The Secret Code of Filming Editing V.I. Pudovkin: “The foundation of film art is editing.” Shots in film acquire meaning when they are juxtaposed with.

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Presentation on theme: "The Secret Code of Filming Editing V.I. Pudovkin: “The foundation of film art is editing.” Shots in film acquire meaning when they are juxtaposed with."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Secret Code of Filming Editing V.I. Pudovkin: “The foundation of film art is editing.” Shots in film acquire meaning when they are juxtaposed with others and structured into an edited sequence –Eliminates unnecessary time and space –Connects shots (and the ideas they express) causally and/or thematically Theory of organic form: form and content are mutually dependent in any art form.

2 Continuity Cutting to continuity preserves the fluidity of an event without showing all of it, it condenses time –Movement occurs in the same direction –No breaks where other subjects or ideas are edited in

3 Continuity Editing Notice that the editing here is all of one main action, Vincent’s getting ready to go to work, but we don’t see every step of that process, just pieces from which we can construct the likelihood of the intensity of his preparations.

4 Classical Cutting Editing for dramatic intensity and emotional emphasis –Action is split into fragmentary shots –Point-of-view shots may be juxtaposed –Other scenes or shots may be cross-cut (parallel editing) May sometimes use a master shot, an establishing shot of sorts –Eyeline MatchFlashbacks –Matching ActionFlash-forwards –180° Rule

5 Classical Cutting Notice how the inter-cutting of these simultaneous scenes ups the emotional ante of the film, as it stresses the precariousness of Vincent’s happiness.

6 Formalism Thematic editing, or montage, which Pudovkin called constructive editing Influenced strongly by Pavlov’s psychological theories Can link together unrelated fragmentary details to produce a unified action or message: the viewer constructs the meaning Pudovkin and Eisenstein

7 Realism Realist aesthetic holds that photography, television, and cinema produce images of reality automatically Technology allows objectivity, with minimum human involvement and manipulation Influenced by the philosophical movement of Personalism –Truth was individualistic and pluralistic and could be contradictory –Can use deep-focus photography

8 Sample Editing Techniques in Gattaca Dissolve Fade

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