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Rolfing ® Structural Integration Returning freedom to your body.

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Presentation on theme: "Rolfing ® Structural Integration Returning freedom to your body."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rolfing ® Structural Integration Returning freedom to your body.

2 What is Rolfing? Rolfing is a system of body restructuring and education, developed by Dr. Ida P Rolf, which balances the body in gravity. It releases patterns of fascial tension and bracing, allowing gravity to re-align the body towards more vertical integrity. Dr. Ida P. Rolf

3 What is Rolfing? Rolfing returns “adaptive capacity” to the body, allowing freer, pain free movement. A free swinging suspension bridge is a good example of a structure that has to adapt to strain and then return to it’s starting shape. If this capacity to adapt diminishes the bridge will eventually fail.

4 What is Rolfing? Adaptive Capacity is simply the body’s ability to adapt to a changing environment. Falling off bicycles, stepping off a curb… Throughout our life, as we use our body, there are times were the body’s ability to adapt becomes frozen in an event. Rolfing releases the tissue that is frozen to allow a return of adaptive capacity. The body once again moves as it used to.

5 What is Rolfing? Gravity is the most powerful force affecting structures. In aligned structures gravity flows through it providing “lift”. The Geodesic dome is very similar to the human body, it is made up of support structures (bones) and tensile structures (soft tissue). The correct alignment of these two elements creates lift.

6 What is Rolfing? In the misaligned structure gravity acts to pull it down, causing strain. Support and energy is consumed from structures not designed to provide it. (like neck muscles holding up shoulders). This consumption of resources does not allow them to be used in other areas where they’re needed.

7 What is Rolfing? The human body is a structure that moves within the earth’s gravitational field. As such, it is either aligned with gravity or not. A body misaligned with gravity experiences strain from the gravitational pull. This strain will eventually lead to pain.

8 What is Rolfing? A body aligned with gravity experiences support and lift. Before 1 After 10

9 What is Rolfing? Chronic body misalignment results in strain to the supporting structures, bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, organs and especially the fascia which surrounds and defines each of these. This chronic strain results in a body which is sub-optimal in its performance. This will eventually lead to pain and possible breakdown. Before 1 After 10

10 What is Rolfing? People of all ages come to Rolfing for help with neck and back pain, repetitive strain problems (carpal tunnel, tmj..), impaired movement and other body alignment issues. Some people come to better their body image or improve their athletic performance.

11 What is Rolfing? Because the body is better balanced after Rolfing, it expends less energy. It is lifted by gravity rather than fighting against gravity. Movement becomes easier, more fluid and graceful. Old movement patterns start to dissolve and can be replaced with new more efficient ones.

12 What is Rolfing? Rolfing results in a body that moves easier, with greater efficiency and grace.

13 How does Rolfing Align the Body? To align the body the Rolfer systematically releases restrictions in the body’s soft tissue fascial network. This network is known as the “organ of form”. For instance, the “fascia” of an Orange allows us to define it’s parts into slices. Within these slices are fascial bags of juice and so on…

14 How does Rolfing Align the Body? The fascia of the human body is organized in a similar manner. Fascial bag over bag over bag… Layer on layer of fascia. Every organ, blood vessel, nerve, bone and muscle is encased in fascia. The fascia of the body is an Endless Web.

15 How does Rolfing Align the Body? Just as the fabric in a sweater is contiguous and defines the sweater, so to the fascia of the body is contiguous and defines the body. And like a sweater, a strain in one part of the “fascial net” can and will cause strain in another portion of the fascial net.

16 How does Rolfing Align the Body? The Rolfer frees the strain patterns in the body allowing the body to assume it’s natural uprightness. The skill of the Rolfer is in knowing where strain patterns can be found and in releasing them in a manner to support continuous improvement. This systematic manner in which the patterns are released is called the 10 Series. Before 1 After 10

17 The 10 Series The 10 series, consisting of 10 sessions each 1-1.5 hours long, is divided into 3 segments which allow the client to evaluate the efficacy of the work: Sessions 1- 3, superficial fascia. Sessions 4 - 7, balancing the body. Sessions 8 – 10, re-alignment and education.

18 The 10 Series Rolfing is unique in the body therapy world in that the work of Rolfing does not stop during the session, in fact it continues once the body is moving in the gravitational field. Dr. Rolf said “… gravity is the therapist…”. Because of this continued benefit, as well as the grouping of the sessions, the 10 series can completed over a period of time.

19 The 10 Series Each session of the 10 series builds on the progress of the previous sessions.

20 Benefits of Rolfing Better Posture and Alignment Increased flexibility, range of motion. Increased movement efficiency. More energy. More energy. Pain reduction. Better self image.

21 Benefits of Rolfing Let’s discuss the particular benefits this person received: 1.Notice that his weight has moved further back over his feet rather than over his toes. 2.His head has come back, this relieves the strain on his upper back and the compression in his AO joint. 3.His pelvis is more horizontal giving him a more stable lumbar spine and more spinal movement. There’s still more to do here. 4.When his shoulders came back his arms came up, this can be addressed with more work. But he’s much better now.

22 More Info and Contact Info That’s the end of this presentation. I hope that it helped you better understand Rolfing. If you’d like more information or to make an appointment you can contact me at: Boulder 303-581-0530 Loveland 970-495-3407 Boulder 303-581-0530 Loveland 970-495-3407 Denver 303-581-0530 Bermuda 441-239-0336 Denver 303-581-0530 Bermuda

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