples of how volcanoes are constructive and destructive. Group: Science Starter Did you use any science the last two weeks? What are three things that you did over Winter Break that had some connection to science? Group: Raging Planet – Volcanoes Introduction Group: Volcanoes (Take Cornell notes on the following subtopics) Instruments that monitor volcanoes Signs of future eruptions Causes of volcanoes Effects of volcanic eruptions Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

71 CE 19.1 Investigating Magma & New Landforms 01/07/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 19.1 Investigating Magma & New Landforms Forget or missing something? Visit me at Core Extension Independent: Learning Target I understand, can explain and demonstrate how magma influences surface changes on earth. Independent: Science Starter List the four tools that volcanologists use to monitor volcanoes. Group: Read introduction and follow procedures starting on pg. 210 Independent: Write down each part of the scientific process for CE 19.1 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Volcano, magma, lava, eruption, landmass, landslides Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

72 CE 19.1 Investigating Magma & New Landforms 01/08/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 19.1 Investigating Magma & New Landforms Forget or missing something? Visit me at Core Extension Independent: Learning Target I understand, can explain and demonstrate how magma influences surface changes on earth. Independent: Science Starter List several indicators that a volcano may erupt? Group: Read introduction and follow procedures starting on pg. 210 Independent: Use the scientific process before you complete CE 19.1 Independent: Answer Reflection Questions 1-4 on pg. 214 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Volcano, magma, lava, eruption, landmass, landslides Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

73 CE 19.1 Investigating Magma & New Landforms 01/09/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 19.1 Investigating Magma & New Landforms Forget or missing something? Visit me at Core Extension Independent: Learning Target I understand, can explain and demonstrate how magma influences surface changes on earth. Independent: Science Starter CE Target Practice 18 Independent: Finish the scientific process for CE 19.1 Group: Answer Reflection Questions 1-4 pg. 214 Independent: Prepare for CE 19.2 Investigating Lava & New Landforms using the scientific process. Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Volcano, magma, lava, eruption, landmass, landslides, caldera, geysers, fumaroles, mud pot` Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

74 CE 19.2 Investigating Lava & New Landforms 01/12/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 19.2 Investigating Lava & New Landforms Forget or missing something? Visit me at Core Extension Independent: Learning Target I understand, can explain and demonstrate how lava influences surface changes on earth. Independent: Science Starter List three things help volcanologists predict volcanic eruptions? Independent: Read & Look at the pictures on pgs. 215 & 216 and explain what happened in each illustration. Group: Read and follow teachers directions for CE 19.2 on pgs Independent: Use the scientific process to complete CE Make sure you have a question, hypothesis and observation table before you begin this lab. Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Magma, lava, Aa, pahoehoe, pillow lava, basalt Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) GO SEAHAWKS!

75 CE 19.2 Investigating Lava & New Landforms 01/13/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 19.2 Investigating Lava & New Landforms Forget or missing something? Visit me at Core Extension Independent: Learning Target I understand, can explain and demonstrate how lava influences surface changes on earth. Independent: Science Starter Lava that flows into water and cools is called _____A_____. _____B_____ is lava that has a rough or jagged surface when it solidifies. Lava that is smooth and has a flowing appearance when solidified is called _____C_____. Igneous rock called _____D_____ is dark volcanic rock that forms when lava cools. Independent: Notebook check 01/13/15 Group: Share out Hypothesis and Observation table with class. Independent: Materials list and Procedures Independent: Finish your Conclusion Independent: Read “An Island is Born Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Magma, lava, Aa, pahoehoe, pillow lava, basalt, viscosity Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

76 CE 20.1 Investigating Viscosity and Volcano Types 01/14/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 20.1 Investigating Viscosity & Volcano Types Independent: Learning Target I understand, can explain and demonstrate how viscosity influences the shape of volcanoes. Independent: Science Starter CE Target Practice 19 Group: Read Introduction & Getting Started pgs Independent: Follow teacher and book procedures. Independent: Make a hypothesis and observation table. Independent: Read “An Island is Born pg. 221 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Magma, lava, Aa, pahoehoe, pillow lava, basalt, viscosity, lahar, pyroclastic flow Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

77 CE 20.1 Investigating Viscosity and Volcano Types 01/15/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 20.1 Investigating Viscosity & Volcano Types Independent: Learning Target I understand, can explain and demonstrate how viscosity influences the shape of volcanoes. Independent: Science Starter What are the three types of volcanoes? Group: Read Introduction & Getting Started pgs Independent: Follow teacher and book procedures. Independent: Make a hypothesis and observation table. Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Magma, lava, Aa, pahoehoe, pillow lava, basalt, viscosity, lahar, pyroclastic flow, cinder cone, shield volcano, composite volcano Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

78 CE 20.1 Investigating Viscosity and Volcano Types 01/16/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 20.1 Investigating Viscosity & Volcano Types Independent: Learning Target I understand, can explain and demonstrate how viscosity influences the shape of volcanoes. Independent: Science Starter Mount Rainier is a __________ volcano. __________ volcanoes make up the Hawaiian Islands. Wizard Island located in the middle of Crater Lake, Oregon is a __________ volcano. Independent: Finish scientific process (materials, procedures & conclusion) Independent: Graph classroom data (What kind of graph will you make?) Independent: Read – Help or Hindrance? Pgs Group: Categorize pictures of volcanoes by type Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Magma, lava, Aa, pahoehoe, pillow lava, basalt, viscosity, lahar, pyroclastic flow Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

79 CE 21.1 Observing Igneous Rocks 01/20/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 21.1 Observing Igneous Rocks Independent: Learning Target I know what igneous rock is and I understand and can explain the differences between igneous rocks. Independent: Science Starter What are the three types of rocks? Give a description of each type. Group: Read Introduction & Getting Started pgs Independent: Follow teacher and procedure directions 1-5 Group: Use CE 21.1 Observation Table to study Rocks 1-5 Independent: Answer Reflection Questions 1-3 pg. 235 Independent: Read – Volcanoes: Roaring Demons, Raging Giants pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Shield volcano, composite volcano, cinder cone, igneous, intrusive, extrusive Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

80 CE 21.1 Observing Igneous Rocks 01/21/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 21.1 Observing Igneous Rocks Independent: Learning Target I know what igneous rock is and I understand and can explain the differences between igneous rocks. Independent: Science Starter CE Target Practice 20 Group: Finish using CE 21.1 Observation Table to study Rocks 1-5 Independent: Answer Reflection Questions 1-3 pg. 235 Independent: Read – Volcanoes: Roaring Demons, Raging Giants pgs Independent: Rocks & Minerals – Take Cornell notes on 3 types of rocks and their characteristics Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Shield volcano, composite volcano, cinder cone, igneous, intrusive, extrusive Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

81 CE 22.1 Investigating Crystallization 01/22/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 22.1 Investigating Crystallization Independent: Learning Target I know how igneous rocks are created and I can classify igneous rocks as intrusive or extrusive based on the size of their crystals. Independent: Science Starter Lava erupted that is less viscous creates __________ volcanoes. Lava erupted that is more viscous creates __________ volcanoes. __________ volcanoes are created from viscous magma that solidifies within the volcano creating small pieces before they are blown outward. Group: Review vocabulary Independent: Use the scientific process to prepare for CE 22.1 Investigating Crystallization pg. 240 Group: Identify question, create hypothesis, materials list, procedures, observation table Independent: Rocks & Minerals – Take Cornell notes on 3 types of rocks and their characteristics Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Shield volcano, composite volcano, cinder cone, igneous, intrusive, extrusive, solute, solvent, solution, mixture Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

