Classroom Based Activities KSPE 7140. According to the CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System on Obesity (by BMI) in Georgia, individuals under.

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1 Classroom Based Activities KSPE 7140

2 According to the CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System on Obesity (by BMI) in Georgia, individuals under the age of 18 since 1990 (6.5% obese) had increased to 17.3 % obese by 2002. With these alarming increasing in obesity, gives more of a push for the integration of physical education into classrooms. 12% are overweight. (yr. 2005) 15% are at risk for becoming overweight.

3 Benefits of Classroom Based Activities Improvements in learning, vision, memory, expression, and movement abilities in young people. In the classroom, teachers typically report improvements in attitude, attention, homework, behavior, and academic performance for the entire class. Levels of physical fitness are increased and academic concepts are reinforced.

4 Integration of physical activities leads to a reduction of sedentary behavior during the school day and requires little additional teacher preparation. These are short (about 10 minute) activities that classroom teachers can use to provide activity to children outside of the physical education arena.

5 FYI Understanding that people retain 90% of what they hear, see, say, and do (acting out, dramatizing, dancing, painting, drawing, constructing) provides a strong back bone for providing an integrated curriculum.

6 Students benefit from an integrated curriculum in many ways: When an academic concept is difficult to understand By increasing retention of information With movements that enhance the understanding of abstract concepts such as shape, energy, space, and time When students are tired of sitting When information is presented in different learning styles

7 benefits By students being able to express their answers, thoughts, and ideas in a variety of ways other than traditional paper-and-pencil assessments When students see teachers working in different subjects areas, teaching in different classroom spaces, and making similar points across subject areas

8 benefits Students who are not motivated about physical activity may be more interested in integrating activities that allow a measure of cognitive and physical success.

9 Topic Areas Include: Social Studies, Mathematics, Movement Concepts, Music/Rhythm, Science/The Human Body, Health Projects, Health & Wellness, Outdoor Pursuits, and English/Language Arts/Reading.

10 Helpful Websites Michigan State Department of Education “Brain Breaks” Brain Gym North Carolina Public Schools “Energizers” Action Based Learning Getting Kids Active 10 Minutes at a Time

11 dscapes/index.html dscapes/index.html games-4.html games-4.html

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