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DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. NSWCDD-PR-15-00253 Will Clark Robert Snodgrass, PE Naval Surface Warfare.

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1 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. NSWCDD-PR-15-00253 Will Clark Robert Snodgrass, PE Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division Z23 Collective Protection System Variable Speed Drive Control System Total Ownership Cost Savings 20MAY20151

2 Agenda System Overview System Installation and Demonstration Demonstration Results Path Forward 20MAY20152 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. NSWCDD-PR-15-00253

3 Collective Protection System (CPS) Creates a protected zone or zones within a ship that protects personnel from chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) threats Protection is provided by: –Filtration –Overpressurization –Controlled access Integrated with the shipboard HVAC systems, providing all supply air to the zone Operates full time 20MAY20153 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. NSWCDD-PR-15-00253

4 CPS VSD Control System Energy required to: –Pull air through the CBR filters Filters have a high pressure drop compared to standard HVAC filters –Heat and cool the excess supply air Minimizing the supply air to the zone will reduce energy consumption CPS developed in 1980’s with only limited control systems available NSWCDD and NAVSSES Philadelphia partnered to develop a Variable Speed Drive (VSD) control system for CPS 20MAY20154 Air Intake M98 Filters Clean Side Plenum Fan Room Dirty Side Plenum CPS Fan Cooling Coil Preheater Bypass DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. NSWCDD-PR-15-00253

5 CPS VSD Control System Adjusts fan speeds to suit conditions and eliminates excess filter air flow when filters are new and differential pressure is lower Reduces energy to power fans and heat and cool excess air Provides improved situational awareness and simplifies system maintenance 20MAY20155 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. NSWCDD-PR-15-00253

6 CPS VSD Control System CPS VSD control system employs: –VSD –Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) –Human Machine Interface –Pitot Static Pressure Probes –Differential Pressure Transmitters –Temperature and Humidity Transmitters 20MAY20156 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. NSWCDD-PR-15-00253

7 System Installation and Demonstration CPS VSD Control System installed and tested on an Arleigh Burke-class Destroyer in 2013 and continues to operate Installation during a Chief of Naval Operations Availability due to extended ventilation downtime Accomplished by an Alteration Installation Team with Shipyard Support System met all requirements and performed inline with estimates Energy consumption monitored prior to and after system installation No detrimental effects on supply fan motors were observed 20MAY20157 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. NSWCDD-PR-15-00253

8 Demonstration Results CPS supply fan power was reduced significantly –Fan motor power assessed with periodic power meter readings before install and data logged from the VSDs after the install –Fan motor power is proportional to the cube of speed –Fan speeds were reduced from 60 Hz to as low as 45 Hz for some zones 20MAY20158 True Power Pre-Install65.9 kW Post Install27.5 kW Difference38.4 kW Difference (%)58.3% DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. NSWCDD-PR-15-00253

9 Demonstration Results HVAC power consumption was reduced substantially –HVAC power is more complex to measure than fan power –Hundreds of HVAC components throughout the ship –A sample set of system parameters were measured and conservative assumptions were applied to extrapolate to similar systems 20MAY20159 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. NSWCDD-PR-15-00253

10 Demonstration Results HVAC energy consumption was determined as follows: –Air flow measurements were taken for each supply system –Temperature and relative humidity data were measured at system inlet and numerous system outlets and data logged –Energy change calculated based on inlet and outlet conditions only, not including intermediate changes –Data extrapolated to similar systems for total ship energy consumption 20MAY201510 Demonstration Ship Total Power Average Ship Total Power Pre-Install84.4 kW98.4 kW Post Install32.0 kW35.5 kW Difference52.4 kW62.9 kW Difference (%) 62.1%63.9% DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. NSWCDD-PR-15-00253

11 Demonstration Results A cost analysis was conducted based on the energy consumption data and approximate energy cost figures –The analysis has not been validated by NAVSEA and is therefore notional –Installation costs are for backfit into existing ships 20MAY201511 Costs per ShipAverage Ship Pre-Install Average Annual Energy Cost $347,380 Post Install Average Annual Energy Cost $125,325 Difference$222,055 Estimated Total Installation Cost $1,623,000 Return on Investment7.3 Years DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. NSWCDD-PR-15-00253

12 Conclusions CPS is an excellent candidate for energy reductions through implementation of VSD and PLC based advanced controls Implementation of the CPS VSD control system was successfully demonstrated on a Navy ship and continues to operate Energy and cost savings were achieved Situational awareness of CPS was significantly improved and maintenance was simplified 20MAY201512 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. NSWCDD-PR-15-00253

13 Questions Robert Snodgrass, PE –Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, Code Z23 –, Will Clark –Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, Code Z23 –, 20MAY201513 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. NSWCDD-PR-15-00253

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