82 CE 22.1 Investigating Crystallization 01/23/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 22.1 Investigating Crystallization Independent: Learning Target I know how igneous rocks are created and I can classify igneous rocks as intrusive or extrusive based on the size of their crystals. Independent: Science Starter (Fill in the blank.) A __________ is composed of __________ that has been dissolved in a __________. A __________ is a combination of two or more substances that have not combined chemically and can be separated by physical means. (solute, mixture ,solvent, solution) Independent: Use the scientific process to finish CE 22.1 Investigating Crystallization pg. 240 Independent: Identify question, create hypothesis, materials list, procedures, observation table & conclusion Group: Use both teacher and book procedures for this lab. Pgs Independent: Finish watching Rocks & Minerals Video Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Shield volcano, composite volcano, cinder cone, igneous, intrusive, extrusive, solute, solvent, solution, mixture Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

83 CE 22.1 Investigating Crystallization 01/26/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 22.1 Investigating Crystallization Independent: Learning Target I know how igneous rocks are created and I can classify igneous rocks as intrusive or extrusive based on the size of their crystals. Independent: Science Starter What do you already know about the rocks in the rock cycle? Describe each type of rock. Independent: Finish conclusion for CE 22.1 Independent: Set up investigating the Properties of Volcanic Ash (Observation Table) pg. 253 Group: Read – Earth’s Waterworks pgs & Rock Cycle pgs Independent: Rocks & Minerals – Take Cornell notes on 3 types of rocks and their characteristics Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Shield volcano, composite volcano, cinder cone, igneous, intrusive, extrusive, geyser, solute, solvent, solution, mixture, basalt, granite, rhyolite, obsidian, gabbro Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Igneous Metamorphic Sedimentary

84 CE 23.1 Investigating the Properties of Volcanic Ash 01/28/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE 23.1 Investigating the Properties of Volcanic Ash Independent: Learning Target I know what volcanic ash is and I can explain the six properties of ash. I also understand the risk factors associated with volcanic ash. Independent: Science Starter Make a list of things that you’ve learned about each of the three volcanoes. Composite, Shield & Cinder Cone Group: Share your observations from the CE 23.1 Observation table as you investigate Group: What are the constructive and destructive attributes of volcanic ash? What evidence do you have to support your claim? Independent: How the Earth Works. “Will Iceland Poison the Skies?” Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Shield volcano, composite volcano, cinder cone, igneous, intrusive, extrusive, geyser, solute, solvent, solution, mixture, basalt, granite, rhyolite, obsidian, gabbro, ash Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Reminder: CE Volcanoes Unit Test Thursday & Bring a New Composition N.B. Monday.

85 Volcanoes CE Unit Test 01/29/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE Volcanoes Test Do you have your notebook with you? You can use it as a resource today. Independent: Learning Target I can explain and demonstrate my knowledge of things related to the creation and affects of volcanoes. Independent: Science Starter You will need paper to record your answers. Independent: Please keep your test when you finish. I’ll collect later. Independent: Have something to work on if you finish early. Books are always a great idea. Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) SEAHAWKS ARE AWESOME!

86 Volcanoes Post CE Unit Test Summary 02/02/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: student planner CE Post Volcanoes Test Summary Were you absent? Need to take the test? Please see me. Independent: Learning Target I can explain and demonstrate my knowledge of things related to catastrophic events and the affects of these events. Independent: Science Starter Number your paper from 1 to 10 and make a countdown rating the severity of all the possible catastrophic events. Independent: Natures Fury Independent: Was your countdown correct? If not where did you go wrong? Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) SEAHAWKS ARE STILL AWESOME EVEN THOUGH THEY HAWKED IT!

87 EMM 1.1-1.8 Circuit of Inquiries 02/03/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, New Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM Circuit of Inquiries Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain the physical phenomena of force, energy transformation and machines. Independent: Science Starter Make a list of five energy sources that can be converted into electrical energy. Group: Follow teacher directions and procedures located at each station. Independent: In your notebook record a statement or question for each inquiry station. Also provide a purpose statement for each station that is visited. Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Reminder: Don’t forget to update your new notebook with a table of contents, page numbers and a glossary.

88 EMM 1.1-1.8 Circuit of Inquiries 02/04/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, New Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM Circuit of Inquiries Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain the physical phenomena of force, energy transformation and machines. Independent: Science Starter Put these energy sources in order from highest consumed to lowest consumed worldwide for producing electricity. (hydro, coal, nuclear, renewables, natural gas, oil) Independent: In your notebook record each of the questions for each inquiry station. Also provide a purpose statement for each station that is visited. Group: Share out answers to questions and purpose of each station. Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Reminder: Don’t forget to update your new notebook with a table of contents, page numbers and a glossary.

89 EMM 1.1-1.8 Circuit of Inquiries 02/05/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, New Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM Circuit of Inquiries Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain the physical phenomena of force, energy transformation and machines. Independent: Science Starter What countries consume the most energy? Number your paper 1-5 and put these countries in order from greatest consumers to lowest consumers. (Japan, China, USA, Russia, India) Group: Share your questions and purpose statements Independent: If you’re missing questions then write these down in your notebook. Group: Share the purpose of each of these lab stations with the class. Independent: Target Practice EMM 1 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Reminder: Don’t forget to update your new notebook with a table of contents, page numbers and a glossary.

90 EMM 2.1 Making a Battery 02/06/15 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, New Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM 2.1 Making a Battery Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain the purpose of batteries and the components that are needed to make a battery. Independent: Science Starter EMM Target Practice 1 Group: Read Introduction & Getting Started pgs Independent: Make a KWL chart about batteries Group: Read procedures in book and then use scientific process for EMM 2.1 pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Reminder: Don’t forget to update your new notebook with a table of contents, page numbers and a glossary. Notebook check will be coming soon.

91 EMM 2.1 Making a Battery 02/09/15 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, New Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM 2.1 Making a Battery Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain the purpose of batteries and the components that are needed to make a battery. Independent: Science Starter Make a list of the different types of batteries that are available to power a variety of appliances. Independent: Reread procedures in book and then use scientific process for EMM 2.1 pgs Independent: Finish completing your question, hypothesis, materials list and procedures for EMM 2.1. Independent: Draw the battery you made and record observations. Independent: Finish your scientific process with a conclusion. Make sure to include notes from your observation table to backup your hypothesis. Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

92 EMM 2.1 Making a Battery 02/10/15 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, New Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM 2.1 Making a Battery Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain the purpose of batteries and the components that are needed to make a battery. Independent: Science Starter Why do batteries work? What is needed to build a stronger battery? List the basic parts that make up all batteries. Independent: Finish your scientific process with a conclusion. Make sure to include notes from your observation table to backup your hypothesis. Group: Read – Batteries: Electricity To Go pgs. 16 – 21 Take Cornell Notes Group: Read – Wet Cell & Dry Cell Batteries pgs Take Cornell Notes Group: Watch – Deconstructing A Car Battery Take Cornell Notes Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

