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Explorers Social Studies How Europeans saw the world People only knew of three continents—Europe, Africa, and Asia. People only knew of three continents—Europe,

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2 Explorers Social Studies

3 How Europeans saw the world People only knew of three continents—Europe, Africa, and Asia. People only knew of three continents—Europe, Africa, and Asia. Some thought it was impossible to sail across the ocean. Some thought it was impossible to sail across the ocean. Technology—knowledge used for making things. Technology—knowledge used for making things.

4 Early World Maps

5 World Map 1595

6 World Map

7 Reasons for Exploration GOD GOD Exploration as a way to spread ChristianityExploration as a way to spread Christianity Duty to convert all non-Christians to ChristiansDuty to convert all non-Christians to Christians GLORY GLORY Fame and fortuneFame and fortune GOLD GOLD Trade with AsiaTrade with Asia Riches = spices, fine silks, and gemsRiches = spices, fine silks, and gems

8 Technological Developments Navigate-chart the course of a journey. Astrolabe measured latitude But designed for land

9 Cross-staff used to figure latitude more accurately Cross-staff used to figure latitude more accurately

10 Technological Developments Square-rigged sails. Square-rigged sails. Hold their own against tossing waves during short trips along the coast. Hold their own against tossing waves during short trips along the coast. Only sail in the same direction as the wind. Only sail in the same direction as the wind. Could not make long voyages without being blown off course. Could not make long voyages without being blown off course.

11 Square rigged sail

12 Lateen Sails Catch winds from the sides and from the rear of a ship. Catch winds from the sides and from the rear of a ship.

13 Caravel Portuguese Portuguese The rudder made it possible to steer the ships without oarsmen. The rudder made it possible to steer the ships without oarsmen. Rudder

14 Weapons Carried swords, spears, bows, and armor on ships. Carried swords, spears, bows, and armor on ships. As technology improved…. As technology improved…. GunsGuns CannonsCannons

15 Lesson 2 Portuguese Portuguese Spanish Exploration Spanish Exploration

16 Spanish/Portuguese Explorers Spain Spain ColumbusColumbus Vasco Nunez de BalboaVasco Nunez de Balboa MagellanMagellan CortesCortes CoronadoCoronado Hernando de SotoHernando de Soto Portugal Portugal Henry Bartolomeu Dias Vasco da Gama

17 Explorer Chart ExplorerCountryDateAccomplishment

18 Spice Route Couldn’t use straight easy route due to armed Muslim control. Couldn’t use straight easy route due to armed Muslim control. Forced Europeans to find sea routes to Asia. Forced Europeans to find sea routes to Asia.


20 Portugal Henry the Navigator Henry the Navigator In charge of finding a sea route to Asia In charge of finding a sea route to Asia Wanted to go south to the Indian Ocean. Wanted to go south to the Indian Ocean. Died in 1460 Died in 1460

21 Bartolomeu Dias Rounded the southern tip of Africa Rounded the southern tip of Africa

22 Vasco da Gama Sailed all the way around Africa to India. Sailed all the way around Africa to India. Lasted over two years. Lasted over two years. Succeeded in opening trade route to Asia for Portugal. Succeeded in opening trade route to Asia for Portugal.

23 Vasco da Gama

24 Early Spanish Exploration From Genoa, Italy From Genoa, Italy Knew Portugal was sailing to Asia by going around Africa. Knew Portugal was sailing to Asia by going around Africa. Believed that the shortest route was west. Believed that the shortest route was west. Little known fact is that Christopher Columbus never posed for a portrait in his lifetime.

25 The many images of Columbus I’m Christophe r Columbus NO! I’m Christophe r Columbus

26 Columbus Spent eight years trying to get European rulers to pay for his voyage. Spent eight years trying to get European rulers to pay for his voyage. Finally 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain gave him the money. Finally 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain gave him the money. The king and queen wanted to spread Spanish power and get some of the Asian riches like Portugal. The king and queen wanted to spread Spanish power and get some of the Asian riches like Portugal.

