January Faculty Meeting 2015 Progression of Math Through the Grades Specifically Focusing on the Four Operations Moving from Place Value Charts (Concrete)

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Presentation on theme: "January Faculty Meeting 2015 Progression of Math Through the Grades Specifically Focusing on the Four Operations Moving from Place Value Charts (Concrete)"— Presentation transcript:

1 January Faculty Meeting 2015 Progression of Math Through the Grades Specifically Focusing on the Four Operations Moving from Place Value Charts (Concrete) to Algorithms (Abstract)

2 How would you solve…  312 + 119=  427 x 3=  325/5=  Things to think about:  Is understanding 5 or 10 an important foundation skill in order to solve these problems?  Is understanding place value important in being able to solve these problems?

3 Video by Danielle Abrial…

4 Discussion…  What terms did Danielle use?  Does understanding a quick five in kindergarten connect to operation work in later grades?  Is place value taught as an isolated skill/topic or part of work with the operations?

5 How would you solve… 5.241/3=

6 Video by Ryan Fitzgerald…  Dividing Using the Place Value Chart Dividing Using the Place Value Chart

7 Discussion…  Did the same term “distribute” that Danielle used get used by Ryan?  Did the knowledge of how students used a place value chart with the operations with whole numbers match what was seen here with division with decimals?

8 Ultimate Goal…  Students will eventually be taught and perform the algorithms for math (the quick math steps to solve problems).  However, this is not even mentioned or introduced until they’ve had so much practice with manipulatives and place value charts, to ensure they understand how and why the math works, so the algorithm makes sense to them rather just memorizing steps to solve problems.

9 Math Studio Talks… https://www.engageny.org/content/math- studio-talk-common-core-instruction-video- series  Available for K-5 for each domain taught  CC = Counting and Cardinality  OA = Operations and Algebraic Thinking  NBT = Numbers & Operation in Base Ten  NF = Numbers & Operations-Fractions  MD = Measurement & Data  G = Geometry  RP = Ratio & Proportional Relationships  NS = The Number System

10 How would you solve…  3 x 1612=  23 x 34=

11 Watch a video…  Math Studio Talk 4th Grade, NBT (Numbers and Operations in Base Ten) Math Studio Talk 4th Grade, NBT (Numbers and Operations in Base Ten)  First ten minutes.

12 Discussion…  Did you begin to see the bridge from moving from the place value chart to the algorithm?  Did you see some new ways of solving multiplication rather than using the algorithm?

13 Math Studio Talks…  Great resource to watch videos for all of the domains K- 5 to learn the models and techniques used to teach math.

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