93 EMM 3.1 Rechargeable Batteries 02/11/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, New Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM 3.1 Rechargeable Batteries Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain why some appliances (light bulb & motor) require more energy than other appliances. Independent: Science Starter EMM 2.1 Target Practice Group: Read – Introduction & Getting Started pgs Group: Use the scientific process to create a question, hypothesis, materials list and procedures for EMM 3.1 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

94 EMM 3.1 Rechargeable Batteries 02/12/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM 3.1 Rechargeable Batteries Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain why some appliances (light bulb & motor) require more energy than other appliances. Independent: Science Starter Without looking make a list of the components that are found in all batteries. Independent: Finish completing your scientific process for EMM 3.1. You should already have a question and hypothesis. Independent: Write your procedures & copy down data table. Independent: Test out your experiment and share data with Mr. Johnson Independent: After you finish this lab be sure to write a conclusion. Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

95 EMM 3.1 Rechargeable Batteries 02/21/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM 3.1 Rechargeable Batteries Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain why some appliances (light bulb & motor) require more energy than other appliances. Independent: Science Starter Notebook Check 2/10/14 – 2/20/14 Independent: Finish testing your experiment and share data with Mr. Johnson Independent: After you finish this lab be sure to write a conclusion. Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Category Grading Instructions (Red Pen) Points Science Starter mark with a “S”, 1 point each  /6 Learning Target mark with a “T”, 1 point each  /8 Science Summary mark with a “X”, 1 point each (4-5 sentences) Questions/Data Tables/Graphs labeled & attached no marks, 1-4 points  /4 Table of Contents Glossary/Formulas Neatness/Organization Total  /38

96 EMM 3.1 Rechargeable Batteries 02/24/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Forget something? Notebook check. Bring your notebook & notebook score sheet. Independent: Student planner EMM 3.1 Rechargeable Batteries Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain why some appliances (light bulb & motor) require more energy than other appliances. Independent: Science Starter List the energy transformations that took place when you charged the rechargeable battery for 1 minute and then used that energy. Independent: Share data with Mr. Johnson and compute average. Independent: Write a conclusion and be sure to support with data. Group: Read – Different Batteries for Different Needs. Pgs Take Cornell Notes Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

97 EMM 4.1 Storing and Using Energy in a Battery 02/25/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Forget something? Notebook check. Bring your notebook & notebook score sheet. Independent: Student planner EMM 4.1 Storing and Using Energy in a Battery Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain how rechargeable batteries release energy proportionate to the amount of energy that they store. Independent: Science Starter Target Practice 3 Questions - What is the evidence we have that proves energy is stored in a battery? How can we change the amount of energy stored in a battery? Provide support for your answer with details from the experiment in EMM 3.1. Independent: Read – Introduction & Getting Started pgs Independent: Pre-read the EMM 4.1 book procedures and use the scientific method to answer the following: Question: How does charging time affect the stored energy in a rechargeable battery? Group: Hypothesis, materials list, procedures, data table (30, 60, 120 & 240 seconds), graph data & conclusion Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed) Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

98 EMM 4.1 Storing and Using Energy in a Battery 02/17/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Forget something? Notebook check. Bring your notebook & notebook score sheet. Independent: Student planner EMM 4.1 Storing and Using Energy in a Battery Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain how rechargeable batteries release energy proportionate to the amount of energy that they store. Independent: Science Starter Fill in the blanks. Batteries are __________ energy that use __________ energy to create __________ energy that may be converted into __________ energy. (chemical, kinetic, potential & electrical) Independent: Re-read the EMM 4.1 book procedures and use the scientific method to answer the following: Question: How does charging time affect the stored energy in a rechargeable battery? Group: Hypothesis, materials list, procedures, data table (30, 60, 120 & 240 seconds), graph data & conclusion Group: Your group needs to be ready to share your responding variable. Please convert your times in seconds. i.e. 2 :37 minutes = 157 seconds Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

99 EMM 5.1 Measuring Elastic Force 02/20/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Forget something? Notebook check. Bring your notebook & notebook score sheet. Independent: Student planner EMM 5.1 Measuring Elastic Force Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain that elastic energy has a measurable force when a rubber band is stretched. Independent: Science Starter Make a T chart comparing the advantages and disadvantages of energy types. What’s the best? What’s the worst? Group: Read – EMM 5.1 Introduction & Getting Started pg Independent: Read EMM 5.1 book procedures and use the scientific process to answer the following question: Question: How much elastic force is in a rubber band? Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

100 EMM 5.1 Measuring Elastic Force 02/23/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Forget something? Notebook check. Bring your notebook & notebook score sheet. Independent: Student planner EMM 5.1 Measuring Elastic Force Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain that elastic energy has a measurable force when a rubber band is stretched. Independent: Science Starter EMM Target Practice 4 Independent: Finish EMM 5.1 Materials, Procedures, Graph and Conclusion Question: How much elastic force is in a rubber band? Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Be sure to get the most notebook points!

101 EMM 5.2 Measuring Gravitational Force 02/24/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Forget something? Notebook check. Bring your notebook & notebook score sheet. Independent: Student planner EMM 5.2 Gravitational Force Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain that mass and weight are related and different when applied to an object. Independent: Science Starter 1. What weighs more a pound of gold or a pound of feathers? Be prepared to justify your answer. 2. What determines your weight when you step on a bathroom scale? Independent: Read EMM 5.2 Measuring Gravitational Force – The Difference Between Mass & Weight Group: Use the scientific process to answer EMM 5.2 Group: Read – Bungee Jumping: The Forces Are With You and Hooke and Newton: Geniuses at Work pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic, mass, gravity Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Be sure to get the most notebook points!

102 EMM 6.1 Pulling a Block Across Different Surfaces 02/25/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Forget something? Notebook check. Bring your notebook & notebook score sheet. Independent: Student planner EMM 6.1 Pulling a Block Across Different Surfaces Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain that different surfaces affect frictional force. Independent: Science Starter EMM Target Practice 5 Independent: Read EMM 6.1 Pulling a Block Across Different Surfaces pg. 48 Group: Use the scientific process to answer EMM 6.1 Group: Finish Reading – Bungee Jumping: The Forces Are With You and Hooke and Newton: Geniuses at Work pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic, mass, gravity Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Be sure to get the most notebook points!

103 EMM 6.1 Pulling a Block Across Different Surfaces 02/26/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Forget something? Notebook check. Bring your notebook & notebook score sheet. Independent: Student planner EMM 6.1 Pulling a Block Across Different Surfaces Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain that different surfaces affect frictional force. Independent: Science Starter Make a T chart and on either side list the positive and negative attributes of friction. Independent: Read EMM 6.1 Pulling a Block Across Different Surfaces pg. 48 Group: Use the scientific process to answer EMM 6.1 Group: Finish Reading – Bungee Jumping: The Forces Are With You and Hooke and Newton: Geniuses at Work pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic, mass, gravity Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Be sure to get the most notebook points!

104 EMM 6.2 Changing the Load 02/27/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Forget something? Notebook check. Bring your notebook & notebook score sheet. Independent: Student planner EMM 6.2 Changing the Load Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain that the mass of an object can affect frictional force. Independent: Science Starter 1. What surface required the greatest amount of force to pull the block across it? 2. Which surface required the least? 3. Did the weight of the block change as the surfaces change? Independent: Read EMM 6.2 Changing the Load pg. 51 Group: Use the scientific process to answer EMM 6.2 Group: Finish Reading – Bungee Jumping: The Forces Are With You and Hooke and Newton: Geniuses at Work pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic, mass, weight Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Be sure to get the most notebook points!

