Arizona Notes. The first people crossing the Beringia land bridge.

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1 Arizona Notes

2 The first people crossing the Beringia land bridge.

3 Learning Goal:Learning Goal: Describe the significanthistorical events in Arizona.

4 Journal Question:Journal Question: Write a journal entry from the point of view of someone who lived during one of Arizona’s historical time periods. For example, you may write from the point of view of a Native American, a Spanish explorer, Mexican immigrant, miner, gunfighter, farmer, etc.

5 1.The first people to wandered across the deserts of southwestern Arizona and northwestern Mexico came here by crossing the Beringia land bridge from Asia to Alaska and were the first people to settle in North America. This group included small bands of men, women and children.

6 One reason people were able to settle in Arizona was because of the extensive irrigations system developed by the Hohokam Indians. They survived because they were better farmers than other tribes. 2. One reason people were able to settle in Arizona was because of the extensive irrigations system developed by the Hohokam Indians. They survived because they were better farmers than other tribes. The Casa Grande Indian Ruins.

7 3. The first non-Indian people to come to Arizona were the Spanish, who arrived here in the early 1500s looking for gold and silver.

8 In the 1780s and 1790s, the Spanish began a plan of setting up Apache peace camps and providing the Apache with food rations so that they would not attack, allowing the Spanish to expand northward. 4. In the 1780s and 1790s, the Spanish began a plan of setting up Apache peace camps and providing the Apache with food rations so that they would not attack, allowing the Spanish to expand northward.

9 In 1821, Mexico gained its independence from Spain. Mexico then began giving away land in Arizona to its citizens to encourage settlement. 5. In 1821, Mexico gained its independence from Spain. Mexico then began giving away land in Arizona to its citizens to encourage settlement.

10 In 1853, Arizona became a part of the New Mexico Territory. 6. In 1853, Arizona became a part of the New Mexico Territory. In 1863, Arizona become its own territory. In 1912, Arizona finally became a state.

11 Copper, gold, and silver were all natural resources found in Arizona that brought people here in the 1800s. 7. Copper, gold, and silver were all natural resources found in Arizona that brought people here in the 1800s. Downtown Bisbee

12 Arizona has a very diverse economy. For example, Arizona is known for farming, tourism, military bases, and technology industries. 8. Arizona has a very diverse economy. For example, Arizona is known for farming, tourism, military bases, and technology industries.

13 STOP!

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