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Good afternoon. I am CW3 Rubio. The purpose of today’s class is to familiarize you with the UH-60L aircraft. The topics discussed in this class are required subjects for UH-60L qualification IAW TC Some of you may already be qualified in the UH-60L, so if you have any additional information or experiences you would like to share, or if you have any questions please feel free to interject at any time. 1
UH-60A VS UH-60L T700-GE-700 Main Transmission (28000 Series) ECU POU
History Recorder T700-GE-701C IDGB Series) DEC ODV History Counter Additional Nr & Coll Position Sensor for Droop Updated CDU & SDCs The UH-60L helicopter is the same as the UH-60A helicopter except for: (brief slide) 2
T700-GE-701C Compressor Rotor Assembly Hot Section Module
Centrifugal Impeller & Rectangular Throat Diffuser Compressor Rear Shaft/Gas Generator Shaft Hot Section Module Stage One Turbine Nozzle Gas Generator Turbine Rotor Gas Generator Stator Power Turbine Module The T700-GE-701C weighs about 456 lbs. and has a shaft horsepower rating on a standard day at sea level of: SHP max continuous 1800 SHP intermediate (30 minute) 1890 SHP intermediate (10 minute) 1940 SHP contingency (2.5 minute) COMPRESSOR ROTOR ASSEMBLY: Centrifugal Impeller: Backwall thickness increased Throat Diffuser: Reduces speed of air better than 700C resulting in greater air compression & air temperature entering the combuster Compressor Rear Shaft: Vent holes in rear shaft relocated aft of compressor/turbine spline & half the spline teeth have been removed to better cool the #4 Bearing HOT SECTION MODULE: Stage One Turbine Nozzle: 2 vanes of each segment are welded together for a stronger joint, more heat resistant, improved strength, & better corrosion resistance. Also has a better aerodynamic design for better airflow onto 1st stage turbine blades Gas Generator Turbine Rotor: Comprised of a new material that is more heat resistant, new aerodynamic design, more cooling designs (serpentine drill), & also “floating” blades in a tongue & groove design to preclude vibration problems Gas Generator Stator: Basically same modifications as Gas Generator Turbine Rotor 3
Major Improvements New upper housing w/ mount for hyd pump Tail T/O flange has larger pinion shaft Provisions for rotor brake Oil filler cap & dip stick more forward on G/B All internal gears upgraded IDGB mast shaft life increases 5-fold Large increase in lube/scavenge volume flow Breather ports installed on upper housing MAIN TRANSMISSION SYSTEM: Brief Slide! 4
DEC replaces ECU Two power sources Primary: Engine alternator Secondary: 400 Hz, 120 Vac airframe power Loss of alternator only results in loss of Ng signal & eng out audio and light (Airframe power causes no high side failure & no loss of Np or TQ indications DEC replaces the analog ECU. Is mounted in the same location as the ECU. It provides the same basic functions as the ECU. 5
DEC (Cont) DEC Inputs Engine alternator Thermocouple harness Np sensor
Torque & overspeed sensor Torque signal from other engine Collective stick position sensor (New- in mixing unit) Nr sensor (New- on left accessory module) Demand speed from engine trim switch Feedback from HMU (Linear Variable Differential Transformer LDVT) - The input from the alternator is for power. Should the alternator (or the power winding) fail the DEC will continue to function as long as their is airframe power. - An average of the seven thermocouple harness probes provide the TGT signal to the DEC where it is relayed to the cockpit. This signal is required by the DEC for: (1) TGT limiting (to include a resetting feature for “contingency” power (2.5 minutes)) (2) Hot Start Prevention (activated when Ng<60%, Np<50%, and TGT >900 °C). HSP may be overridden in an emergency by pressing and holding either of the Np overspeed test buttons during start (hold until Np > 60%. If HSP is activated (1) PCL- OFF, (2) IGNITION- OFF, and wait until TGT is <300 °C or for 25 seconds. - Np signal is used for: (1) Np governing (keeps Np set at reference speed set by pilot + 1%) (2) Np Overspeed Protection System (set to trip at % (25,000 RPM) as sensed by Torque and Overspeed Sensor on engine). If overspeed is sensed, the Overspeed Protection Relay activates the Overspeed Solenoid in the Overspeed Drain Valve (ODV) and fuel is cycled back to the HMU causing the engine to flame out. A signal is also sent to the Delay On Drop Out Circuit to turn on ignition (for 5 seconds) for engine relight once the overspeed condition is corrected. 6
DEC (Cont) DEC Signals to Cockpit Np Torque TGT
Signal fault validation Validates input signals & DEC functions If signal failure occurs, identified by fault code displayed on torque meter after engine shutdown Np- Initial indication is at 4000 RPM versus 6000 RPM with the ECU Torque-Trq signal locked to zero until Np reaches 35%. This eliminates torque spikes. TGT-Has a 71 °C bias (engine is running hotter than indicated) Fault Validation Codes: If failure occurs the fault code will be displayed on the torque meter after engine shutdown. The code will be displayed for 4 seconds and off for and 2 seconds off, in numerical sequence beginning with 15% in increments of 10% up to 125%. Fault codes observed will be annotated on the Examples of fault codes are as follows: DEC % TGT CHANNEL % HOT START PREVENTER CHANNEL % Nr % 7