105 EMM 6.2 Changing the Load 03/02/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM 6.2 Changing the Load Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain that the mass of an object can affect frictional force. Independent: Science Starter __________ graphs are often used to show one category that is only different numerically. __________ graphs are used to show the difference between two or more categories. The __________ variable is always represented on the X – axis of a graph and the __________ variable is always represented on the Y – axis of a graph. Group: Complete EMM 6.2 Changing the Load pg. 51 Group: Use the scientific process to answer EMM 6.2 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic, mass, weight Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

106 EMM 6.3 Changing the Surface Area 03/03/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM 6.3 Changing the Surface Area Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain that the area of an object can affect frictional force. Independent: Science Starter Science Notebook Check 3/3/15 Group: Use the scientific process to begin EMM 6.3 Changing the Surface Area Independent: Read – Nature Puts on the Brakes & Rock Climbing pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic, mass, weight Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

107 EMM 6.3 Changing the Surface Area 03/04/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM 6.3 Changing the Surface Area Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain that the area of an object can affect frictional force. Independent: Science Starter __________ is the force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are in contact with each other. __________ is the amount of matter that makes up an object. _________ is the measurement of gravitational force applied to an object. Group: Use the scientific process to finish EMM 6.3 Changing the Surface Area Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic, mass, weight Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

108 EMM 7.1 Measuring the Force Exerted By a Motor 03/05/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM 7.1 Measuring the Force Exerted By a Motor Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain some of the components that make up an electric motor. Independent: Science Starter Read: Nature Puts on the Brakes. Pg. 54 Independent: Anatomy of an Electric Motor Group: EMM 7.1 Measuring the Force Exerted By a Motor pg. 63 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic, mass, weight, velocity, drag, parallel, series Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Don’t Forget to get samples for your Student Led Conference Portfolio.

109 EMM 7.1 Measuring the Force Exerted By a Motor 03/06/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM 7.1 Measuring the Force Exerted By a Motor Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain some of the components that make up an electric motor. Independent: Science Starter List 5 things that you use on a daily basis that require a motor. Independent: Anatomy of an Electric Motor Group: EMM 7.1 Measuring the Force Exerted By a Motor pg. 63 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic, mass, weight, velocity, drag, parallel, series Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Don’t Forget to get samples for your Student Led Conference Portfolio.

110 EMM 7.1 Measuring the Force Exerted By a Motor 03/09/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM 7.1 Measuring the Force Exerted By a Motor Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain the conditions that contribute the most force from an electric motor. Independent: Science Starter List two things that you know about an electric motor. Independent: Finish EMM 7.1 Scientific Process in your notebook Group: EMM 7.1 Measuring the Force Exerted By a Motor pg. 63 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic, mass, weight, velocity, drag, parallel, series Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

111 EMM 7.1 Measuring the Force Exerted By a Motor 03/10/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM 7.1 Measuring the Force Exerted By a Motor Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain the conditions that contribute the most force from an electric motor. Independent: Science Starter List out the energy transformations in EMM 7.1 pegboard motor assembly. Start with chemical energy…………….then…………… then.. Independent: Finish EMM 7.1 Scientific Process in your notebook Group: EMM 7.1 Measuring the Force Exerted By a Motor pg. 63 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic, mass, weight, velocity, drag, parallel, series Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Wednesday, April 29th KMS Art Show (Science & Art) Extra Points Awarded

112 EMM 7.1 Measuring the Force Exerted By a Motor 03/11/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM 7.1 Measuring the Force Exerted By a Motor Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain the conditions that contribute the most force from an electric motor. Independent: Science Starter Again, what are the energy transformations that are taking place in the lab set ups that you’re using in class? Try not to peek at yesterday’s entry. Independent: Finish EMM 7.1 Scientific Process Conclusion Group: EMM 7.1 Measuring the Force Exerted By a Motor pg. 63 Reading: Motors Getting Smaller Every Day pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic, mass, weight, velocity, drag, parallel, series Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Wednesday, April 29th KMS Art Show (Science & Art) Extra Points Awarded

113 EMM 8.1 Measuring the Work Done Across a Surface 03/12/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM 8.1 Measuring the work done across a surface Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain the relationship between force and work when applied to an object. Independent: Science Starter Target Practice 7 Group: Read – Getting Smaller Every Day pgs Group: EMM 8.1 Measuring the Work Done Across a Surface Pg. 72 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic, mass, weight, velocity, drag, parallel, series, work, distance, Newton-meter Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

114 EMM 8.1 Measuring the Work Done Across a Surface 03/13/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM 8.1 Measuring the work done across a surface Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain the relationship between force and work when applied to an object. Independent: Science Starter Make a list of things that you do at home or at school that you consider work. Group: EMM 8.1 Measuring the Work Done Across a Surface Pg. 72 Independent: Complete 8.1 & answer questions (Use EMM 6.1 Data Table) Group: Read – Getting Smaller Every Day pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic, mass, weight, velocity, drag, parallel, series, work, distance, Newton-meter Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

115 EMM 8.2 Measuring the Work To Lift a Load 03/16/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM 8.2 Measuring the Work To Lift a Load Independent: Learning Target I can demonstrate how to find the force of an object and the distance that the object moves to find the work done by the object. Independent: Science Starter List five examples of objects doing work. Group: Read – Getting Smaller Every Day pgs Group: EMM 8.2 Measuring the Work To Lift a Load pg. 76 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic, mass, weight, velocity, drag, parallel, series, work, distance, Newton-meter, joule Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

116 EMM 8.2 Measuring the Work To Lift a Load 03/17/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM 8.2 Measuring the Work To Lift a Load Independent: Learning Target I can demonstrate how to find the force of an object and the distance that the object moves to find the work done by the object. Independent: Science Starter Provide an example of two objects that do work. Which object does more work? Why does that object do more work? (i.e. Mr. J. does more work to climb a 4m flight of stairs than his students. Mr. J weighs more than his students.) Independent: Real Reflection – Please write a sentence or two describing things that you need to do to improve or maintain your grade in science. Bring it home and get it signed and bring it back before Friday, March 20th for full credit. It’s worth 20 points. Group: EMM 8.2 Measuring the Work To Lift a Load pg. 76 Independent: Finish Reflection Questions A-E pg. 78 Independent: Read – Getting Smaller Every Day pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic, mass, weight, velocity, drag, parallel, series, work, distance, Newton-meter, joule Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

117 EMM 9.1 Measuring Power 03/18/15 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM 9.1 Measuring Power Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate how to find the unit of power for an electric motor. Independent: Science Starter Target Practice 8 Group: EMM 9.1 Measuring Power pg. 82 Independent: Introduction, Getting Started & Scientific Process Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic, mass, weight, velocity, drag, parallel, series, work, distance, Newton-meter, joule Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

