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ILS & Technology Services Potential Budget Impacts.

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1 ILS & Technology Services Potential Budget Impacts

2 ILS Budget Most budget areas will have an increase due to vendor increases, etc. Talking Tech Need to replace server in 2015 Cost to continue service is $6,715 2014 phone holds notices = 368,968 (about 10% of all notices) 2014 text holds notices = 13,329

3 ILS Budget Madison Cataloging Madison will take on majority of ongoing authority control maintenance work at no additional fee PAC Committee recommended making no changes to enriched content (cover art, reviews, series entries, etc.); will evaluate other services later in 2015

4 ILS Certification Each library or branch is eligible for up to a $100 stipend if they complete certification as follows: Cataloging = $25 Circulation = $25 Serials = $25 All modules = $25 bonus Initial: Will require completion of required courses & one in person Prior training will count Ongoing: One in person user group per year One update webinar per year

5 Koha Development Koha Codebase Fusion – what needs to be done Move holds functionality Move periodicals module Move some system administration functionality What is done Acquisitions (GetIt) Most other circulation including fines / fees

6 Koha Development Koha Codebase Fusion – what we get Improved MARC cataloging and authority control Discovery layer API capability Groundwork for integrating with third party databases such as OverDrive and Ebsco databases Increased ability to customize the OPAC Interlibrary loan management tool

7 Koha Development Koha Codebase Fusion – what we get Digital materials storage and retrieval (demo later) Digital Library Service (DLS) – at no additional charge Discovery Layer – will come with codebase fusion “Archivalware” – previously purchased with licensing Connector – part of contract with LibLime Data hosting fee Ability to import digital objects, catalog them and retrieve them

8 Koha Development What are we doing now? Cleaning up Known Problems page and incorporating work-arounds into manuals Rapid bug fix development

9 Tech Budget Support for tablets Help Desk personnel BadgerNet 3 (2017) SCLS HQ Infrastructure to support 10 Gig (2017)

10 Upcoming Tech Tablets Replacement for Library Online Maker Kits (LSTA grant) Tech Day April 29 Wireless print management Session on training patrons Incorporating tech competencies into ILS training

11 Filtering on Internet Patron PCs in Order to Receive E-rate grants in 2016 and Beyond Beginning in 2016, libraries will be eligible for substantial new E-rate funds to offset internet and wireless costs (infrastructure and bandwidth fees). This means that libraries will need to comply with the CIPA filtering requirements in order to qualify for the E-rate funds. Up to 50% of annual network hardware = $38,000 (or more) Up to 50% of wireless equipment Possibly ongoing internet fees Here is the FAQ on the CIPA filtering requirements for libraries to receive E- rate Potential questions to discuss: Would you considering complying with the CIPA filtering requirements in order to be eligible for E-rate grants beginning in 2016? Would your library be able to adhere to the guidelines which include: Provide the ability to disable filtering for adults over 17 upon request Potentially identify adults-only PCs on which filtering can be disabled Create an Internet Safety Policy that is compliant with CIPA "Provide reasonable public notice and hold at least one public hearing or meeting to address the proposed Internet safety policy."

12 Storage and Retrieval of Digital Materials SCLS is sometimes asked if we will “host” digitized local materials. As of right now, SCLS does not provide this service. Even if SCLS were to host digitized materials, there is the issue of providing easy access to these materials, preferably through LINKcat. There are solutions available, but most are not free of charge. Demo of PTFS Digital Library Service Potential questions to discuss: Would libraries like SCLS to provide a solution to both host and provide access to digitized local materials (preferably through LINKCat)? If SCLS provides a solution, would libraries be willing to contribute to the storage fees?

13 How Can SCLS Help Libraries Help Their Patrons with Technology? A common theme from the SCLS annual library visits in 2014 was the need for libraries to be able to train their patrons on many different types of technology. SCLS does not train patrons directly, but we may be able to help libraries be better prepared to help patrons. We are already planning a session for the upcoming Technology Day. Potential questions to discuss: In what areas do patrons need help with technology? How can SCLS help libraries help their patrons?

14 Other Ideas In what other new ways can SCLS help libraries in 2016 and beyond?

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