27 Columbus Voyages Left Spain on August 3, 1492 Left Spain on August 3, 1492 Set course straight across Atlantic west. Set course straight across Atlantic west.

28 Columbus hits land!! October 12, Columbus landed on a tiny Caribbean island that is today one of the Bahama Islands. October 12, Columbus landed on a tiny Caribbean island that is today one of the Bahama Islands. He named it “San Salvador”—Holy Savior. He named it “San Salvador”—Holy Savior.

29 Columbus meets the natives Columbus call the Taino people there “Indios” or Indians because he believed he had reached the Indies. Columbus call the Taino people there “Indios” or Indians because he believed he had reached the Indies. But…………….. But…………….. He only landed in the Caribbean and not in India!!!He only landed in the Caribbean and not in India!!! OH SNAP!!!!!!

30 Columbus’ other voyages Returned to Spain in 1493 with six Taino captives, plants and gold for Spanish rulers. Returned to Spain in 1493 with six Taino captives, plants and gold for Spanish rulers. So impressed they sent him back three more times, 1493, 1498, and 1502. So impressed they sent him back three more times, 1493, 1498, and 1502. But failed to find the riches of Asia. He never knew that he had found a continent new to the Europeans called……. But failed to find the riches of Asia. He never knew that he had found a continent new to the Europeans called…….

31 The new continent …….America!!!! …….America!!!! Named after the Italian map maker Amerigo Vespucci. Named after the Italian map maker Amerigo Vespucci. But, did you know that Columbus was not the first to discover America? But, did you know that Columbus was not the first to discover America? The first to discover America was……. The first to discover America was…….

32 The first to discover America was… You are correct! You are correct! The Vikings!The Vikings! 500 Years Earlier!500 Years Earlier!

33 And… 1421 The Chinese fleet landed in America about 71 years before Columbus!! The Chinese fleet landed in America about 71 years before Columbus!!

34 Explorers After Columbus 1513 Vasco Nunez de Balboa crossed Panama on foot and arrived at the Pacific Ocean. 1513 Vasco Nunez de Balboa crossed Panama on foot and arrived at the Pacific Ocean. Another ocean stood between Spain and the Indies! Another ocean stood between Spain and the Indies!

35 Are you gellin’? 1521 Ferdinand Magellan became the first European to sail west across the Pacific. 1521 Ferdinand Magellan became the first European to sail west across the Pacific. Crew continued west from Asia, retuning to Spain in 1522. Crew continued west from Asia, retuning to Spain in 1522. Completed first trip around the world! Completed first trip around the world!

36 The search for GOLD Even though America was not Asia, the Spanish kept searching for riches. Even though America was not Asia, the Spanish kept searching for riches. 1519, Hernan Cortes went to Mexico, believing there were huge gold mines. 1519, Hernan Cortes went to Mexico, believing there were huge gold mines. Went to the capital city of the Aztecs. Went to the capital city of the Aztecs.

37 Cortes Cortes and his army took the Aztecs’ gold and jewels. Cortes and his army took the Aztecs’ gold and jewels. Destroyed the buildings. Destroyed the buildings. On the ruins, he built Mexico City, which became the capital of a Spanish empire. On the ruins, he built Mexico City, which became the capital of a Spanish empire.

38 Coronado and de Soto Francisco Coronado did not find gold, but claimed land in southern North America for Spain. Francisco Coronado did not find gold, but claimed land in southern North America for Spain. Francisco Coronado Hernando de Soto

39 Francisco CoronadoHernando de SotoHernan Cortes Cortes, de Soto, and Coronado were three of the most notable conquistadors Conquistador is Spanish for conqueror

40 Spanish Conquest

41 Name that Explorer Conquered Aztecs and built Mexico City Conquered Aztecs and built Mexico City 1 st European to sail around the world 1 st European to sail around the world Sailed for Spain and believed he landed in the Indies Sailed for Spain and believed he landed in the Indies Claimed land in southern North America Claimed land in southern North America Hernan Cortes Ferdinand Magellan Christopher Columbus Francisco Coronado