118 EMM 9.1 Measuring Power 03/19/15 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM 9.1 Measuring Power Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate how to find the unit of power for an electric motor. Independent: Science Starter Sid wanted to find out how much power he was generating when he took notes. Sid calculated that the force of his pencil was 0.5 Newton's as he wrote notes out on paper that totaled a distance of 1.40 meters. Sid took 1 minute 40 seconds to write these notes. How many Watts did Sid generate writing notes? Group: EMM 9.1 Measuring Power pg Use the scientific process Independent: Work together as a group to complete this experiment. Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic, mass, weight, velocity, drag, parallel, series, work, distance, Newton-meter, joule, power Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

119 EMM 9.1 Measuring Power 03/20/15 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook Independent: Student planner EMM 9.1 Measuring Power Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate how to find the unit of power for an electric motor. Independent: Science Starter Jen wanted to find out how much power she was generating when she ran a 1600 Meter track. Jen calculated that the gravitational force of her body is 578 Newton's. Jen ran the distance in 8 minutes flat. How many Watts did Jen generate when running? Group: EMM 9.1 Measuring Power pg Use the scientific process - Finish Independent: Work together as a group to complete this experiment. Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic, mass, weight, velocity, drag, parallel, series, work, distance, Newton-meter, joule, power Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

120 EMM 10.1 Energy Performance Assessment 3/23/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 10 Energy Assessment Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate how energy changes allow falling washers to light a bulb. Independent: Science Starter What’s the difference between work and power? Group: EMM 10 Energy Assessment – Directions Group: Read – Cars: Energy To Burn pgs Independent: Cool Jobs in Science – Danny Forester Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic, mass, weight, velocity, drag, parallel, series, work, distance, Newton-meter, joule, power Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

121 EMM 10.1 Energy Assessment 3/25/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 10 Energy Assessment – DAY TWO Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate how energy changes allow falling washers to light a bulb. Independent: Science Starter Provide an example of one of the modes of transportation that you saw yesterday and explain why you think it has been the most beneficial to people. Provide a claim, evidence and reasoning. Group: EMM 10 Energy Assessment – Directions Group: Read – Cars: Energy To Burn pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic, mass, weight, velocity, drag, parallel, series, work, distance, Newton-meter, joule, power Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

122 EMM 10.1 Energy Assessment 3/26/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 10 Energy Assessment – Finish Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate how energy changes allow falling washers to light a bulb. Independent: Science Starter Provide an example of one of the modes of transportation that you saw Tuesday and explain why you think it has the lowest impact on the environment? Provide a claim, evidence and reasoning. Group: EMM 10 Energy Assessment – Directions Group: Read – Cars: Energy To Burn pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Energy, machines, motion, force, load, friction, incline, pulley, lever, electrode, electrolyte, chemical, energy transformation, electricity, wet cell, dry cell, insulator, circuit (open & closed), potential, kinetic, mass, weight, velocity, drag, parallel, series, work, distance, Newton-meter, joule, power Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

123 EMM 11.1 Measuring Forces on a Cart on an Inclined Plane 3/30/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 11.1 Measuring Forces on a Cart on an Inclined Plane Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain the different types of simple machines. Independent: Science Starter Provide an example of a strange vehicles that you saw last Friday and state your claim, provide evidence and reasoning. Independent: Correct EMM 10 Assessment – See me if you were absent Group: EMM 11.1 Introduction & Getting Started pg. 100 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

124 EMM 11.1 Measuring Forces on a Cart on an Inclined Plane 3/31/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 11.1 Measuring Forces on a Cart on an Inclined Plane Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain why an inclined plane is a machine. Independent: Science Starter Jane’s mom asked her to carry a box that weighed 5 Newton's, 200 meters to the post office box. How much work did Jane do? Group: EMM 11.1 Introduction & Getting Started pg. 100 Independent: use the scientific process to complete EMM 11.1 inquiry Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, rise, run, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

125 EMM 11.1 Measuring Forces on a Cart on an Inclined Plane 4/01/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 11.1 Measuring Forces on a Cart on an Inclined Plane Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain why an inclined plane is a machine. Independent: Science Starter Which machine is doing more work? Jen who moves a 12N box 3 meters or Tim who moves a 4N box 9 meters? Group: EMM 11.1 – Remember this formula (Rise/Run = Slope) Independent: use the scientific process to complete EMM 11.1 inquiry Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, rise, run, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

126 EMM 11.2 Measuring Work on a Cart on an Inclined Plane 4/13/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 11.2 Measuring Work on a Cart on an Inclined Plane Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain why an inclined plane does work. Independent: Science Starter - Read: Escape Route in Johnstown pgs Group: EMM 11.2 – Review book procedures pg. 104 Independent: use the scientific process to complete EMM 11.2 inquiry Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) A little more than 9 weeks left before the end of the school year!

127 EMM 11.2 Measuring Work on a Cart on an Inclined Plane 4/14/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 11.2 Measuring Work on a Cart on an Inclined Plane Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain why an inclined plane does work. Independent: Science Starter - Make a list of three locations where an inclined plane is used. Your example(s) of this machine can also be incorporated with another machine to form a compound machine. Group: EMM 11.2 – Finish your data collection. Independent: use the scientific process to complete EMM 11.2 inquiry Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

128 Scientific Process Reflection 4/15/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner Scientific Process Refection Independent: Learning Target I understand and can assess my writing abilities in completing the scientific process. Independent: Science Starter - EMM Target Practice 11 Independent: Use your past Scientific Process Assessments to reflect and assess how you are doing. Fill out and answer the questions stated on the Scientific Process Refection sheet. Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Hope you make it to the DQ Takeover this evening in Poulsbo.

129 Mousetrap Car 4/17/15 Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, Extra 3-hole Line Paper Independent: student planner Mousetrap Car Independent: Learning Target I can explain and demonstrate my knowledge of the scientific process Independent: Science Starter What’s the best invention that you saw in the Bill Nye film? Provide a claim, evidence & reasoning. Independent: If you finish early you may work on something quietly. Did you include the following attributes in your scientific process: Hypothesis: Did you state what you think will happen and why using If… then… because…? Procedures: Did you identify each variable (manipulated, responding & controls), Include measurements/observations and use logical steps that are numbered? Conclusion: Did you make a connection to the hypothesis using averaged data, support your hypothesis by comparing low and high data points and provide alternative methods to justify your hypothesis? Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

130 Scientific Process Reflection 4/20/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, Extra 3-hole Line Paper Independent: student planner Mousetrap Car Independent: Learning Target I can explain and demonstrate my knowledge of the scientific process Independent: Science Starter After taking the Mousetrap Car assessment list one attribute that you think most students do well on and one attribute that many students miss. Independent: Correct Mousetrap Car Assessment Did you include the following attributes in your scientific process: Hypothesis: Did you state what you think will happen and why using If… then… because…? Procedures: Did you identify each variable (manipulated, responding & controls), Include measurements/observations and use logical steps that are numbered? Conclusion: Did you make a connection to the hypothesis using averaged data, support your hypothesis by comparing low and high data points and provide alternative methods to justify your hypothesis? Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

131 EMM 12.1 Using Pulleys To Do Work 4/21/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 12.1 Using Pulleys To Do Work Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain how pulleys do work. Independent: Science Starter - Make a list of 5 or more ways pulleys are used. You can also include compound machines that use a pulley to do work. Group: EMM 12.1 Introduction & Getting Started pg. 108 Independent: Use the scientific process to complete EMM 12.1 Inquiry Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency, pulley, fixed pulley, movable pulley Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

132 EMM 12.1 Using Pulleys To Do Work 4/22/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 12.1 Using Pulleys To Do Work Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain how pulleys do work. Independent: Science Starter - Draw a picture of a pulley system. The pulleys can be drawn lifting anything. Be sure to label where the load is and where the effort is located. Have fun with it! Independent: Use the scientific process to complete EMM 12.1 Inquiry - Finish Independent: Read – Going Up! Pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency, pulley, fixed pulley, movable pulley Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Happy Earth day!

