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7th grade Agenda Homework: Get your essay signed & return 

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Presentation on theme: "7th grade Agenda Homework: Get your essay signed & return "— Presentation transcript:

1 7th grade Agenda Homework: Get your essay signed & return 
How to write an essay review Persuasive writing packets Flocabulary:

2 What is a thesis statement?
It is included in your first paragraph. Presents your opinions or thoughts on a subject or an issue. You cannot write an essay without one. TIP: A thesis statement should NEVER contain the following: in my opinion, I think, I believe, etc. The thesis itself represents what you believe!!!

3 EXAMPLES… EXAMPLE: Instead of… “I believe that Icarus and Persephone were alike and different in many ways” Write: “Icarus and Persephone were alike and different in many ways”

4 EXAMPLES Instead of: “In this essay, I will be comparing and contrasting the characters of Icarus and Persephone.” Write: “Icarus and Persephone are alike and different in many ways.”

Unless the essay is about YOU, please refrain from using personal pronouns such as me and I. For example: if the essay is about your trip to Europe, you may use me or I. If the essay is about the characters from a story, do not use me or I.

6 How to write a conclusion
A conclusion restates the thesis USING NEW WORDS!! Review the major points of your essay USING NEW WORDS Mention the “so what?” of your essay A final statement- either a call to action or a simple closing thought.

7 Conclusions You should never start new ideas in the conclusion!
Simply “wrap it up”!!!!

8 More things to remember…
Maintain a formal writing style ^What does this mean?

9 Formal writing style This means that you must sound professional in your writing. Do not write the way that you speak! For example, NEVER DO THIS: “I totally think that Icarus was foolish.” “To be honest, Persephone was beautiful.” “I hope you enjoyed reading my paper!”

10 Typing essays When you type an essay, you must have the following:
Size 12 Times New Roman Font 1 inch margins Proper heading’ Double spaced

11 Addressing the reader Never address the reader in your essay.
For example: “You must listen to what I have to say!” ^NO!!!! **You may only do this when writing a SPEECH and adressing an audience.

12 Persuasive writing We will be writing persuasive essays in class for the next few days You MAY use “I” or “me” because you are stating YOUR opinion. You will be handing in all materials at the end of every class. You will NOT take your essays home. I will be grading each part of the writing process.

13 The Writing process Plan/brainstorm First draft Proofread/edit
Rewrite (final draft)

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