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EBOLA Kyle Draves. Pathogen Zaire Ebola Virus  Also known as EBOV  One of five viruses of the genus Ebolavirus  EBOV is most virulent of the five;

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Presentation on theme: "EBOLA Kyle Draves. Pathogen Zaire Ebola Virus  Also known as EBOV  One of five viruses of the genus Ebolavirus  EBOV is most virulent of the five;"— Presentation transcript:

1 EBOLA Kyle Draves

2 Pathogen Zaire Ebola Virus  Also known as EBOV  One of five viruses of the genus Ebolavirus  EBOV is most virulent of the five; the one that is making headlines

3 Disease  Ebola causes Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)  This disease is also referred to as hemorrhagic fever and EBOV

4 labeled pic

5 Ebola; A Brief Background  Named after the Ebola river  First identified in 1976 when two outbreaks occurred simultaneously in Zaire and Sudan  Zaire experienced an 88% mortality rate (280 of 318)

6 In 1989 Ebola made it’s way to the U.S.  In Virginia, a laboratory housing primates was victimized by an Ebola strain  This variant quickly killed the monkeys  Luckily, the airborne pathogen proved to be ineffective in humans

7  The WHO has recorded 25 outbreaks since 1976  The current outbreak is affecting six countries; Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Mali, United States of America and Spain  Guinea experienced the first outbreak in 2014

8 Timeline of Ebola’s Systemic Takeover  Once inside the host, EBOV replicates it’s RNA  First, the virus attacks the immune system  When the body can no longer fight back, the lymph nodes, spleen and liver are taken and succumb to EBOV’s cytotoxic effects  In 4-5 days, the host becomes hemorrhagic

9 Do I have Ebola? Misleading Early Signs  Fever  Headache  Vomiting  Diarrhea Soon Followed By  Shock  Cerebral edema  Coagulation disorders  Secondary bacterial infections

10 Once Incubation is Complete… Symptoms more obviously indicate an Ebola infection as the inflicted experience;  Ocular diseases  Rash  Aborted fetuses  Inability to coagulate  Bleeding from orifices  Multiple organ failure  Terminal shock

11 The time from infection to the emergence of symptoms can occur between 2-21 days

12 Transmission  Ebola Virus is spread through bodily fluid  Portals of entry include;  Breaks in the skin  Mucus membranes  The virus can live outside of the body

13 Reservoir of Infection  The natural reservoir is unknown  Vectors are unknown  Fruit bats and insects of the rainforest are theorized carriers

14 Can Ebola be Cured? Unfortunately, there is no cure or vaccination for Ebola


16 Should We be Worried?  Although the 2014 outbreak is the biggest to date…  The epidemic is actually below the average virulence for all other outbreaks  55% versus 67% (mean)case fatality rate  An estimated 10314 deaths of 24877 cases

17 Is Ebola going to become a global pandemic? You decide… 1. Ebola is not airborne 2. On average, only 1.5 people are affected by the sick 3. Outbreaks are small 4. The survival rate is increases

18 Sources  rse_id=_4491_1&content_id=_332767_1 rse_id=_4491_1&content_id=_332767_1  pandemic-266238 pandemic-266238      

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