133 EMM 12.1 Using Pulleys To Do Work 4/23/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 12.1 Using Pulleys To Do Work Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain how pulleys do work. Independent: Science Starter - On a separate 3-hole piece of untorn paper please copy the scientific procedures for EMM 12.1 from your notebook. Independent: Use the scientific process to complete EMM 12.1 Inquiry –Finish your conclusion Independent: Reflection Questions 1. A-E & 2. pg. 115 Independent: Read – Going Up! Pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency, pulley, fixed pulley, movable pulley Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

134 EMM 13.1 Balancing a Lever 4/24/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 13.1 Balancing a Lever Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain how to balance a lever. Independent: Science Starter - Read – Going Up! Pgs to yourself EMM Target Practice 12 Group: EMM 13.1 Introduction & Getting Started pg. 120 Group: Use the scientific process to complete EMM 13.1 pg.123 Independent: Preview EMM 13.2 Independent: Read – Understanding Levers & Alexander Calder Pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency, pulley, fixed pulley, movable pulley, lever, first-class lever, second-class lever, third-class lever, fulcrum Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Been absent? Miss a Target Practice? Come see me!

135 EMM 13.1 Balancing a Lever 4/27/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 13.1 Balancing a Lever Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain how to balance a lever. Independent: Science Starter - EMM Clever Science 13 Group: Follow book procedures pg.123 and use the EMM 13.1 table to complete Independent: Preview EMM 13.2 Independent: the-incredible-power-of-concentration-miyoko-shida Independent: Read – Understanding Levers & Alexander Calder Pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency, pulley, fixed pulley, movable pulley, lever, first-class lever, second-class lever, third-class lever, fulcrum Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Been absent? Miss a Target Practice or Notebook Check? Come see me!

136 EMM 13.2 Lifting a Sled With a Lever 4/28/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 13.2 Lifting a Sled With a Lever Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain how levers do work. Independent: Science Starter - What factors determine if a lever can be balanced? Think back to EMM Group: Find the work a lever can do by completing EMM 13.2 pg.123 Independent: Reflection Questions 1. A-D & 2. Independent: Read – Understanding Levers & Alexander Calder Pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency, pulley, fixed pulley, movable pulley, lever, first-class lever, second-class lever, third-class lever, fulcrum Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Been absent? Miss a Target Practice or Notebook Check? Come see me!

137 EMM 13.2 Lifting a Sled With a Lever 4/29/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 13.2 Lifting a Sled With a Lever Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain the three classes of levers. Independent: Science Starter - Make a T chart explaining the advantages and disadvantages of using levers. Group: Share your calculated work to each group member Independent: Reflection Questions 1. A-D & 2. Independent: Read – Understanding Levers & Alexander Calder Pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency, pulley, fixed pulley, movable pulley, lever, first-class lever, second-class lever, third-class lever, fulcrum Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Are you ready for the upcoming quiz? Study your vocabulary. (22)

138 EMM 14.1 Calculating Mechanical Advantage 5/01/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 14.1 Calculating Mechanical Advantage Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain the difference between ideal and actual mechanical advantage. Independent: Science Starter - EMM Target Practice 13 Group: EMM 14.1 Introduction & Getting Started pg.130 Independent: Use past data tables from EMM 11.2 Incline Planes & EMM 12.1 Pulleys Independent: Answer Questions 3. A & B, 5 A-C and Reflection Questions A-C pg.134 Independent: Read – Secret Wheelbarrow Technology & More Simple Machines pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency, pulley, fixed pulley, movable pulley, lever, first-class lever, second-class lever, third-class lever, fulcrum, ideal mechanical advantage, actual mechanical advantage Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

139 EMM 14.1 Calculating Mechanical Advantage 5/04/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 14.1 Calculating Mechanical Advantage Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain the difference between ideal and actual mechanical advantage. Independent: Science Starter - What is the best all around simple machine? (Inclined Plane, Pulley or Lever) Justify your answer with several reasons. Group: EMM 14.1 Finish Independent: Use past data tables from EMM 11.2 Incline Planes & EMM 12.1 Pulleys Independent: Answer Questions 3. A & B, 5 A-C and Reflection Questions A-C pg.134 Independent: Read – Secret Wheelbarrow Technology & More Simple Machines pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency, pulley, fixed pulley, movable pulley, lever, first-class lever, second-class lever, third-class lever, fulcrum, ideal mechanical advantage, actual mechanical advantage Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

140 EMM 15.1 Calculating Efficiency 5/05/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 15.1 Calculating Efficiency Independent: Learning Target I understand and can calculate the efficiency of a machine. Independent: Science Starter - Target Practice 14 Group: EMM 15.1 Calculating Efficiency Introduction pg. 140 Independent: Use past data tables from EMM 11.2 Incline Planes & EMM 12.1 Pulleys to calculate the efficiency of these simple machines. Independent: Answer Questions 4 & 6 and Reflection Questions A-C pg.142 Independent: Read – Harnessing the Power of Nature and Energy Star pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency, pulley, fixed pulley, movable pulley, lever, first-class lever, second-class lever, third-class lever, fulcrum, ideal mechanical advantage, actual mechanical advantage, efficiency Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

141 EMM 15.1 Calculating Efficiency 5/06/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 15.1 Calculating Efficiency Independent: Learning Target I understand and can calculate the efficiency of a machine. Independent: Science Starter - Notebook Check 5/6/15 Independent: Use past data tables from EMM 11.2 Incline Planes & EMM 12.1 Pulleys to calculate the efficiency of these simple machines. Independent: Answer Questions 4 & 6 and Reflection Questions A-C pg.142 Independent: Read – Harnessing the Power of Nature and Energy Star pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency, pulley, fixed pulley, movable pulley, lever, first-class lever, second-class lever, third-class lever, fulcrum, ideal mechanical advantage, actual mechanical advantage, efficiency Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

142 Outrageous Acts of Science 5/07/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner Outrageous Acts of Science (Don’t try these at home) Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain (words, drawing & label) the science behind the Outrageous Acts of Science in the video. Independent: Science Starter - One horsepower (1 hp) is a unit of power based on the work that a horse can do in one second. 1 hp equals 746 W. Suppose you have a horse that has a work output of 750 Nm. How much power does this horse do in 55s? Independent: Top 20 countdown, topic, brief description & drawing with labels Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency, pulley, fixed pulley, movable pulley, lever, first-class lever, second-class lever, third-class lever, fulcrum, bionic Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Were you absent? Need to make up a the last quiz. See me 

143 Clever Science Project – Work Day 5/11/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner Clever Science Project Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate my knowledge of a science question by providing a claim, evidence, reasoning and a rebuttal. Independent: Science Starter - Read- Harnessing the Power of Nature pgs Pairs: Clever Science Project Work in pairs in finding information to support your claim. Split your class time so that both of you have an equal amount of time. Work together and help each other. Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency, pulley, fixed pulley, movable pulley, lever, first-class lever, second-class lever, third-class lever, fulcrum, ideal mechanical advantage, actual mechanical advantage, efficiency Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

