Session VII Verifying Private Aids to Navigation.

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1 Session VII Verifying Private Aids to Navigation

2 Any signal placed in the navigable waterways of the United States by any person or institution other than the U.S. Coast Guard or other branch of the Armed Forces is considered to be a private aid to navigation. Private Aid Definition

3 3 NAVIGABLE WATERS  Coastal Waters below Mean High Water  Waters subject to tidal ebb and flow  Inland waters used for interstate or foreign commerce  Inland waters that with reasonable cost improvement could in the near future be used for commerce

4 USCG Authority In accordance with subpart 66 of Title 33 CFR, no person, public body or instrumentality not under the control of the Commandant, exclusive of the Armed Forces, shall establish and maintain, discontinue, change, or transfer ownership of any private aid to maritime navigation without first obtaining permission to do so from Commandant. This authority is delegated to the District Commander. In accordance with subpart 66 of Title 33 CFR, no person, public body or instrumentality not under the control of the Commandant, exclusive of the Armed Forces, shall establish and maintain, discontinue, change, or transfer ownership of any private aid to maritime navigation without first obtaining permission to do so from Commandant. This authority is delegated to the District Commander.

5 5 PRIVATE AIDS Must be maintained in good working order and painted with no expense to the Coast Guard Must be maintained in good working order and painted with no expense to the Coast Guard Must provide 30 days notice to the District Commander before removal Must provide 30 days notice to the District Commander before removal District Commander can order removal of aids that are no longer needed District Commander can order removal of aids that are no longer needed

6 6 PRIVATE AIDS Aids are subject to inspection at any time without prior notice. Aids are subject to inspection at any time without prior notice. New aids should be verified for accuracy, soon after they are established. New aids should be verified for accuracy, soon after they are established. Discontinued aids should be inspected for proper removal. Discontinued aids should be inspected for proper removal.

7 7 Private AtoN Regulations Failure to Comply: When repair is unreasonably delayed the CO/OinC of the inspecting unit may request, in writing, that CCGDONE revoke the owner’s authorization to operate private aids and to order the removal of the aids.

8 8 UNAUTHORIZED PatoNS Unauthorized PatoN’s are subject to a fine of up to $100 per offense Unauthorized PatoN’s are subject to a fine of up to $100 per offense Each day an unauthorized aid is in operation is a separate offense Each day an unauthorized aid is in operation is a separate offense If more than one aid marks a waterway, each aid is also a separate offense If more than one aid marks a waterway, each aid is also a separate offense

9 9 Tools of the Trade Binoculars Binoculars Sounding Device Sounding Device Hand-bearing compass Hand-bearing compass Nautical charts Nautical charts Coast Pilot Coast Pilot Light List Light List LNM LNM Tide Book Tide Book Watch/Timing device Watch/Timing device Digital Camera Digital Camera Note book Note book Dividers Dividers Plotter Plotter Pencils and pens Pencils and pens GPS set GPS set Forms Forms

10 10 Observe as if a Stranger Pretend you have never been on this shore before. Pretend you have never been on this shore before. Look at things from different locations. Look at things from different locations. Note what most impresses you or is unique to the area. Note what most impresses you or is unique to the area. Look for changes in the skyline and check them out from seaward. Look for changes in the skyline and check them out from seaward.

11 11 Document what is Important! The person who will read your report has never seen the area. The person who will read your report has never seen the area. Imagine this person without your vast knowledge and report clearly and totally. Imagine this person without your vast knowledge and report clearly and totally. Never assume local knowledge. Never assume local knowledge.

12 12 Documentation Be explicit! Be explicit! Include tide, currents, Lat/Lon, depths, chartlets, graphs, drawings, photographs. Include tide, currents, Lat/Lon, depths, chartlets, graphs, drawings, photographs. Tell a complete story in a few words. Tell a complete story in a few words.

13 Private Aid Classifications Class I Class I Class II Class III (Class III may soon be discontinued) (Class III may soon be discontinued)

14 Class I Private Aids Class I Private Aids are aids to navigation on marine structures, including bridges or other works for which the owners are legally obligated to establish, maintain and operate as prescribed by the United States Coast Guard. Permanent aids are listed in the Light List and charted.

15 Class II Private Aids Class II Aids to Navigation exclusive of Class I, are located in waters used by general navigation. Permanent Aids are listed in the Light List and chartered.

16 Class III Private Aids Class III Aids to Navigation exclusive of Class I and Class II are located in waters not ordinarily used by general Navigation. Usually not found in the Light List.

17 Private Aid Discrepancies Unauthorized Establishments Will not show in any official publication or on any list. Report on Private Aid Verification form or CG-5474 form.

18 DOs and DON’Ts for Aid Verifiers.

19 The Do’s for Aid Verifiers Aid Verifier should always: Aid Verifier should always: Recommend establishing new aids. Recommend establishing new aids. Report unauthorized aids. Report unauthorized aids. Redirect private aid questions to the Operating Unit (ANT--Group). Redirect private aid questions to the Operating Unit (ANT--Group). Report discrepancies at anytime regardless of the primary mission activity or while on a recreational outing. Report discrepancies at anytime regardless of the primary mission activity or while on a recreational outing.

20 The DON’Ts for Aid Verifiers An Aid Verifier must never: Attempt to move or fix a private aid. Attempt to move or fix a private aid. Enter private property (trespass), even if to only visually verify an aid. Enter private property (trespass), even if to only visually verify an aid. Contact a private aid owner. Contact a private aid owner. Contact the ANT Unit. Follow chain of command. Contact the ANT Unit. Follow chain of command. Originate correspondence to a private aid owner. Originate correspondence to a private aid owner.

21 The CG Auxiliary Job of Reporting PatoNs! Your job of reporting discrepancies to the Coast Guard should be completed within 24 hours from the time and date of the observation (both initial report and follow-up) Your job of reporting discrepancies to the Coast Guard should be completed within 24 hours from the time and date of the observation (both initial report and follow-up) Don’t bother to send outdated discrepancy or verification reports since they have no value and will be discarded. Don’t bother to send outdated discrepancy or verification reports since they have no value and will be discarded. Never delay a report while developing photos. Never delay a report while developing photos. Send a follow-up report with the photos at a later date. Send a follow-up report with the photos at a later date.

22 ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT HOW TO REPORT PATON VERIFICATIONS TO THE COAST GUARD? Remember that you still have to get credit for your PatoN activity in AUXDATA.

23 Verify the PatoN’s position GPS, DGPS, or WAAS Degrees-minutes-seconds

24 24 Does it conform to the PID List Does it conform to the Light List Does it conform to the Light List Does it conform to the Charts Does it conform to the Charts Does it conform to the IALA-B System Does it conform to the IALA-B System Does it conform to the Coast Pilot Does it conform to the Coast Pilot What Are there any Discrepancies What Are there any Discrepancies Is it an USCG authorized Is it an USCG authorized Is it “WATCHING PROPERLY” Is it “WATCHING PROPERLY” PatoN Verifications Check List

25 25 A verification of an aid means that you have applied all of your acquired knowledge of discrepancies on aids to navigation, while observing the aid, and you did not find any problem. What is the definition of a “verification”?

26 End of Session VII

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