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By the Ahmadiyya Muslim Womens’ Student Association.

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1 By the Ahmadiyya Muslim Womens’ Student Association

2  The law is all pervasive. It is the foundation of all societies and defines a multitude of relationships, e.g. between individuals living as part of a society, between the individuals and the state and even between states. The law affects our every day behaviour by affording certain rights upon us, dictating acceptable conduct and also protecting individual rights and liberties.  Law is a well respected profession. It is very diverse in its practice; you could practice in any one of the following areas - human rights, international, banking and finance, immigration or even family to name but a few areas. Studying law is intellectually stimulating, challenging but incredibly rewarding.  By studying law you will be able to help those less able to raise their own voice and may give you the opportunity to be part of a positive change. “ “

3 A-level subjects  None specified  Traditional subjects (English and History) looked favourably upon

4 Grade requirements  GCSE:  N/A  A-Level:  Most likely  AAA - AAB  Rare  ABB

5 Top 5 universities (From Times online)  Cambridge (AAA)  Oxford(AAA)  London School of Economics  Nottingham  University College London

6 Entry exams Cambridge  Cambridge Law Test Oxford, UCL, Manchester, Nottingham, King's, Durham, Bristol, Birmingham, Glasgow  LNAT (National Admission Test in Law)

7 Duration Structure Compulsory topics:  English Legal System  Public Law  Criminal Law  Property Law  Trusts  Contract Law  Tort  EU

8 Ways to prepare  Read the news;  Work experience in law firms (E.g.. Linklaters);  Read Sir Zafrullah Khan's book “Reminiscence of Zafrullah Khan”;  Read “Understanding the Law” by Geoffery Rivlin;  Read “The British Constitution” by Anthony King;  Read “Britain Unwrapped” by Hilaire Barnett;  Visit the Royal Courts of Justice and hear some trials;  Write articles in Al-Nusrat.

9 Career opportunities  Legal profession:  Barrister/Solicitor  Legal advisor/Legal Executive  Paralegal;  Politics;  Economics;  Journalism;  Banking and Finance;  Academia;  Further Studies.

10 Ways to serve the Jama’at  Providing legal advice to the Jamaat on a variety of issues;  Campaign for human rights issues.

11 Personal Statement Examples  WE CAN HELP!!  Contact AMWSA at  Please include the following details:  Name & Majlis  The subject your interested in.

12 Contacts  To contact Ahmadi, female Mathematics graduates and gain further advice contact  Please include the following details:  Name & Majlis  The subject your interested in.

13 Additional recommendations  Read the article in the times entitled: “So you want to study law? Ten ways to prepare yourself for legal study”;  Go to open days if you are in you first year A- levels;  Work experience will look very good on your personal statement.

14 Remember to send a letter to Beloved Huzur-e-Aqdas (aba) on a regular basis to seek his invaluable prayers and guidance.

15 Some helpful websites! An article with 10 points on preparing to study law

16 Any questions, comments or feedback... email us at....

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