144 Clever Science Project-05/15/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner Clever Science Project Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate my knowledge of a science question by providing a claim, evidence, reasoning and a rebuttal. Independent: Science Starter - Finish answer the 7 questions from the EMM 16.1 Performance Assessment Assess each of your classmates Clever Science Project Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency, pulley, fixed pulley, movable pulley, lever, first-class lever, second-class lever, third-class lever, fulcrum, ideal mechanical advantage, actual mechanical advantage, efficiency Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Machines Unit Test– Tuesday, May 19th

145 Clever Science Project-05/15/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner Clever Science Project Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate my knowledge of a science question by providing a claim, evidence, reasoning and a rebuttal. Independent: Science Starter - Finish answer the 7 questions from the EMM 16.1 Performance Assessment Assess each of your classmates Clever Science Project Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency, pulley, fixed pulley, movable pulley, lever, first-class lever, second-class lever, third-class lever, fulcrum, ideal mechanical advantage, actual mechanical advantage, efficiency Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Machines Unit Test Today

146 Machines Unit Test– Tuesday, May 19th
Science Revolution 5/14/15 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner Science Revolution Independent: Learning Target I understand and can explain what led to the Science Revolution. Independent: Science Starter - Make a list of famous scientists and provide a description of what they have contributed to the advancement of science. Independent: Science Revolution Independent: Cornell Notes – list the science and their contribution. Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency, pulley, fixed pulley, movable pulley, lever, first-class lever, second-class lever, third-class lever, fulcrum, ideal mechanical advantage, actual mechanical advantage, efficiency Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Machines Unit Test– Tuesday, May 19th

147 EMM 16.1 Machines Performance Assessment 5/13/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 16.1 Machines Performance Assessment Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate my knowledge of simple machines ability to do work while minimizing the effort distance to lift a load. Independent: Science Starter - Were you successful yesterday? What improvements do you need to do to be successful? If you were successful how could you make your design better? You will have this class period only! This is it! Work smart! Use your time well! Read Me: Send one student from your group to sign up for the machine that you want to use today for your performance assessment. There are only three different types of machines available. Sign up in the beginning of class. Group: Work together in your group to complete EMM 16.1 Independent: If you finish early then answer Reflection Questions 1-7 Independent: Read – Linking a Country to a Continent & Report to the Pharaoh pgs Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Next Tuesday 5/19/15 EMM – Machines Assessment

148 EMM 16.1 Machines Assessment 5/19/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 16.1 Machines Assessment Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate my knowledge of simple machines. Independent: Science Starter - Begin working on your EMM Machines Assessment. You may use additional 3-hole line paper to complete this unit assessment. Feel free to use your notebook if you have it. Independent: Finish the reflection questions for your performance assessment from last Friday if you were absent or testing. You will have this class period only! Work smart! Use your time well! Independent: Please staple any extra paper(s) to your assessment and be ready to turn in together with your group at the end of the class period. Read if you finish early.  Independent: Read – Linking a Country to a Continent & Report to the Pharaoh pgs Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Real Reflections are due no later than Friday, May 22, 2015 – 20 point assignment

149 Clever Science Project-05/20/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner Clever Science Project Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate my knowledge of a science question by providing a claim, evidence, reasoning and a rebuttal. Independent: Science Starter - How do you feel about taking the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium? Before you decide to share with the people around you; provide a claim, evidence, reasoning and a rebuttal. Independent: Correct your EMM 16.1 Machines Assessment Independent: Assess each of your classmates Clever Science Project using the provided rubric and score sheet. Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency, pulley, fixed pulley, movable pulley, lever, first-class lever, second-class lever, third-class lever, fulcrum, ideal mechanical advantage, actual mechanical advantage, efficiency Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

150 Clever Science Project-05/21/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner Clever Science Project Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate my knowledge of a science question by providing a claim, evidence, reasoning and a rebuttal. Independent: Science Starter - Watch Cool Jobs & explain Tony Hawks message Independent: Assess each of your classmates Clever Science Project using the provided rubric and score sheet. Independent: Preview lesson 18.1 Motion of a Fan Car pg. 174 Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Machine, incline plane, slope, load, load distance, effort force, effort distance, compound machine, Law of Conservation, efficiency, pulley, fixed pulley, movable pulley, lever, first-class lever, second-class lever, third-class lever, fulcrum, ideal mechanical advantage, actual mechanical advantage, efficiency Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences)

151 EMM 18.1 Investigating the Motion of a Fan Car 5/22/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 18.1 Investigating the Motion of a Fan Car Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate my knowledge of motion and it’s causes. Independent: Science Starter - Watch Cool Jobs & explain Theresa Trujillo’s message Group: EMM 18.1 Introduction & Getting Started pg.174 Group: What is motion? What causes motion? How is motion measured? What are things that affect motion? Group: Follow and answer the 18.1 Procedures 1-11 pg. 178 Independent: Make sure you follow and answer each procedure. Independent: Read – Civil Engineering pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Motion, speed, average speed, acceleration, deceleration, unbalanced force Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Real Reflections are due today. Turn yours into the correct file folder in the turn in box.

152 EMM 18.1 Investigating the Motion of a Fan Car 5/26/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 18.1 Investigating the Motion of a Fan Car Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate my knowledge of motion and it’s causes. Independent: Science Starter - Watch Cool Jobs & explain Shannon Shaffer’s message Group: EMM 18.1 Introduction & Getting Started pg.174 Group: Follow and answer the 18.1 Procedures 1-11 pg. 178 Independent: Make sure you follow and answer each procedure. Independent: Read – Civil Engineering pgs Group: EMM 18.2 Measuring the Fan Car’s Speed Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Motion, speed, average speed, acceleration, deceleration, unbalanced force Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Missing something? Haven’t turned it in yet? It’s not too late!

153 EMM 18.2 Measuring the Fan Car’s Speed 5/27/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 18.2 Investigating the Motion of a Fan Car Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate my knowledge of the fan car’s speed. Independent: Science Starter - If a car is traveling 70 miles in one hour how fast is the car traveling? What if the car traveled that distance in 2 hours then how fast would the car be traveling? Group: EMM 18.2 Measuring the Fan Car’s Speed pg.179 Independent: Follow book pg.179 & teacher procedures (scientific process) Independent: Read – Propellers: Vehicles in Motion & Sailing Through the Solar System pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Motion, speed, average speed, acceleration, deceleration, unbalanced force Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Checked your grade lately? Not happy. Friday, June 5th is the last day to turn in missing work.

154 EMM 18.2 Measuring the Fan Car’s Speed 5/28/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 18.2 Investigating the Motion of a Fan Car Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate my knowledge of the fan car’s speed. Independent: Science Starter - Watch Cool Jobs & explain Sean Casey’s message Group: Describe the motion of the fan car when the motor is turned on. Group: EMM 18.2 Measuring the Fan Car’s Speed pg.179 Finish Collecting Data Independent: Follow book pg.179 & teacher procedures (scientific process) Finish Group: Reflection Questions A-E pg. 180 Independent: Read – Propellers: Vehicles in Motion & Sailing Through the Solar System pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Motion, speed, average speed, acceleration, deceleration, unbalanced force Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Final Test – Friday, June 5th (Catastrophic Events & Energy, Machines & Motion) Checked your grade lately? Not happy? Friday, June 5th is the last day to turn in missing work.

