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Topic:- Honey Miraculous Gift of Nature Presented by :- Sri. Satya Narayan Sahoo,Asst.Teacher,Govt.High School, Kolabnagar. Assisted by:- K.Sujata Computer.

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Presentation on theme: "Topic:- Honey Miraculous Gift of Nature Presented by :- Sri. Satya Narayan Sahoo,Asst.Teacher,Govt.High School, Kolabnagar. Assisted by:- K.Sujata Computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic:- Honey Miraculous Gift of Nature Presented by :- Sri. Satya Narayan Sahoo,Asst.Teacher,Govt.High School, Kolabnagar. Assisted by:- K.Sujata Computer Facilitator,Govt.High School,Kolabnagar. Reference:- Wisdom

2 Honey-Miraculous Gift of Nature A composition of 70 substances including vitamins have made honey a nutritious product. Long storage does not spoil the curative properties of honey. Healers of ancient Egypt considered honey the best remedy for all eye diseases. They treated skin inflammations and wounds by placing flat honey cakes on them.

3 Honey-Miraculous Gift of Nature From past centuries advice has come down to us on how to cure colds and sore throat: (1) Drink a cup of warm milk with a tablespoonful of honey before going to bed. (2) Take a teaspoonful of honey diluted by lemon juice (one lemon per 100 gms of honey )

4 Honey-Miraculous Gift of Nature A moderate daily addition of honey to the food stimulates digestion and regulates the acidity of the gastric juices. This is why honey is used as a remedy for gastritis and stomach and duodenal ulcers, in other words, diseases accompanied, by a rise in acidity.

5 Honey-Miraculous Gift of Nature Good results are obtained if a tablespoonful of honey is dissolved in 100 gms of warm boiled water and taken two hours before a meal the acidity drops. In terms of caloric value honey can compete with highly nutritive products like chocolate, cocoa, walnuts or sugars: 100 gms of honey contain 335 calories.

6 Honey-Miraculous Gift of Nature The glucose contained in honey promotes the enlargement of blood vessels. As a result the blood circulation is normalised.

7 Honey-Miraculous Gift of Nature To improve the overall physical state and raise the haemoglobin (red oxygen carrying pigment) content in the blood. One should drink each day 100 gms of honey for up to six weeks.

8 Honey-Miraculous Gift of Nature Today, honey is successfully employed in cases of gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases,as well as diseases of liver, bile ducts and other organs. Even healthy people, especially children, should often take honey because it kills disease- producing microbes, raising the body’s resistance to infectious diseases. It goes well with grated apple, cottage cheese, cream, including sour cream.

9 Honey-Miraculous Gift of Nature Honey is unsafe in the case of some diseases and even harmful to people suffering from diabetes or a disposition to rashes. People in whom even a small amount of honey provokes allergy should also rule out honey treatment.

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