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Mechanical Waves & Sound

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1 Mechanical Waves & Sound
Chapter 17 Mechanical Waves & Sound

2 How does a disturbance produce waves?
Procedure Fill a clear plastic container with water. Observe the surface of the water by looking down at an angle to the container. Use the pipet to release a drop of water from a height of 3 cm above the surface of the water. Repeat Step 2 with a drop released from each of these heights: 10, 20, 50, 60, 70, 90 cm. Create a table to record your observations after each drop. These observations will be QUALITATIVE (or descriptive, and not mumeric)

3 Analysis Questions Which drop produced the highest wave?
Write a general statement (or conclusion) about how the distance a drop falls affects the wave produced in the container. Using your knowledge of energy, conservation of energy, and energy transfer, explain why the distance a drop falls affects the height of the wave produced. Thoroughly explain your answer.

4 Mechanical Waves 17.1 Notes

5 Inquiry Activity How does a disturbance produce waves? P 499
Complete activity, answer questions as a group Submit one paper per group with all observations recorded and questions answered!

6 What are mechanical waves?
A disturbance in matter that carries energy from one place to another Require a medium (or matter) in order to carry energy All waves carry energy!

7 What is a Medium? The material through which a wave travels
Can be a solid, a liquid or a gas Space is NOT a medium Why?

8 How are mechanical waves created?
A source of energy causes a vibration to travel through a medium

9 Types of Mechanical Waves
Transverse Longitudinal (Compressional) Medium moves perpendicularly (or at right angles to the direction the wave travels) Medium moves parallel to the direction the wave travels

10 Transverse Waves Demos
Rope (with ribbon attached) Student line (arms over shoulders)

11 Parts of a Transverse Wave
Crest Trough Highest point of the wave Lowest point of the wave

12 Compressional Wave Demos
Slinkys! Hip Bump

13 Parts of a Compressional Wave
Rarefaction Area where the particles in a medium are spaced close together An area where the particles in a medium are spread out

14 Waves transfer ENERGY! Waves DO NOT transfer MATTER
Waves ONLY transfer ENERGY Example: THE HUMAN WAVE


16 Surface Waves A wave that travels along a surface that separates two media (or two types of matter) An object resting on a surface wave will move up and down, and back and forth These two motions result in a circular motion for the object

17 Wave Animation eather.html


19 Breaking Waves

20 Exit Exercise With your group, make a Venn Diagram that compares and contrast Transverse and Compressional Waves.

21 Properties of Mechanical Waves

22 Periodic Motion Any motion that repeats at regular time intervals
The time required for one cycle, a complete motion that returns to its starting point

23 Wavelength Distance between a point on one wave and the same point on the next cycle of the wave Between adjacent Crests (or troughs), or compressions (or rarefactions)

24 One complete wave cycle
One Wavelength



27 Frequency A periodic motion has a frequency Frequency
The number of complete cycles in a given time For waves, this is the number of wave cycles that pass a point in a given time Measured in cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz)

28 Frequency & Wavelength
As frequency increases, what happens to wavelength? Use the slinky at your table to determine the answer to this question, then respond using Socrative HINT: You can make either TRANSVERSE, or COMPRESSIONAL waves with your slinky



31 Frequency Formula Frequency = 1 *Remember, period is the amount of time it takes for a wave to complete one full cycle period

32 Socrative Graph #1

33 Socrative Graph #2 t in seconds

34 Socrative Questions… Two calculating frequency/ period questions

35 Surfing Science of Surf - Episode 1

36 Wave Speed REMEMBER Think of one wavelength as DISTANCE
v = d/t Think of one wavelength as DISTANCE Think of period as TIME Wave Speed = wavelength / period OR Wave Speed = wavelength x frequency

37 Wave Speed Example One end of a rope is vibrated to produce a wave with a wavelength of 0.25 meters. The frequency of the wave is 3.0 Hertz. What is the speed of the wave? FORMULA Speed = Wavelength x Frequency

38 Socrative Practice Wave Speed Questions

39 Amplitude The maximum displacement of the medium from its rest position The more energy a wave has, the greater its amplitude




43 Behavior of Waves 17.3

44 Reflection Occurs when a wave bounces off a surface that it cannot pass through Does not change wave speed or frequency, but does change wave direction



47 Refraction Bending of a wave as it enters a new medium
Occurs because one side of the wave moves more slowly than the other side

