Collection Management Initiative A two year grant awarded to the University of California and funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Mellon grant project.

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Presentation on theme: "Collection Management Initiative A two year grant awarded to the University of California and funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Mellon grant project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collection Management Initiative A two year grant awarded to the University of California and funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Mellon grant project is a collaborative and cooperative effort of the nine campuses of the University of California

2 What does the Project involve? Removing from campus libraries selected print journals for which electronic access is available, and relocating these journals to storage Gathering objective data, including cost and usage data, for both print and electronic versions of 300 journals Surveying user attitudes and preferences about acceptability of digital journals vs. print journals

3 Why UC was motivated to assume such a project Overcrowded physical facilities coupled with continually growing collections Limited opportunities to add new library buildings Deteriorating campus infrastructure Anticipated increase in student enrollments

4 UC’s motivation Need to develop long term strategies to guide future collection management of digital and print formats Need to explore the feasibility of user reliance on the digital versions of journals

5 How UC libraries participated in the project As Experimental libraries: These libraries removed selected print journals for which electronic access is available from campus libraries to remote storage As Control libraries: These libraries are maintaining print journals for which electronic access is available on their shelves

6 Sample Journal Title Henry James Review Control journal located in the library at UC Riverside Experimental journal relocated from UC Irvine library to storage facility Electronic version of journal available on all campuses

7 Research: Use Data Use data was collected for: Print journals on library shelves (control) Print journals in storage (experimental)  Electronic journals

8 Usage Data: Print and Digital

9 Research: User preference data Surveyed users who requested journals from storage Made available comment cards Conducted interviews Will administer a user preference survey on all UC campuses

10 Research: Costs Cost of staff time for consultation, selection of titles, training, processing, bibliographic control, transportation Cost of print subscriptions, ejournal licenses and system infrastructure Cost of storage of journals

11 Ongoing cost analyses Developing cost models to predict costs for processing, cataloging, transporting, storing print journals in regional repository Calculating savings if print subscriptions were cancelled

12 Potential cost savings Elimination of redundancy of print journals held Recovering space in campus libraries Reduction of processing, binding, shelving, and circulation costs

13 Where do we go from here? Review campus journal subscriptions and holdings for Cancellation of print Relocation to storage Develop plans for a shared print journal collection located in a regional storage facility Leverage UC’s patron initiated request service, desk top delivery and systemwide courier service when access to print is preferred

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