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HTML 5 New Standardization of HTML. I NTRODUCTION HTML5 is The New HTML Standard, New Elements New Attributes Full CSS3 Support Video and Audio 2D/3D.

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Presentation on theme: "HTML 5 New Standardization of HTML. I NTRODUCTION HTML5 is The New HTML Standard, New Elements New Attributes Full CSS3 Support Video and Audio 2D/3D."— Presentation transcript:

1 HTML 5 New Standardization of HTML

2 I NTRODUCTION HTML5 is The New HTML Standard, New Elements New Attributes Full CSS3 Support Video and Audio 2D/3D Graphics Local Storage Local SQL Database

3 I NTRODUCTION The previous version of HTML, HTML 4.01, came in 1999. The web has changed a lot since then. HTML5 is still a work in progress. However, the major browsers support many of the new HTML5 elements and APIs. It offers additional features, tags and attributes that not only add to the website’s appearance and performance but also make it easier for the programmer to add features to the website. However, HTML5 and CSS3 are not supported by older versions of browsers that may still be used by several users.

4 H OW D ID HTML5 G ET S TARTED ? HTML5 is a cooperation between the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) WHATWG was working with web forms and applications, and W3C was working with XHTML 2.0. In 2006, they decided to cooperate and create a new version of HTML. Some rules for HTML5 were established: New features should be based on HTML, CSS, DOM, and JavaScript Reduce the need for external plugins (like Flash) Better error handling More markup to replace scripting HTML5 should be device independent The development process should be visible to the public

5 T HE HTML5 DOCTYPEs from earlier versions of HTML were longer because the HTML language was SGML- based and therefore required a reference to a DTD (Document Type Definition). HTML5 is not based on SGML, and therefore does not require a reference to a DTD. In HTML5 there is only one declaration, and it is very simple:

6 HTML5 - N EW F EATURES Some of the most interesting new features in HTML5: The element for 2D drawing The and elements for media playback Support for local storage New content-specific elements, like,,,, New form controls, like calendar, date, time, email, url, search

7 B ROWSER S UPPORT FOR HTML5 HTML5 is not yet an official standard, and no browsers have full HTML5 support. But all major browsers (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer) continue to add new HTML5 features to their latest versions.

8 N EW E LEMENTS IN HTML5 Several elements in HTML 4.01 are obsolete, never used, or not used the way they were intended. All those elements are removed or re- written in HTML5. HTML5 also includes new elements for drawing graphics, adding media content, better page structure, better form handling, and several APIs to drag/drop elements, find Geolocation, include web storage, application cache, web workers, etc.



11 R EMOVED E LEMENTS The following HTML 4.01 elements are removed from HTML5: (Defines an embedded applet) (Specifies a default color, size, and font for all text in a document) ( Defines a window (a frame) in a frameset) (Defines a set of frames) (Defines an alternate content for users that do not support frames)

12 D IFFERENCE B / W HTML4 & HTML5 HTMLHTML5 DOCTYPE is much longer as HTML4 is based on SGML-based. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "”> DOCTYPE is required to enable standards mode for HTML documents. Audio and Video are not part of HTML4 specification. Audio and Videos are integral part of HTML5 specifications e.g. and tags. Vector Graphics is possible with the help of technologies such as VML, Silverlight, Flash etc Vector graphics is integral part of HTML5 e.g. SVG and canvas It is almost impossible to get true GeoLocation of user browsing any website especially if it comes to mobile devices. JS GeoLocation API in HTML5 helps identify location of user browsing any website (provided user allows it) Browser cache can be used as temporary storage. Application Cache, Web SQL database and Web storage is available as client side storage. Accessible using JavaScript interface in HTML5 compliant browsers. Web Sockets are not available. Generally used mechanisms are long polling and streaming. Full duplex communication channels can be established with Server using Web Sockets. Accessible using JavaScript interface in HTML5 compliant browsers. Does not allow JavaScript to run in browser. Allows JavaScript to run in background. This is possible due to JS Web worker API in HTML5 that keeps web page responsive Works with all old browsers Most of modern browser have started supporting HTML5 specification e.g. Firefox, Mozilla, Opera, Chrome, Safari etc.

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