42 Name that Explorer Rounded the southern tip of Africa Rounded the southern tip of Africa Sailed all the way around Africa to India Sailed all the way around Africa to India Called the natives Indians because he thought he was in the Indies Called the natives Indians because he thought he was in the Indies Bartolomeu Dias Vasco da Gama Christopher Columbus

43 Explorer Chart ExplorerCountryDateAccomplishment DiasPortugal1460 Rounded south tip Africa Da Gama Portugal1497 Rounded Africa to India ColumbusSpain1492 Landed/discovered America De Balboa Spain1513 Discovered Pacific Ocean MagellanSpain1521 1 st European to sail around world CortesSpain1519 Conquered Aztecs, built Mexico City CoronadoSpain1500’s Claimed land in Southern North America for Spain

44 Homework Lesson 2 Questions 1. Da Gama succeeded in establishing a trade route with who and for which country? 2. Columbus was considered a failure at his death because??? 3. The Spanish explored the Americas and conquered native Indian peoples in search of what? 4. Which groups of people discovered the Americas before Columbus? 5. Columbus became convinced that the shortest route to Asia or the Indies was where? 6. Why did Columbus call the local natives he met Indians?

45 Spanish and Portuguese Explorer map Label: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, India, Portugal, Spain, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, and The Silk Road Label: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, India, Portugal, Spain, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, and The Silk Road Use different colors or type of lines or materials such as dotted, dash, or combo to show the route of each of the explorers: Use different colors or type of lines or materials such as dotted, dash, or combo to show the route of each of the explorers: Dias Da Gama Columbus Magellan Cortes Coronado DeSoto Create a Key/Legend to explain the makings Create a Key/Legend to explain the makings Mount your map to 9”x12” construction paper Mount your map to 9”x12” construction paper Color and decorate your map Color and decorate your map

46 Lesson 3 French, Dutch, and English fantastic voyages! French, Dutch, and English fantastic voyages!

47 Exploration of North America Why explore North America? Why explore North America? Exploration made Spain and Portugal rich! French, Dutch, English also wanted to be rich! Exploration made Spain and Portugal rich! French, Dutch, English also wanted to be rich! Portugal controlled routes to Asia, Africa and part of South America. Portugal controlled routes to Asia, Africa and part of South America. Spain claimed Central America and the rest of South America. Spain claimed Central America and the rest of South America. Therefore everyone else went north to seek fame and fortune. Therefore everyone else went north to seek fame and fortune.

48 Land Claims 1763

49 French Voyages 1524 Giovanni da Verrazano from Italy. 1524 Giovanni da Verrazano from Italy. Searched for the legendary “Northwest Passage” Searched for the legendary “Northwest Passage” Legendary water route to China through North America Legendary water route to China through North America Verrazano landed near North Carolina and mapped the coast up to Maine. Verrazano landed near North Carolina and mapped the coast up to Maine.

50 Verrazzano


52 Northwest Passage

53 Jacques Cartier Jacques Cartier Jacques Cartier Searched for NW Passage in 1535 Searched for NW Passage in 1535 Discovered Montreal, Canada Discovered Montreal, Canada Cartier’s route from France

54 Dutch Voyages The Dutch are from a country called Netherlands. The Dutch are from a country called Netherlands. Started exploring 100 years after Columbus. Started exploring 100 years after Columbus.

55 Henry Hudson 1609 from England. 1609 from England. Looked for NW Passage. Looked for NW Passage. Hudson river named after him near New York. Hudson river named after him near New York. Setup trading posts in Albany and New York City. Setup trading posts in Albany and New York City.






61 English Voyages 1497, Italian sea captain John Cabot 1497, Italian sea captain John Cabot Found an island he called, “New Found Land” Found an island he called, “New Found Land”

62 Francis Drake 1577, Drake sent on secret voyage by Queen Elizabeth. 1577, Drake sent on secret voyage by Queen Elizabeth. Stole from Spanish ships and trading centers and loaded his ship with treasures. Stole from Spanish ships and trading centers and loaded his ship with treasures. Became the first Englishman to sail around the world. Became the first Englishman to sail around the world. Known as “El Draque” from old Spanish as The Dragon. Known as “El Draque” from old Spanish as The Dragon. Rrrrr!

