I’m not really sure which was our most exciting event this week. We had so much fun at both our Bike-A-Thon and our Farmer’s Market. Some children rode.

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Presentation on theme: "I’m not really sure which was our most exciting event this week. We had so much fun at both our Bike-A-Thon and our Farmer’s Market. Some children rode."— Presentation transcript:

1 I’m not really sure which was our most exciting event this week. We had so much fun at both our Bike-A-Thon and our Farmer’s Market. Some children rode their bikes, while others rode their scooters. It was so much fun having our bikes at school and such a wonder- ful way to help others who are less fortunate than us.

2 Our Farmer’s Market was a huge success thanks to all of our parents and Miss Angie. I am so proud of our Kindergarten class. They were kind and patient with all of the children who came through the market. We described what was on the tables and helped the classes find foods that they liked best. FARMER’S MARKET

3 This week we made macaroni for Mm Week. We used a slow cooker to cook the macaroni and then ate it with butter and cheese. I asked the children to tell me how they make macaroni at home. I thought you might find their answers quite amusing. Callie: “You cook it and you bake it a lot. You eat it, then you bake it. Ediz: “You need macaroni. Put ketchup on it and I eat different kinds and I eat a lot of it. Shane: “Pasta, and then sauce. Put it on the stove and cook it with bread. Dylan: “First she (Mom) gets a big whit thing. She puts sauce on it and cooks it and then puts macaroni on it.” Anezka: She (Mom) puts macaroni in a pot and then she puts water and then she leaves it for 5 minutes and then she puts cheese and that’s it.” Michael: She (Mom) makes it and puts sauce on it and puts it in a container for me to bring to school.” Madison: My Mima makes it with sauce and cheese on it and she bakes it on the stove and then we eat at the dinner table.

4 For our fall activity this week our class went outside to collect leaves at the grass park. We put them in a bag and then went back to our classroom. Once we were back we looked at the many different shapes and colors of the leaves. We then placed our favorite leaves between two sheets of wax paper. I then pressed them with a warm iron. We hung them up on our class door. They look lovely! Hope you think so too.

5 Our long term project is coming along. We learned about the different zones or levels of the ocean. The sunlit zone is the top where there is the most sunlight and the water is the warmest. The twilight zone or middle of the ocean is colder. The ocean floor or midnight zone is the deepest with no sunlight. There is not a lot of food and very interesting creatures. We will be learning more about the animals and plant life that live in each level of the ocean. The children enjoyed our first step, painting a very large box blue to represent the ocean water. One of our activities to help us remember the sound of the letter Mm was graphing M&M’s. What a fun way to learn!

6 We watched another short video from BrainPop Jr. on the force of magnets. We learned that magnets have two poles and how opposite poles attract. We also learned that magnets are attracted to iron which lead to an exciting journey around our room. Each child was given their own magnet and was asked to find some objects that were attracted to their magnet. They were so excited when they did this. I must have heard my name 100 times. “Miss Maria Look at this.” “Miss Maria, this has iron in it!” “Miss Maria, come here and look at this magnet sticking!” It was a very exciting time of discovery. The class was also amazed when I showed them how magnets could be magically moved by like poles being placed next to each other. When the class was done experimenting, they were then partnered up and were given a magnet game that enabled them to experiment with a variety of objects to see which were attracted to magnets and which weren’t. See if your child can share with you any interesting facts they learned last week. If you would like to have the magnet game sent home to play with your family, just let me know and I will send it home with your child.

7 Thank you for sending in the treats For our Farmer’s Market. *Also thank you for bringing in your child’s bike/scooter. They had so much fun riding them! Please be on time to eliminate class disruptions. Our letter of the week will be Ll. Come take a peek at our mini spooky forest! This week we will be cutting our class pumpkin and turning him into a jack-o-lantern! Come see his toothless grin.

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