DEC (Cont) Hot Start Preventer Prevent overtemps during start
Requires 400 Hz, 120 Vac for operation Requires signals from Np sensor, Ng winding, & Thermocouple Harness (TGT) HSP activates ODV shutting off fuel flow if: Ng < 60% Np < 50% TGT >900° C BRIEF SLIDE!! 8
DEC (Cont) Transient Droop Improvement (TDI) Engines more responsive
Signals required: Nr (New on left accessory module) Collective position sensor (New w/ 2 in mixing unit) Engine torque signal TDI is 4:1 over T700-GE-700 The Nr and collective signals are routed to rate circuits in the DEC and compared with Np and TRQ signal values. When the Nr and collective rate signals exceed predetermined values they are combined and passed to the Torque Motor Amplifier. A large Nr drop rate, and a significant increase of collective both result in a greater input signal. A priority signal is then processed to quickly trim the Torque Motor in the HMU to compensate for the demand. If a sensor fails or a malfunction occurs then the system reverts back to the basic load demand system similar to that provided by the ECU. 9
DEC (Cont) TGT Limiting Dual engine limiting value: 866 + 6° C
Contingency power limiting value: ° C When other engine is inoperative When torque on other engine is below 50% Provides more power for single engine operation DEC commands HMU to limit fuel flow TGT limiting does not prevent overtemp during compressor stalls, engine starts, or LOCKOUT Expect transient increases above limiting value when demanding max power BRIEF SLIDE!! - System is basically the same as the 700C. 10
DEC (Cont) Np Overspeed Protection System
Primary electrical source is alternator. Secondary source is 400Hz airframe power. Tripped when Np reaches % (25,000 rpm) Requires input signal from Trq & Np overspeed sensor When an overspeed is sensed, the Overspeed Relay activates solenoid in ODV and sends signal to Delay On Drop Out (DODO) circuit to turn on ignition ODV shuts off fuel causing flameout (fuel returns to HMU) When RPM drops below %, fuel returns to engine When Overspeed Solenoid Valve closes, ignition comes on for 5 seconds for restart BRIEF SLIDE!! 11
Replaces the POU Mounted on the rear of accessory of engine Houses 2 valves and the Overspeed Solenoid Valve Three primary functions: Sends main fuel to 12 nozzles (no start fuel system on 701C) Purges fuel from main fuel manifold on shutdown Np Overspeed Protection/Hot Start Preventer BRIEF SLIDE!! 12
HISTORY COUNTER Replaces History Recorder (not interchangeable)
Requires either alternator or 400Hz airframe power All computations conducted in DEC Provides permanent record of engine parameters Engine operating hours-Begins when Ng > 50% Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF), mechanical stress-Ng exceeds 95% after being >50% (LCF) Thermal-Ng exceeds 95% after being >86% Time Temp Index-TGT 90% of max cont (apprx 770°C) Tracks many other items. Stored for 5 prev flights Req inputs from Np, Ng, TGT (if any fail all stop) BRIEF SLIDE!! 13
UH-60L OPERATING LIMITS ENGINE TORQUE 10-Second Transient Dual-Engine
Above 80 KIAS %-144% 80 KIAS or below %-144% Single-Engine %-144% Maximum Continuous Single-Engine %-135% Above 80 KIAS %-100% At or below 80 KIAS %-120% BRIEF SLIDE!!
UH-60L OPERATING LIMITS TGT LIMITS 10-Second Transient 903º - 949º C
2.5-Minute Transient º - 903º C Start Abort Limit º C 10-Minute Limit º - 878º C 30-Minute º - 851º C Normal º - 810º C BRIEF SLIDE!!
Engine Oil Temperature
UH-60L OPERATING LIMITS Engine Oil Temperature Maximum ° C 30-Minute Limit ° C Continuous ° C Engine Oil Pressure Maximum PSI 5-Minute Limit PSI Normal Operation PSI Idle PSI Minimum PSI BRIEF SLIDE!!
UH-60L OPERATING LIMITS Transmission Oil Temperature
Maximum ° C Precautionary ° C Continuous ° C Transmission Oil Pressure Maximum PSI Precautionary PSI Continuous PSI Idle and Transient PSI Minimum PSI BRIEF SLIDE!!
% Trq Split Between Engines 1 and 2 - DEC LOCKOUT: Done exactly the same as with the ECU - SINGLE ENG FAILURE: TGT limiting system is reset to a higher limiting value for “Contingency power”. Limiter resets from °C to °C. - % TRQ SPLIT BETWEEN ENGINES 1 AND 2: If TGT of one engine exceeds the limiter (872 °C with low power engine above 50% TRQ or 896 °C with low power engine below 50% TRQ), retard PCL on that engine to reduce TGT. Set approximately 10% torque below the other engine.
PERFORMANCE PLANNING Maximum Torque Available-10 Minute Limit
Dual-Engine Torque Limits Above 80 KIAS (Helicopters prior to S/N not equipped w/ improved main rotor flight controls) GIVE PPC CLASS!!
SUMMARY T700-GE-701C Improved Durability Gearbox (IDGB)
Miscellaneous Aircraft Improvements Operating Limitations Emergency Procedures Performance Planning BRIEF SLIDE!!
CONCLUSION This class was not designed to create T700-GE-701C engineers, but to merely familiarize you with the UH-60L Model aircraft and to highlight the differences between the UH-60A and the UH-60L. BRIEF SLIDE!!
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