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New Generation SDI and Cyber-Infrastructure Prof. Guoqing Li CEODE/CAS March 29, 2009, Newport Beach, USA Presented to 4th China-US Roundtable Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "New Generation SDI and Cyber-Infrastructure Prof. Guoqing Li CEODE/CAS March 29, 2009, Newport Beach, USA Presented to 4th China-US Roundtable Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Generation SDI and Cyber-Infrastructure Prof. Guoqing Li CEODE/CAS March 29, 2009, Newport Beach, USA Presented to 4th China-US Roundtable Meeting on CODATA

2 Outline  Spatial Data Infrastructure  Trends of New Generation SDI  Suggestions to US-China Cyber- Infrastructures

3 Spatial Data Infrastructure  SDI Concept from WIKIPEDIA SDI is a framework of spatial data, metadata, users and tools that are interactively connected in order to use spatial data in an efficient and flexible way

4 Spatial Data Acquire (spaceborne, airborne, in-situ) Spatial Data Production Spatial Data Infrastructure Spatial Data Application

5  Understand to SDI  Technical view Huge Database/Warehouse/Repository Distribution system Mass storage High speed network connection High performance processing

6  Understand to SDI  Data Policy view Data format Data storage place Data access policy Metadata definition  Management view Domain/Institute/Nation/Inter-Nation/Global level Financial Cost Time Cost

7  Technical framework of SDI Data ArchiveDatabaseMetadata Interoperation On-demandVirtualizationCloud Trend Clearinghouse Real SDI Federal SDI Virtual SDI

8 Trends of New Generation SDI  Decentralization  Centralization Centralization had been regarded as the character of SDI Data, from different places with different format, was moved to the centre database with transform to be uniform format  Why Decentralization? Data democracy Original format is always the best format to record the data De-centralization ≠ None-center De-centralization = Multi-center  Cyber-Technology related  High speed network  Grid, Web-service

9  Virtualization  Classical SDI: Center with Data Data was always regarded as the essential component of SDI Less attention to promotion of data service and professional application scenarios Too many data center and too many application scenarios  Virtual SDI: Center without Data Basing on mass existent SDI data facilities Focusing on specially and professional service capability for certain application  Cyber-Technology related  High speed network  Clearinghouse  Grid, Cloud  Portal

10  From Data to Information  Classical SDI just provides the data stored The same data to check-in and check-out Format uniform was taken only before achieved The fact: the data stored is always not the data user needs  New Generation SDI can provide information directly to user Dynamic on-demand data re-constructed (format, subset, mosaic, preprocess, temporal sequence and etc) Information generated with installed scientific models  Cyber-Technology related  On-demand service  Real-time processing  High performance computation

11  Multi-Agency  Classical SDI is based on agency/institute domain Space Agency is the main data contributor of SDI SDI is reasonable and easy to be built within certain agency (for funding, management, operation mechanism and etc) Problem: limited data centers cannot fit the requirement from more and more application scenarios  Multi-Agency support new SDI Cross-agency: space agencies work together to operate the federation SDI Out-of-agency: the-third-part partner to operate the virtual SDI for space agencies  Cyber-Technology related  High speed network  Virtual constellation

12  Global  The fact of global change forces SDI to be the global-cover data facilities  A global covered SDI should be a virtual SDI to connect and re- organize the existent distributed SDIs.  Cyber-Technology related  High speed network  Distribution technology  Cloud

13 Examples of NG-SDI GENE SIDR  GENESI-DR ( Ground European Network for Earth Science Interoperations - Digital Repositories)  To collect 20PB Spatial data from European agencies within 2 years  To provide lots of on-demand information products based on original archived data

14 Examples of NG-SDI  GEOSS Portals (ESRI/ESA/COMPUSULT) dataset GEOSS Registration ESRI Portal ESA Portal Compusult Portal dataset


16 Examples of NG-SDI  ECHO  11 Data Providers  2162 data sets  67 Million granules  25 Million Browse images 

17 Suggested Cooperation Opportunities  China-US Global Change scientific Data Platform (GCDP) To find related projects concentrated on similar work from both sides and help them to be the partners on GCDP To identify the existent real SDIs can be involved from both sides –(MODIS/FY/GDEM/Landsat Mosaic/Test-sites etc) To develop NG-SDIs for different interest scientific communities To guarantee the network performance and cache storage space

18  Historical Disaster Data Grid for Global Disaster Events (HDDG) To contribute the DCP (data collection point) for Asia and North American To collaborate on the developing of the virtual SDI components HDDG will be presented at the morning session of March 29

19 Guoqing Li (

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