1 Research abroad April 1, 2014. 2 - For international research (lab) experience -For a specific professor - For a specific research topic or field -

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1 1 Research abroad April 1, 2014

2 2 - For international research (lab) experience -For a specific professor - For a specific research topic or field - To learn a new language and culture - To be away from home - ….. When? In the second year of your master’s programme Why research abroad?

3 3 Canada, Montreal, Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research Lab UK, University of Cambridge, Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit UK, University of London, Institute of Neuroesthetics Italy, Parma, Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies France, Paris, Universite Rene Descartes, Cognition and Development Laboratory USA, Princeton University, Center for the Study of Brain, Mind and Behavior Examples

4 4 - Start in time, preferably about a year before you want to go abroad -Find out where the type of research you are interested in is being conducted -Use the contacts of the UvA lecturers and researchers, your academic mentor, second year students, alumni etc. Before you go

5 5 Research project All students conduct two research projects. Research Project 1 – Credits: 26-32 EC January – Half June (32 EC) – full time February – Half June (26 EC) – full time Research Project 2 – Credits: 36-42 EC Total EC maximum: 68 EC This means you can only choose to extend one of the two projects 1 EC = 28 hrs 26 EC = 728 hrs = 18 weeks 32 EC = 896 hrs = 22 weeks Research project

6 6 Find it yourself: Subject Technique Lab Package deal: Internship advertisements How to find a research project? Courses Lectures Books Advice Journal articles Lab websites Second year students Academic mentors

7 7 Approval procedure Hand in your proposal within a month after the start date of your project! N.B. Submitting it later can lead to deduction of credits since the board does not acknowledge more than 6 EC for preparing the research proposal Research Project Agreement form Master Study Plan form www.abc.nl -> info for current students -> ‘forms and documents’ or ‘research project’ Without approval students will not be credited for their research project! Research project

8 8 ERASMUS TRAINING PROGRAMME AUF FUNDING www.uva.nl/alumni PUBLIC FUNDING www.beursopener.nl (Dutch) www.scholarshipportal.euwww.scholarshipportal.eu (International) Who might benefit from your research?(e.g. foundations for diseases) FULLBRIGHT CENTER www.fullbright.nlwww.fullbright.nl Programmes and information for studies and internships in the US GENERAL Student Services documentation center; www.nuffic.nlwww.nuffic.nl www.uva.nl/internationaal Finances: funding

9 9 Visa EU students don’t need a visa for other EU countries Depending on your nationality you need a visa for certain countries, check with your embassy Outside the EU you need a visa (Dutch students check: www.minbuza.nl; foreign students check with your embassy) Passport Your passport needs to be valid for the whole period you are abroad (sometimes even longer) Visa and Passport

10 10 - Health insurance - Third-party insurance (WA) - Travel insurance (check maximum period) - Optional: dental insurance Check with the university abroad if you need specific insurances through them Insurances

11 11 -Language course - Student Language Exchange: www.sle-amsterdam.nlwww.sle- - Mediatheek (Language centre of the UvA) hum.uva.nl/mediatheek - www.uvatalen.nl -Vaccins - www.lcr.nl - Money/Insurances (authorise someone at home) -Copies of important documents - Flight – book in time! Extra practical issues

12 12 www.uva.nl/internationaal www.student.uva.nl/english/studyabroad www.wilweg.nl www.fulbright.nl www.scholarshipportal.eu Useful websites

13 13 QUESTIONS? Questions

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