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(12 th ) Peter told the crowed on one occasion that they handed Jesus over and disowned Him, and that they had killed the _______ of life.

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Presentation on theme: "(12 th ) Peter told the crowed on one occasion that they handed Jesus over and disowned Him, and that they had killed the _______ of life."— Presentation transcript:

1 (12 th ) Peter told the crowed on one occasion that they handed Jesus over and disowned Him, and that they had killed the _______ of life.

2 Acts 3:15 – Author of Life Heb.2:10 - For it was fitting that he, for whom and by whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory, should make the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering.

3 G747 α ̓ ρχηγός arche ̄ gos Thayer Definition: 1) the chief leader, prince 1a) of Christ 2) one that takes the lead in any thing and thus affords an example, a predecessor in a matter, pioneer 3) the author Part of Speech: adjective A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: from G746 and G71 Citing in TDNT: 1:487, 81

4 (13 th ) Moses received what kind of words and from whom did he receive them?

5 Acts 7:30-38 (38) Moses received words from the “Angel” the same “Angel” from in the bush on Mount Sinai – (30) An Angel appears but hears the Lord’s voice. (31)

6 (14 th ) How did the Ethiopian eunuch know what to do when they came to some water?

7 Acts 8:35 (32-33 = Isa.53:7-8) Philip began at Isa.53:7-8 and preached to him Jesus. “from that very passage of Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus” From the content of that message he recognized the need to be baptized.

8 (15 th ) After reading both accounts of Peter being sent to Cornelius, explain the events?

9 Acts 10:1-48 and 11:4-18 (10:1-8) Cornelius’ vision (10:9-20) Peter’s vision (10:21-24) Peter and messengers (10:25-33) Peter’s question and answer (10:34-43) Peter tells message

10 (10:44-46) The Holy Spirit given (10:47-48) Peter’s response – baptize (11:1-3) circumcised criticized (11:4-17) Peter’s defense (11:18) acceptance and praise – “God has granted even the Gentiles repentance unto life.”

11 (16 th ) James has a few things to say about faith and wisdom, can you find the connections between them both?

12 James 3:13 (13-18) “Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom.” James 2:17; 2:26 – faith without action dead and works (deeds) in wisdom

13 (17 th ) According to James, who are an adulterous people? (or person)

14 James 4:4-10 (4) The pursuit of friendship with the world seems to equal adultery as one pursues a lover rather than adhering to a spouse. And those who become friends with the world become enemies of God.

15 (18 th ) What did Paul and Barnabas do after returning to the cities they had previously preached in?

16 Acts 14:22-23 Returning to those churches they strengthened and encouraged and then appointed elders in each church committing them (the elders) to the Lord with prayer and fasting. (laying on of hands possible too)

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