63 Drake Drake, like many explorers cared more about wealth and glory than about settling new land.

64 Impact on American Indians Europeans got… Europeans got… Gold, silver, furs, fish.Gold, silver, furs, fish. Corn, potatoes, cocoa, pumpkinsCorn, potatoes, cocoa, pumpkins Indians got… Indians got… Bananas Cattle Chickens Horses Pigs Sheep

65 American Indians also got… Contagious disease Contagious disease Sickness that spread from one person to another.Sickness that spread from one person to another. Killed thousands of Indians.Killed thousands of Indians. By 1650, smallpox killed ¾ of Indians.By 1650, smallpox killed ¾ of Indians.

66 Slavery Force and violence by Europeans also killed thousands of Indians. Force and violence by Europeans also killed thousands of Indians. Indians forced to work long hours on farms and mines. Indians forced to work long hours on farms and mines. Many died of exhaustion. Many died of exhaustion. Also forced many Indians to become Christian. Also forced many Indians to become Christian.

67 Increasing hostility… 1600’s more and more Europeans were coming and settling in America. 1600’s more and more Europeans were coming and settling in America. Fights and trouble grew. Fights and trouble grew. Europeans began claiming more land that belonged to the Indians the past thousand years. Europeans began claiming more land that belonged to the Indians the past thousand years.

68 Explorer Chart ExplorerCountryDateAccomplishment VerrazanoFrance1524 Mapped coast up to Maine CartierFrance1535 Discovered Montreal, Canada HudsonNetherland1609 Set up trading posts in NY CabotEngland1497 Discovered Newfoundland DrakeEngland1577 1 st Englishman to sail around the world

69 So…. The English, Dutch, and French started exploring because…….. The English, Dutch, and French started exploring because…….. What did the early explorations of Spain and Portugal teach the English, Dutch and French? What did the early explorations of Spain and Portugal teach the English, Dutch and French? What did contagious diseases do to Native Americans? What did contagious diseases do to Native Americans?

70 Lesson 3 Questions 1. What was the Northwest Passage? 2. Francis Drake sailed for who and accomplished what? 3. What was Henry Hudson’s accomplishment? 4. What was the impact of contagious diseases upon the Native Americans? 5. Other than diseases, how else did the Native Americans die?


72 Explorer Chart ExplorerCountryDateAccomplishment DiasPortugal1460 Rounded south tip Africa Da Gama Portugal1497 Rounded Africa to India ColumbusSpain1492 Landed/discovered America De Balboa Spain1513 Discovered Pacific Ocean MagellanSpain1521 1 st European to sail around world CortesSpain1519 Conquered Aztecs, built Mexico City CoronadoSpain1500’s Claimed land in Southern North America for Spain VerrazanoFrance1524 Mapped coast up to Maine CartierFrance1535 Discovered Montreal, Canada HudsonNetherland1609 Set up trading posts in NY CabotEngland1497 Discovered Newfoundland DrakeEngland1577 1 st Englishman to sail around the world

73 1. What were the three main reasons Europeans decided to explore? 2. Compare the triangular lateen sail with the old square rigged sail. 3. Columbus was convinced that the shortest route to Asia, or the Indies was where? 4. How did Vasco da Gama sail all the way to India? 5. Eventually da Gama set up a direct trade route with who?

74 1. Why did the Europeans want to set up a trade route with Asia? 2. Columbus was considered a failure at the time of his death because? 3. The Spanish explored the Americas and conquered native Indian peoples in search of what? 4. What was the most important result of Portuguese exploration? 5. Magellan and Drake were the first to do what?

75 1. Explain the Northwest Passage. 2. Why did Columbus call the Taino people Indians? 3. What did the introduction of contagious diseases from European explorers do to Native Indians? 4. Which group of people were the first to discover the Americas?

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