CMDB in Snow Part 7 Zhechka Toteva IT/DI-SM. Conclusions from last meeting Snow table column Snow table Source for Puppet Source for CDB From where Comment.

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Presentation on theme: "CMDB in Snow Part 7 Zhechka Toteva IT/DI-SM. Conclusions from last meeting Snow table column Snow table Source for Puppet Source for CDB From where Comment."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMDB in Snow Part 7 Zhechka Toteva IT/DI-SM

2 Conclusions from last meeting Snow table column Snow table Source for Puppet Source for CDB From where Comment s How on demand Status Cluster Server/Clus ter/Cluster Node Puppet_nod es CDBforeman push single Work on- going ImportanceServer Puppet_nod es CDBPuppet_db Yes/no for puppet push single Work on- going Last Modified in CDB Server-CDB Not need in the future for push Push! Via ? JSON. Pull of a single host information from hwdb. Not needed LocationServerCDB?CDB LANDB- >INFOR Better from LANDB. Later from INFOR. pull database view Done NameServer Puppet_nod es CDBLANDB pull database view Done Rack Server/Rac k LANDBCDB LANDB- >INFOR Null for VM ? pull database view Done Serial Number ServerCDB hwdb incremental pull HWDBDone VendorServer-CDBhwdb incremental pull HWDBDone WarrantyServerCDB hwdb incremental pull HWDBDone Retired flagServerhwdbfull pullHWDB Done for warranties Discussion last meeting

3 Conclusions from last meeting Snow table column Snow table Source for Puppet Source for CDB From where Comment s How on demand Status Cluster Server/Clus ter/Cluster Node Puppet_nod es CDBforeman push single Ready for testing ImportanceServer Puppet_nod es CDBPuppet_db Yes/no for puppet push single Ready for testing Last Modified in CDB Server-CDB Not need in the future for push Push! Via ? JSON. Pull of a single host information from hwdb. Not needed LocationServerCDB?CDB LANDB- >INFOR Better from LANDB. Later from INFOR. pull database view Done NameServer Puppet_nod es CDBLANDB pull database view Done Rack Server/Rac k LANDBCDB LANDB- >INFOR Null for VM ? pull database view Done Serial Number ServerCDB hwdb incremental pull HWDBDone VendorServer-CDBhwdb incremental pull HWDBDone WarrantyServerCDB hwdb incremental pull HWDBDone Retired flagServerhwdbfull pullHWDB Done for warranties Status today

4 HWDB -> Snow: Status  Automatic push via the Snow JSON interface using user certificate  Synchronise the warranty information  Synchronise the host information  Incremental synchronisation  Feed Snow production  Retire machines for retired contracts Done Full data pull on regular basis

5 HWDB -> Snow: Future plan  TO BE FINISHED:  Pull the retired flag per host  Decided that it is not possible. Check in LANDB instead? When should the check be run?  From the HWDB or from INFOREAM  Run the code with a service account certificate  Work in progress To be finished

6 Puppet/Forman -> Snow: Status  Automatic push via the Snow JSON interface using user certificate  Synchronise the cluster information  Synchronise the essential flag  Incremental synchronisation  Feed Snow production Full data pull on regular basis Done

7 Puppet/Forman -> Snow: Status II  Snow pulls from Puppet on demand (per host)  Create a proxy code running at CERN that  Provide SOAP interface for Snow via basic authentication  Pull data from Puppet using certificate  Enhance Snow to calls the SOAP interface, whenever an alarm for unknown machine arrives  Synchronise on demand with LANDB and HWDB for the future? (for the future) Pull on demand Done To be tested

8 Others…  IT Contact – change the “Add CI Contacts to Watch List” action in order to merge the CDB IT Contact with the LANDB main/responsible user/e-group  Operating system is retrieved from LANDB for all network devices (going in production on Monday) Done

9 Pending questions  Retired information:  From where?  HWDB warranty information  How?  Marked with by retired flag - wait  Still synchronised with CDB:  Contract type, Model number – to be stopped  Department/Group ? – future: puppet master – not needed, retrieved from the FE

10 What else  Puppet will provide Default FE per host or host_group  Will be sent to Snow in the alarm (for special alarms).  Will be exported to Snow. In case of a new alarm coming without an FE, the incident will be assigned to the Default FE.  Could be done in LANDB maybe?  Accounts to be defined in Snow as CIs  Enclosure information  From INFOR

11 THANKS TO  Gavin, Miguel and Michal for the new fresh ideas and collaboration.  Alexandre who helped with the certificate usage and who provided us with final version of the two puppet views containing the essential flag and the host_group.  Steve who tries to make the Snow people life easier with special views and basic authentication access  Daniel who did the job on the Snow side  Afroditi who gave us all hwdb world

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