. How can we deal with being bullied? Click to enter.

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Presentation on theme: ". How can we deal with being bullied? Click to enter."— Presentation transcript:

1 . How can we deal with being bullied? Click to enter

2 Teaching Notes You will need to have the whiteboard set to interactive as you will need to write on the board on slides 8, 10, 12 and 14. Navigation buttons: Index End show Takes you to the next slide. Takes you to the previous slide. Takes you to the index slide. Ends the show. Weblinks: www.bullying.co.uk www.bullying.orgwww.bullying.co.ukwww.bullying.org

3 Objectives That there are different ways that someone can be bullied. That there are different ways to deal with the problem of being bullied. What is the best way to solve different bullying problems. Pupils will know and understand:

4 Meet Linda, she is the Agony Aunt for a national newspaper. Linda offers great advice on how to deal with all sorts of problems. Bullying Letters

5 Linda is tearing her hair out because she has too many bullying letters. Can you help by answering some of the letters for her? Too many letters!

6 Index Click on a person to find out what their problem is. End show Lucy JoshJoanne Gavin

7 Dear Linda, I am 9 years old. When I play on the yard in school I get tripped up and bigger boys keep taking my dinner money. I hate going to school, what can I do? Gavin Index What would you do?

8 What advice would you give to Gavin?

9 Dear Linda, I am 10 and I can’t face school anymore. I’m always on my own and I’ve got nobody to go around with. I’ve fallen out with my friends and they hang around with someone who bullies me. Lucy Index What would you do?

10 What advice would you give to Lucy?

11 Dear Linda, I have seen a group of children in my school picking on another boy. They steal his money and often hit him. Once they smashed his glasses and threw them in the toilet. I feel really sorry for him. I would like to try and help but I don’t want to get on the wrong side of the bullies. Is there anything I can do? Josh Index What would you do?

12 What advice would you give to Josh?

13 Dear Linda, I am a 12 year old girl and I am being bullied through a website. Everyone in school goes on there but a group of girls have been posting really nasty things about me. I tried talking to the girls but they told me that if I tell anybody they will post more messages and beat me up on my way home from school. Joanne Index What would you do?

14 What advice would you give to Joanne?

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