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High concentration of mercury can cause poisoning. Can have side effects on nervous system and muscles. Symptoms: -Rashes -Numbness -Tooth loss -Tremors,

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2 High concentration of mercury can cause poisoning. Can have side effects on nervous system and muscles. Symptoms: -Rashes -Numbness -Tooth loss -Tremors, etc. Can also effect birth defects and cause reproductive problems. Low concentration of mercury found naturally in environment. Human activities increase mercury levels. -burning coal Mercury is more concentrated in atmosphere. Bacteria in water concentrates the mercury level and makes it more toxic. Measurements for chemicals with low concentration: parts per million(ppm) or milligrams per killograms (Mg/km) Ex) a piece of fish with mercury concentration of 1 ppm has one part mercury per million parts fish meat.

3 Mercury in the Wabigon River System Until the 1980s, the process of chlorine manufacture often used mercury Factories uses mercury to make chlorine but the disposal was not carefully controlled, so large amounts of mercury leaked into the environment Mercury was contaminating the environment and poisoning people who lived there In 1970, fishing was banned due to high mercury levels. Regulations were introduced to require tracking of mercury in a chlorine plant. Later, the release of mercury was reduced to zero and mercury levels are slowly dropping.

4 Mercury, science, and society A process to compensate people has been set up but it can’t repair human tragedy, loss of employment, damage to tourism and harm to the environment Science assess the impact of technologies on society and the environment. It improves methods of handling matter

5 Chemists use mercury and it is one of the main elements that they study, Chemists have also found a few uses for mercury. Fishers are affected by mercury because each year the content/amount of mercury in fish is raised because of pollution. Factories are affected by mercury because lots of things have mercury as an ingredient, which causes mercury poisonings. It is also used in everyday lives by normal people, Mercury is used in a wide variety of household products, including paint, thermometers, thermostats, batteries, fluorescent lamps, disinfectants, antiseptics, diuretics and preservatives. These items release mercury into the environment and home when broken, mishandled or disposed. Proper care is important when dealing with mercury-containing products. If spilled, mercury absorbs into many household materials while slowly evaporating into the air over time, allowing for exposure. Knowing what products and items contain mercury and handling them properly will limit the risk of mercury exposure. Common products often have a simple and environmentally friendly alternative. Some examples are listed below: - Batteries - Before 1980, most batteries used in homes contained mercury. Current mercury batteries are "button" shaped and are used in hearing aids, watches and other items requiring a small battery. In the last decade the United States battery industry achieved a 99 percent reduction in mercury by using alternative materials. Silver oxide, zinc-air, and alkaline batteries are the best alternatives for replacing batteries produced before 1994. Pesticides - Fungicides and biocides produced before 1994 used mercury toxins to kill fungus, weeds and other pests. Most new pesticides are mercury-free.

6 Mercury levels

7 Diagram

8 Mercury Poisoning Symptom

9 Uses of Mercury Thermometers Household Lamps Blood Pressure Gauges Paints

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