48 Refraction Example Pencil in water demonstration


50 Diffraction Bending of a wave as it moves around an obstacle or passes through a narrow opening A wave diffracts more if its wavelength is large compared to the size of an opening or obstacle


52 Diffraction Animation
Human moving with arms out ols/waves/diffract3.htm



55 Interference Occurs when two or more waves overlap and combine together In interference, waves DO NOT bounce off one another, but rather move PAST each other

56 Types of Interference Constructive Destructive
Occurs when two or more waves combine to produce a wave with a larger displacement This occurs when two crests meet, or when two troughs meet Wave amplitudes are added together, producing a larger wave during the time the waves overlap Occurs when 2 or more waves combine to produce a wave with a smaller displacement This occurs when a crest meets a trough Produces a waves with reduced amplitude

57 Wave Superposition When two waves interfere, the resulting displacement of the medium at any location is the sum of the displacements of the individual waves at that same location.

58 Animations Constructive Interference Destructive Interference

59 Standing Waves A wave that appears to stay in one place and does not appear to move through the medium Only certain points on the wave are stationary, not the entire wave Happens only at certain frequencies

60 Standing Waves Nodes Antinodes
A point on a standing wave that has no displacement from the rest position Complete destructive interference between incoming and reflected waves A point where a crest or a trough appears midway between 2 nodes



63 Animation Standing Waves Rope/Slinky Example

64 Chapter 1 Midterm Review
You water three sunflower plants with salt water. Each plant receives a different concentration of salt solutions. A fourth plant receives pure water. After a two week period, the height is measured. Identify the independent variable and the dependent variable in the experiment above.

65 Chapter 1 Review #2 One tank of gold fish is fed the normal amount of food once a day, a second tank is fed twice a day, and a third tank four times a day during a six week study. The fish’s weight is recorded daily Identify the independent variable and the dependent variable in the experiment above.

66 17.4 Sound & Hearing

67 Sound Waves Longitudinal (or Compressional) Waves
Have compressions & rarefactions Cause matter to vibrate in a direction that is parallel to the direction the wave is moving


69 Sound Speed In dry air at 20 degrees Celsius, the speed of sound is 342 m/s Can you think of an example when you’ve experienced a sound delay? In general, sound travels fastest in solids and slowest in gases Why?

70 Sound Intensity The amount of energy that is transported past a given area of the medium per unit of time Sound intensity refers to how much energy the sound waves is transporting Can be measured in decibels (dB)


72 Sound Loudness Subjective human response to sound
Depends on sound intensity

73 Sound Frequency Depends on how fast a sound is vibrating
Most people hear sounds between 2o Hz and 20,000 Hz

74 Infrasound Ultrasound Infra means “below”
Sound frequencies that are below what humans can hear Ultra means “above” Sound frequencies that are above what humans can hear Used in sonar and ultrasound technologies

75 Upper-range Frequencies
equencychecklow.php equencycheckhigh.php

76 Ultrasound Sounds are bounced off parts of the body and then the reflections are used to create an image of the body part


78 Sonar Stands for sound navigation and ranging
Sounds are bounced off an object and then the time that the sound waves takes to return to the object is measured Uses echoes

79 Echo Echoes occur when sound waves reflect off of objects they cannot pass through Echolocation

80 Doppler Effect Occurs when a source that is producing waves (like an ambulance’s siren produces sound waves) is moving with respect to any observers (like a person on the side walk watching an ambulance drive by) There is an apparent upward shift in wave frequency for observers when the sound source is moving towards them, and an apparent downward shift in frequency for observers when the sound source is moving away from them


82 Doppler Effect (Continued)
The Doppler effect can be observed for any type of wave - water wave, sound wave, light wave, etc.

83 Doppler Effect Big Band Theory Clip

84 How We Hear Step 1: The outer ear collects sound (acoustic) energy and directs it through the ear canal to the eardrum Step 2: The incoming waves of sound energy cause the eardrum to vibrate, Step 3: The vibration of the eardrum causes three smaller bones (known as the hammer, anvil and stirrup) to vibrate as well Step 4: Sound energy is transferred to the middle ear, which amplifies the sound Step 5: Sound travels through the inner ear, eventually causing thousands of tiny sensory hair cells to vibrate Step 6: The motion of the cells triggers chemical-electrical signals that are transmitted through to the brain along the auditory nerve pathway. The brain can then translate the impulses of energy into recognizable sound patterns.


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