155 EMM 19. 1 Observing Motion of the Mousetrap Car & 19
EMM 19.1 Observing Motion of the Mousetrap Car & 19.2 Measuring the Speed of the Mousetrap Car 5/29/15 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 19.1 & 19.2 Mousetrap Car Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate my knowledge of the motion and speed of a mousetrap car. Independent: Science Starter Watch Cool Jobs & explain Phil Plait’s message Independent: Be prepared to have your Procedures & Conclusion from EMM A or F Grade Independent: Follow book pg.179 & teacher procedures (scientific process) Finish Independent: Reflection Questions A-E pg. 180 Independent: Read – Propellers: Vehicles in Motion & Sailing Through the Solar System pgs Isaac Newton Goes Skiing pgs. 222 – 225 What are the Three Laws of Motion? Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Motion, speed, average speed, acceleration, deceleration, unbalanced force Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Final Test – Friday, June 5th (Catastrophic Events & Energy, Machines & Motion) Checked your grade lately? Not happy. Friday, June 5th is the last day to turn in missing work.

156 Looking for more points in class? Have you thought about extra credit?
EMM 19.1 Observing Motion of the Mousetrap Car & 19.2 Measuring the Speed of the Mousetrap Car 6/1/15 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 19.1 & 19.2 Mousetrap Car Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate my knowledge of the motion and speed of a mousetrap car. Independent: Science Starter A baseball pitcher is able to throw a baseball 100 meters in 2 seconds. What is the speed of the pitch? Independent: Follow book pg.179 & teacher procedures (scientific process) Finish Independent: Procedures & Conclusion are due tomorrow for an A or F grade Independent: Reflection Questions A-E pg. 180 Independent: Read – Propellers: Vehicles in Motion & Sailing Through the Solar System pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Motion, speed, average speed, acceleration, deceleration, unbalanced force Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Checked your grade lately? Not happy? Friday, June 5th is the last day to turn in missing work. Looking for more points in class? Have you thought about extra credit?

157 EMM 20. 1Building a Roller Coaster, EMM 21
EMM 20.1Building a Roller Coaster, EMM 21.1 Observing the Motion of a Roller Coaster & EMM 21.2 Measuring the Speed of a Roller Coaster 6/2/15 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 20.1, 21.1 & 21.2 Roller Coaster Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate my knowledge of the motion and speed of a roller coaster. Independent: Science Starter Watch Cool Jobs & explain Nick Sagan’s message Independent: Follow teacher and book procedures for each lesson. Independent: Answer Each of the questions from Procedures & Reflection Questions Independent: Please be ready with your procedures & conclusion for EMM 19.2 Independent: Read – Propellers: Vehicles in Motion & Sailing Through the Solar System pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Motion, speed, average speed, acceleration, deceleration, unbalanced force Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Checked your grade lately? Not happy? Friday, June 5th is the last day to turn in missing work. How’s the 2 – 2 liter Bottle Rocket Going? Let me know if you have questions.

158 21.2 Measuring the Speed of a Roller Coaster 6/3/15
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 21.2 Roller Coaster Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate my knowledge of the motion and speed of a roller coaster. Independent: Science Starter Watch Cool Jobs & explain Michio Kaku’s message Independent: Follow teacher and book procedures for each lesson. Independent: Answer Each of the questions from Procedures & Reflection Questions Independent: Please be ready with your procedures & conclusion for EMM 19.2 Independent: Read – Propellers: Vehicles in Motion & Sailing Through the Solar System pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Motion, speed, average speed, acceleration, deceleration, unbalanced force Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Checked your grade lately? Not happy? Friday, June 5th is the last day to turn in missing work. How’s the 2 – 2 liter Bottle Rocket Going? Let me know if you have questions. Final Test – Friday, June 5th (Catastrophic Events & Energy, Machines & Motion)

159 EMM & CE Review 6/4/15 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 21.2 Roller Coaster Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate my knowledge of energy, machines and motion and Catastrophic Events. Independent: Science Starter Watch Cool Jobs & explain Lara Andre’s message Independent: EMM & CE Review Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Motion, speed, average speed, acceleration, deceleration, unbalanced force Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Checked your grade lately? Not happy? Friday, June 5th is the last day to turn in missing work. How’s the 2 – 2 liter Bottle Rocket Going? Let me know if you have questions. Final Test – Friday, June 5th (Catastrophic Events & Energy, Machines & Motion)

160 6th Grade Science - Final Test 6/5/15
Supplies: Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner 6th Grade Science - Final Test Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate my knowledge of Catastrophic Events (Weather, Earthquakes & Volcanoes) and Energy, Machines & Motion Please take home or recycle your work from your file folder. Please have something to work (read, draw or organize) on quietly if you finish early. I will give extra points to the entire class if no one talks during the test. That means everyone! Any late assignments must be turned in today. Bring all rockets and materials Monday.

161 EMM 19. 1 Observing Motion of the Mousetrap Car & 19
EMM 19.1 Observing Motion of the Mousetrap Car & 19.2 Measuring the Speed of the Mousetrap Car 6/6/14 Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner EMM 19.1 & 19.2 Mousetrap Car Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate my knowledge of the motion and speed of a mousetrap car. Independent: Science Starter A rocket travels 432 meters in 9.0 seconds. What is the speed of the rocket? Independent: Follow book pg.188 & teacher procedures (scientific process) Finish Independent: Reflection Questions A-E pg. 193 Independent: Read – Rocket Science 101 & Medieval Warfare in Modern Times pgs Independent: Update glossary…New words… Update glossary Motion, speed, average speed, acceleration, deceleration, unbalanced force Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Final Test – Tuesday, June 10 (Catastrophic Events & Energy, Machines & Motion) Launching Rockets Monday, June 9th.

162 2-Liter H20 Bottle Rocket 6/9/14
Supplies: Planner, Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper, Rocket Independent: Student planner 2 Liter H20 Bottle Rocket Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate my knowledge of how to plan, build and launch a 2-liter H20 bottle rocket. Independent: Science Starter Rocket Ready & Ready to Launch Group: Stay behind the cones unless you are launching your rocket. Independent: Don’t pick up the launch cord until instructed. Independent: Don’t yank the launch cord! A light pull is all it takes. Group: The person who launched the rocket may rundown the rocket only! Group: Give a count down for each launch and be supportive to students that may have unsuccessful launches. Group: Pick up any rocket pieces when you leave the field. Go KMS! Independent: Science Summary (4-5 Sentences) Final Test – Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 10 (Catastrophic Events & Energy, Machines & Motion) Today - Bring all rockets and materials home - Today

163 6th Grade Science - Final Test 6/10/14
Supplies: Pencil, Ruler, Scientific Notebook, 3-Hole Line Paper Independent: Student planner 6th Grade Science - Final Test Independent: Learning Target I understand and can demonstrate my knowledge of Catastrophic Events (Weather, Earthquakes & Volcanoes) and Energy, Machines & Motion Please have something to work (read, draw or organize) on quietly if you finish early. Today - Bring all rockets and materials home - Today

164 6th Talent Show & Field Day6/11/14

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