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Digital Archive of Cultural Heritages - Three Dimensional Modeling of Cultural Heritages and its use for Educational Purposes - Atsushi Nakazawa, Takeshi.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Archive of Cultural Heritages - Three Dimensional Modeling of Cultural Heritages and its use for Educational Purposes - Atsushi Nakazawa, Takeshi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Archive of Cultural Heritages - Three Dimensional Modeling of Cultural Heritages and its use for Educational Purposes - Atsushi Nakazawa, Takeshi Oishi, Jun Takamatsu, Kiminori Hasegawa, Katsushi Ikeuchi IKEUCHI Laboratory Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo TAKEMURA Laboratory Cybermedia Center, Osaka Univesity

2 Modeling from Reality Real object VR model digital sensors Algorithm

3 Develop methods for acquiring accurate digital models of cultural heritage in all the world. (University of Tokyo) –Use for conservation and restoration. –Create computer graphics and open to the public through a virtual museum on the Internet. Use the acquired digital data for education. (Osaka University) –History, Art, Literature, Languages. Digital Archive Project for Cultural Heritages

4 Visual Information of Cultural Properties 1. Geometry (Shape)2. Photometry (Surface colors, Textures) 4. Time Sequence (Motion)3. Environment (Lighting Conditions, Shadows)

5 Research Issues Geometry (Object Shape) –Laser Range Sensors for 3D Modeling. –Alignment and merging method for large amount of data. –Digital restoration of original states. Time Sequence (Human Motion) –Video / Motion Capture –Motion structure analysis and motion synthesis. –Presentation by Humanoid Robots. Educational Applications –Distribute digital data for mobile environment. –Mobile 3D displays.

6 Research Issues Geometry (Object Shape) –Laser Range Sensors for 3D Modeling. –Alignment and merging method for large amount of data. –Digital restoration of original states. Time Sequence (Human Motion) –Video / Motion Capture –Motion structure analysis and motion synthesis. –Presentation by Humanoid Robots. Educational Applications –Distribute digital data for mobile environment. –Mobile 3D displays. Digital Library –Three Dimensional Model of Cultural Heritages all the World.

7 Laser Range Scanners time ⊿ t Scanner distance d = ⊿ t ・ c/2 c : light speed Object

8 Scanned Range Images Several range images acquired from different viewpoints.

9 Registration of Several Range Images

10 Merge the Aligned Range Images Voxel based merging method by using PC Cluster

11 Complete 3D Digital Model of Large Scale Cultural Heritages

12 Ubiquitous Learning Project Course Management System Lecture 3D Model Data Accounting Lecture Info.. VR Model New Project by 3 Universities: Nagoya University, Information Tech. Center Kyoto University, Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies. Osaka University, Cybermedia Center Direct Communication Display HMD Mobile Terminals

13 Conclusion The digital archiving technologies for cultural heritages: –3D Geometry Modeling –3D Restoration Technique –Applications for Educational Purposes Please visit the website: –Katsushi Ikeuchi Lab. –ULAN (Ubiquitous Learning) Project

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