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Presentation on theme: "THE DSSRP DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL STATISTICS AND POVERTY REDUCTION STRATEGY AND THE CERA IN THE AFRISTAT MISSION Bruno Noutain Bamako (Mali), 23 to 25 June."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE DSSRP DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL STATISTICS AND POVERTY REDUCTION STRATEGY AND THE CERA IN THE AFRISTAT MISSION Bruno Noutain Bamako (Mali), 23 to 25 June 2014 Regional Workshop to Share Experiences Among African Countries: “Better Dialogue on Statistics for Better Results in Development”

2 Outline Introduction The DSSRP and CERA mission Areas of intervention Principle results obtained over the past 10 years Perspectives and conclusion 2

3 Introduction THE DSSRP DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL STATISTICS AND POVERTY REDUCTION STRATEGY AND THE CERA IN THE AFRISTAT MISSION; At the beginning and at the end of other departments ’ activities; It functions in synergy with other departments on certain of its activities to make the AFRISTAT mission a success; The CERA is one of the departments with across- the-board activities.

4 DSSRP and CERA Missions to develop, improve and bring into alignment methods and tools for the collection, processing and analysis of demographic and social statistics, especially statistics concerning education, health and labour and those relative to rural development and the environment Social Statistics to develop information systems for poverty reduction strategies and implementation of the Millennium Development Goals 1 – The DSSRP Mission

5 DSSRP and CERA Missions Institutional support for and dissemination of statistical information Supervision of production of statistics needed to monitor living conditions, poverty and rural development statistics, Coordination of studies and macroeconomic summaries 2 – The CERA Mission

6 Areas of Intervention Household surveys Social statistics Demographic statistics Agricultural statistics Poverty Perspectives and conclusion

7 Principle Activities Undertaken over the Past 10 Years AFRISTAT has gained proven experience in the design, creation, processing and analysis of survey results on employment, the informal sector and household living conditions: 1 - over 20 in about 15 countries; 2 - in the main large cities of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU). Analytical reports published with the exception of two for which processing is still underway (Burundi and Comoros, 2013-2014). I - Household Surveys

8 Principle Activities Undertaken over the Past 10 Years Employment statistics:  In 2006 AFRISTAT published a bilingual document on information systems development on the labour market: "Developing and Implementing a Labour Market Information System"  Since 2004, AFRISTAT has conducted a project to improve the information system on the labour market (LMIS) The project is financed by the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) and has served in Mali, Cameroon, Nigeria, Uganda and Zambia. These countries have developed regular publications analysing labour market data to enable political decision-making II - Social Statistics

9 Principle Activities Undertaken over the Past 10 Years Employment statistics: AFRISTAT has participated in two consortiums to analyse the labor market and improve employment and informal sector statistics  The first theme for 2010-2011 made it possible to draft: “ Unblocking Potential: Tackling Economic, Institutional and Social Constraints in Informal Entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa”, with the Institute of Social Sciences (ISS), based in The Hague in the Netherlands, heading the project. II - Social Statistics

10 Principle Activities Undertaken over the Past 10 Years Employment statistics:  Implementation of a project to reinforce the capacity to produce and analyse decent labour indicators (RECAP) in four African countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal, with creation of a SIMT technical and institutional journal and conduct of national, regional and interregional workshops on establishing a SIMT and the collection of representative data on decent labour. This consortium was run by the ILO International Training Centre (ITC-ILO) based in Turin, Italy. II - Social Statistics

11 Principle Activities Undertaken over the Past 10 Years Monitoring PRSPs and MDGs:  Publication in 2006 of the French document “ Cadre de r é f é rence et support m é thodologique minimum commun pour la conception d ’ un syst è me d ’ information pour le suivi des DSRP et des OMD”, followed by the English version entitled “ Reference Framework and Common Minimum Methodological Guidelines for Designing a PRSRP and MDG Information Tracking System” II - Social Statistics

12 Principle Activities Undertaken over the Past 10 Years 1 - General Census of the Population and Housing (in French, “ RGPH ” )  Organisation in collaboration with the United Nations of seminars/workshops on principles and recommendations for the 2010 (2006) World Census Programme, new technologies for processing census data using optical mark recognition (OMR) in 2008, the census results distribution software developed from DevInfo technology (2010).  Introduction of thinking on organisation of a general population and housing census brought into alignment and simultaneous with the AFRISTAT Member States III - Demographic Statistics

13 Principle Activities Undertaken over the Past 10 Years 2 - Demographic statistics Exploratory activities carried out:  in the processing and use of civil registration data for statistical purposes;  in the production of statistics of this type based on the minimum package of gender indicators the United Nations indicates;  in reflection on the use of administrative data sources for statistical purposes to produce indicators to monitor after the 2015 MDG III- Statistiques démographiques

14 Principle Activities Undertaken over the Past 10 Years AFRISTAT has published several methodological documents:  AFRISTAT, Test Survey on Fruit Production Estimation (Enqu ê te test sur l ’ estimation de la production fruiti è re) - Final Report, method series no. 5, March 2001;  AFRISTAT, Survey on Fruit and Vegetable Production (Enqu ê te sur l ’ estimation des productions mara î ch è res) - Final Report, method series no. 6, 2006;  AFRISTAT, Test Survey on Flock Parameters (Enqu ê te test sur les param è tres du troupeau) - AFRISTAT working document - 2009  Reference Framework and Minimum Common Methodological Guidelines for Designing a PRSRP and MDG Information Tracking System, 2006 IV - Agricultural Statistics

15 Principle Activities Undertaken over the Past 10 Years AFRISTAT has developed a methodology to develop poverty statistics and has published the document “2009 Methodology for Poverty Line Harmonisation: Assessment in the AFRISTAT Member States 200 9 ” ( M éthodologie d’ élaboration de la ligne de pauvre t é sur une base harmoni s ée: bilan dans les états membres d ’AFRISTAT, 2009) V - Poverty

16 Perspectives In coming years the DSSRP and the CERA will emphasise development of methodological tools to measure and analyse indicators in innovative areas such as:  the environment and climate change  gender and  on the use of administrative sources

17 Conclusions Through the DSSRP and the CERA, AFRISTAT has sought to improve social statistics and poverty reduction strategies in its Member States. These same improvements have been brought to other countries that directly solicited AFRISTAT support or had the benefit of its involvement through projects technical and financial partners entrusted it with

18 Thank you 18


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