Stone-Robinson Math Information Night Dr. Nicholas King, Principal December 9, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Stone-Robinson Math Information Night Dr. Nicholas King, Principal December 9, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stone-Robinson Math Information Night Dr. Nicholas King, Principal December 9, 2014

2 Goals for this Session Provide community members with the opportunity to learn what Stone-Robinson faculty and staff are doing to address student performance especially in the area of mathematics.

3 Tonight's Agenda Table Activity Led by Teachers Looking at a Standard Looking at Assessment Items Data Sharing Plan Sharing

4 School Improvement Goals Goal 1: Improve student performance in math and reading by increasing student access to high quality classroom instruction and effective intervention support. Strategy 1:Use student performance data (common assessments, teacher made tests, Past SOL performance data) throughout the year to evaluate and modify pacing guides and plan instruction on a daily and quarterly basis. Strategy 2: Provide Instructional staff with Professional Development focused on Mathematics.

5 School Improvement Goal Goal 2: Improve the Stone-Robinson school culture by significantly reducing the number of incidents of students reported bullying. Strategy 1: Track bullying incidents in order to ascertain where incidents are taking place within the school. Strategy 2: Utilize existing school structure and programs to engage SRES students in anti-bullying activities.

6 Student Outcomes SRE vs. ACPS

7 Student Outcomes SOL’s by Year and Subject

8 Student Outcome Math SOL 2011-2014

9 Student Outcomes MAP Data vs SOL Data

10 Table Activity 1: Looking at A Standard Work at your Table

11 Lets Unpack A Standard Here is the Standard: 3.17 The student will: a) collect and organize data, using observations, measurements, surveys, or experiments; b) construct a line plot, a picture graph, or a bar graph to represent the data; and c) read and interpret the data represented in line plots, bar graphs, and picture graphs and write a sentence analyzing the data. Work at your table!

12 Table Activity 2: Looking at Assessment Items Work at your Table

13 The Way Forward Assess Improvement Needs Provide Professional Development Track Student Performance and Make Adjustments Seek Assistance and Provide Support

14 The Way Forward (Assess Improvement Needs) Completed our annual stop light analysis process Completed in September Performance of each grade level is reviewed and areas of specific difficulty are identified. Analysis conducted at the standard level. Analysis based on the state provide SPBQ document. Analysis and the raw data used to complete that analysis provided for each grade level via their grade level Blackboard page.

15 The Way Forward (Assess Improvement Needs) School Academic Review Evidence based review of school practices in the following specific areas: teacher lesson planning, grade level pacing/curriculum guides, professional development plans, assessment, and teacher evaluation. Review is conducted by a state provided contractor in collaboration with district level administrative personnel and the school principal.

16 The Way Forward (Assess Improvement Needs) Preliminary Outcomes for Stone-Robinson Improve instructional alignment Increase rigor of learning experiences for students Improve the quality of assessments Improve Professional Development follow-up

17 The Way Forward (Provide Professional Development) State Provided Professional Development Focused on ensuring curriculum to instruction to assessment alignment and increasing cognitive demand; Specifically designed for schools experiencing SOL difficulty Analysis of Assessment Analyzing SOL Alignment and Level of Cognitive Demand Connecting Assessment to Instruction Doing the Mathematical Task

18 The Way Forward (Provide Professional Development) Used the state provided PD to develop a school wide expectation for teaching and/or activities that require higher levels of cognitive demand (rigor). Included High Level Cognitive Demand as a school-wide look for on the school learning walk. Professional Development for all teachers about the most effective uses of Reflex Math for Stone-Robinson Students.

19 The Way Forward (Provide Professional Development) Continuing Curriculum Alignment Work Teachers working to “unpack” Standards Process has proven useful for schools facing similar challenges Connected to areas of poor performance Additional training planned for this month

20 The Way Forward (Track Performance and Make Adjustments) Instituted a monthly grade level data review meeting in addition to the two monthly required PLC meetings at each grade level. Established for each grade level a number of grade level specific student achievement challenges/goals focused on that grade level’s past performance. Challenges address specific student achievement goals and/or strategic school wide needs. Work towards these goals is reviewed and documented on a monthly basis in the grade level data meetings addressed above.

21 The Way Forward (Track Performance and Make Adjustments) Instituted a more robust quarterly common assessment expectation in grades three through five. Teachers have been provide with time frames for when common assessments must be done and were provided with several options for developing those assessments including having developed by the grade level team and shared, or being developed by the administrative team in Illuminate. After completion of the first common assessments each grade level has worked to adjust instruction and grouping based on the initial outcomes during the grade level data meetings.

22 The Way Forward (Seek Assistance and Provide Support) Dr. King was invited and has accepted the invitation to participate in meetings and activities with the Focus Title I school principals & regular consultation with Focus School principals to develop an understanding of the activities and tasks that had the greatest positive impact on their improvement from last school year to this school year. Principal participation in district wide “Math Conversations” activity with district personnel and other ACPS Principals. Providing additional TA support for grades three, four and five to provide for smaller class sizes during math instruction and or extended learning time during the second semester.

23 What Parents Can Do to Help Talk with your child’s teachers about specific needs. Play math related games at home (card games, dice games). Maintain an openness to new and different ways of thinking about and doing math. Volunteer to work in classrooms. Take advantage of online math programs that allow your students to gain valuable math practice time IXL ( Standards based math Reflex Math ( Math fluency

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